An astounding 1/3 of all food is lost or wasted between the farm and the plate. The Statistics Division (ESS), through its newly revamped website, collects and disseminates timely and reliable food and agricultural statistics globally. We’re filling out HR documents, creating files for clients and employees, printing out papers, and receiving mail. There is coverage in The Daily Telegraph (p9), The Sun (p24), and the Daily Mail online of the latest Official Statistics on UK household and packaging waste recycling for 2017 . A. Glass container manufacturers hope to achieve 50 percent recycled content in the manufacture of new glass bottles. The Environmental Protection Agency’s waste statistics team collects information on this waste and reports national estimates of specific waste streams. Quick links: Energy Electrical devices and appliances Heating and cooling Lab equipment Lighting Waste and Recycling Energy at the University of Cambridge Electricity Total electricity consumption by the Waste is a hot topic at the moment with many of us concerned with the large amount of material being sent to landfill and the ongoing debate about EU recycling targets, as discussed last month. According to the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance, the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of copy paper each year. PDF. Roughly 70% of total waste in offices is paper waste. There are some shocking statistics related to paper waste in the average UK office. Construction and Demolition --Find new lives for construction materials. Regular statistics on the production and management of waste from businesses and private households are collected from Member States and published every two years following common methodological recommendations. Although most office waste is paper waste, there are other kinds of waste you need to consider, like packaging and office consumables, such as toners. 7 … PDF. This achievement would save enough energy to power 21,978 homes for one year and while removing over 181 tons of waste from landfills monthly. Waste statistics feature also in ad-hoc publications about environment statistics and sustainable development indicators which are available on the NSO’s website. Biodegradable municipal waste sent to landfill – new 2018 data 3. 23 Recycling Statistics That Will Shock You. The topics covered in this publication are: Waste from Households – 2010-18. This release contains statistics on waste produced at a UK level. The smoothed health index stood at 107.93 points in February. ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics ACOR Australian Council of Recycling ACT Australian Capital Territory ALGA Australian Local Government Association AORA Australian Organics Recycling Association APCO Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation ... waste produced by institutions and businesses; includes waste from schools, Inflation based on the health index has declined from 0.57 % to 0.47 %. International and national waste policy is drawn up so that we create less waste, and that the waste we do create, is recycled as much as possible. Americans use 65 billion aluminum soda cans each year. It includes data on: 1. Recycling rates of municipal waste, packaging waste and waste electrical and electronic equipment — which represent significant sources of secondary materials and critical raw materials — are increasing in Europe, indicating a move towards using waste as a resource and a more circular economy. Hong Kong 2019 Municipal Solid Waste - At a glance. UK and country breakdown. As a consequence, Commission Regulation 849/2010, … Waste statistics. The results of the monitoring work carried out between 2000 and 2019 are summarised graphically in the figures below. Energy use: renewable and waste sources Dataset | Released on 3 June 2020 The UK's energy use from renewable and waste sources, by source (for example, hydroelectric power, wind, wave, solar, and so on) and industry (SIC 2007 section - 21 categories), 1990 to 2018. Paper waste statistics for the average UK office. By Kim P. Every year, more than 250 million tons of trash is discarded. PDF. The Office of Water (OW) ensures drinking water is safe, and restores and maintains oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health, support economic and recreational activities, and provide healthy habitat for fish, plants and wildlife. The UK produces about 330 million tonnes of waste a year, a quarter of which is from homes and business. Work with suppliers to reduce waste . UK and country breakdown. Click to enlarge. Source: Christian Maurer / Digest of waste and resource statistics, 2018 edition added to collection documents. 2. The Environmental Protection Department is closely monitoring the quantities of different types of solid waste disposed of at various waste facilities.