The Fenland Local Plan (May 2014), the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan and 'made' Neighbourhood Plans, comprise Fenland's Development Plan. 16. The Local Plan and the referenced policies are accessible via our website, through the planning Cambridgeshire County Council is a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and as such is a statutory consultee to the planning process for surface water on all major developments. Local Aggregates Assessment. Cambridgeshire Horizons East Cambridgeshire District Council Environment Agency Fenland District Council Huntingdonshire District Council Natural England South Cambridgeshire District Council The Wildlife Trust Consultants: LDA Design The Block Fen Langwood Fen Master Plan (July 2011) (Supplementary PlanningDocument). Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Site Specific Proposals Plan (February 2012). The council has prepared a number of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and these will help to support the Local Plan. Sustainable drainage design guide. Adopted minerals and waste plan. Planning Policy. Emerging Minerals and Waste Local Plan. EN2 of the East Cambridgeshire Core Strategy 2009 and policy ENV2 of the Draft Local Plan Pre-submission Version (as modified). Download the 2012 Winners Supplement Deliverables . its peak in the latter years of the thirteenth century, before economic decline and a series of disastrously wet cold summers in the early years of the fourteenth century led to famines, followed in 1348 by the Black Death. SPDs give more detailed technical guidance on policies or proposals. Cambridgeshire (abbreviated Cambs.) Block Fen. District Councils in Cambridgeshire) and is consistent with the drive towards sustainable waste management. Annual monitoring report & development scheme. Location and design of waste management facilities. The Location and Design of Waste Management Facilities (July 2011) (Supplementary Planning Document). The proposal has been amended following pro-active negotiations and satisfies, the criteria for sustainable development in relation to; othe high quality of design (addressing visual and residential amenity), othe attention given to promoting highway safety and sustainable transport objectives, To promote the use of sustainable drainage systems (Suds) within Cambridge, the council has taken the decision to adopt Suds that are located within public open space and produced the Cambridge Sustainable Drainage Design and Adoption Guide, which sets out the council's requirements. is a county in the East of England, bordering Lincolnshire to the north, Norfolk to the north-east, Suffolk to the east, Essex and Hertfordshire to the south, and Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire to the west. Best corporate website. Collectively, they set out policies that the Council uses to make decisions on planning applications. The RECAP Waste Management Design Guide was adopted by Cambridgeshire County Council on 22 February 2012 and Peterborough City Council on 22 February 2012 as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and forms part of the Cambridgeshire and Block Fen/Langwood Fen master plan. 15 Prior to the commencement of development a plan indicating the location and design of the bin store shall be submitted to and approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Local Validation List Consultation 2021. South Cambridgeshire District Council. The store shall be comprises the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015 and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan 2012 and the appropriate policies are listed below. The council has also prepared other local guidance in the form of masterplans and development briefs. the East Cambridgeshire Design Guide. District Design Guide SPD Adopted March 2010. Surface water and sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) planning.