ul.underline-links li a, ol.underline-links li a { .main-container.container { } display: inline-block; Coronavirus means we really are, finally, all in this together. .unorg-home-hero.col-md-3 { } text-decoration: underline; “Ending the pandemic in Africa is essential for ending it across the world.” Photo: UNICEF Nigeria/2020/Ojo, Henri Abued Manzano, a tour guide at the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) in Vienna, speaks from his apartment. } WHO’s singular focus is on working to serve all people to save lives and stop the pandemic. } margin-top: 20px; } COVID-19 upended the way people work, but they can be creative while in quarantine. .text-lead-lg { } -o-transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out; margin-left: 25% !important; @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) { She is a third-generation UQ alumnus, with her father Gerard Forde completing a Bachelor of Laws in 1985, and her grandmother The Honourable Leneen Forde completing a Bachelor of Laws in 1970 and receiving a Doctor of Letters (Honorary Doctorate) in 1996. border-bottom: dotted 0.1rem #333333; Covid-19: we’re all in this together We have already collected some items, where it has been possible to do so, but we also need your help. Thank you. So if we are all in this together, this can’t be just a slogan. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the interconnected nature of our world ... COVID-19 photo essay: We’re all in this together. -moz-transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out; -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24); content: "\f10d"; padding: 3rem 3rem; } font-size: 2.5rem !important; .grey-well { Ange says: “I like to study at home. /* ******* phone ********** */ Most of them must study online with very little social interaction. border-top: 2px dashed #aaa; .observance-item-title a:hover { font-size: 1.2em; I am humbled by the people who are selflessly working in the meat plants, factories, shearing gangs, trucking firms and the like during this difficult time. border-top: #00a1d9 solid 3px; UQ graduate and audiologist Dr Bec Bennett discusses how loneliness can impact our health, and outlines what we can learn from people with hearing loss in the face of forced social isolation. font-size: 32.24px; left: 5%; /* **** icons for links ***** */ With half of Australians already experiencing some loneliness on a weekly basis, it’s likely that forced social isolation will exacerbate these feelings, and potentially cause new problems for those people previously unaffected. padding: 20px; .text-tagline { @media (max-width: 400px) { ‘We’re all in this together’ is a statement that has repeatedly circulated amid consumer culture and brand responses to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) global pandemic. padding: 15px 0; Her husband, Derek, is a deputy fire chief and first responder in Ashland City. border: 1px solid #e3e3e3; } As such, many people with hearing loss socially isolate themselves, which subsequently contributes to loneliness and mental health issues. } 603 likes. The pandemic, the protests, and why racism endures as a public health crisis. Photo: WFP/Jama Hassan. padding: 0.5rem 1rem 1.75rem 1rem; } And we’ll get through it together. h1.header-entry-page { And Bulldogs know that’s all we need: each other. .heading-center-underline::after { ul.block-list li a:before { One thing has become clear in recent days: the dubiousness of the notion that we’re all in this together. display: block; margin: auto 0 1.5rem 0; ul.block-list li h4 a:before { .un-anniversaries { -o-box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19), 0 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23); The COVID-19 pandemic in India is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The first case of COVID-19 in India, which originated from China, was reported on 30 January 2020. .heading-underlined-blue::after { .node-sidebar-item-body ul li { } }*/ width: 360px; color: #009edb; So, we are marshaling our resources and bringing together the right communities of experts — clients, governments, scientists, developers, partners, academic institutions, health agencies and IBMers — to work together, and manage through the COVID-19 outbreak with what we do best — applying data, knowledge, computing power and insights to solve difficult problems.