This is Jesus Christ. Some stores even sell spices, olive oil, and baking staples like flour and sugar in bulk bins. Time is almost out. Renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking died yesterday. Apartment Therapy is full of ideas for creating a warm, beautiful, healthy home. Scripture says in Psalm 139 that all of your days were laid out and numbered in His book before there was even one. Worship is weird, guys. This is a battleground, and because it is a battleground, He’s not going to be playing games with your time. “Baa.” And you have, your heart just poured out before the Lord. Ever seen an x-ray and begin to check out at your teeth or your bones or the things that you are comprised of, but really that is not you. He knows all about you. Because He is. Listen to this. The last, they shall be first. Hey, I know President Obama. Everything within me says, God I want to be a faithful steward unto You and I want to give back to You what You’ve given to me. We are not. A tattoo of me on God? I don’t know what it was, but something inside of me conceded to the fact that maybe God can’t speak but that’s okay. Well, God knows what it’s like. That’s what I thought. It said this: 61% of today’s young adults who were regular church attendees are now spiritually disengaged. You’re not the cool kid. Would you smile down upon these people and meet them where they’re at and make their lives count and stamp eternity on their eyelids? I’m sharing with you what I wish somebody shared with me when I was 14, 15, 16 years old. If you’re living a habitual sin and you have no problem with it, Scripture says you have not been born from above. As a gentleman, He’s going to continue to speak and He’s not going to raise His voice. Dash To Trash: When investors flock to a class of securities or other assets, bidding up prices to beyond what can be justified by valuation or other fundamental measures. Really? I did not go to the same school twice in a consecutive year. All because of what Jesus did. It’s to our benefit that we do not grow comfortable in a world destined for decay.” We are all part of the ultimate statistic: Every single one of us are going to die. I would just be staring at her. Now what are you going to do about that? I went “Well whoa.” I remember falling down on my knees and I just began to weep and I began to cry. What? Half of you will not be walking with God 20 years from now. Stocking up on things like a good set of meal prep containers, Stasher bags, and reusable produce bags is a worthwhile investment for your kitchen. I strategically placed every hair on your head as a master artist, placed every freckle and every mole. If you’re currently using paper napkins or paper towels consider a switch to cloth napkins. It’s something that’s with me for life. Dash Kitchen provides easy to use appliances that makes prep time faster and life simpler. She lives in New York. Since it’s about Him, He has permission to do whatever He wants to do. You took a turn south, you know. I pray as if God is listening. You text “OMG” that is blasphemy, and the Bible says, “Your enemies use your name in vain, oh God.” Would you count yourself as an enemy? Reach out to the lost. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and yet he forfeits his soul? You want to hear my voice. Because I put God on trial and God’s not on trial. It’s weird. Hey, it’s kind of sweet. Number your days in your youth. God, what I’m asking for is mercy. You got to serve. You cry out to God to have mercy on you, to forgive you. Watch “EXIT,” and share it with those you love. I love you too much to give you what you’re asking, so I’m going to give you what you need.” That’s what true love is. No thief will inherit the kingdom of God, but as a believer we hear, “You don’t have to steal anymore.” You’re going to inherit the kingdom of God because Jesus paid the ultimate price. I’m just so overwhelmed by it and I had a pastor friend come up to me. For your namesake God, I trust, in simple childlike faith, that you will be God in this place. Thomas Watson said, “He that sins because of God’s mercy, knowing that God’s mercy is there, shall have judgment without mercy.” Thomas Manton said, “God desires to exercise mercy as much as you desire to feel it.” Sam Storm said, “God has a holy temper, but He has a very long fuse. It’s here today but it’s gone tomorrow and when you breathe in you suck in the mercy of God and there’s going to come a time when God will not give that breath back to you. He knows what He’s doing. A popular speaker at conferences and universities, he also cohosts the television program Way of the Master, engaging skeptics and equipping Christians in evangelism and apologetics. He’s not going to waste time because time is too valuable. I’m coming to You asking for grace and mercy, that You would be merciful to me, a sinner, and that You would give me what I don’t deserve, that is grace, the hope of Heaven, fellowship with God.” And God the Father grabbed a hold of His Son and the full wrath of God that was deserving unto you, came pouring down upon his son Jesus Christ, and He took the full blunt, the full force of the wrath of Almighty God so that you wouldn’t receive it because you do deserve it. God Himself. So when we begin to think and wonder, Where is God? Same thing. — so naturally, we’re turning our focus to the kitchen. Grace is everything for nothing to those who don’t deserve anything. More than likely, half of you are going to Hell. At night? My body began to change and I started to notice the opposite sex. Then, something happened. You can see exactly what He means. He never asked what you thought about that when He died on that cross. Distance cannot separate you from God and darkness cannot hide you from God. Keep the three stored separately, and use them for stock and broth, and the Parmesan rinds for sauces and soups, for extra flavor. You’re foolish. He’s in front of you and He’s behind you. Every minute counts. Amen. I do my thing. Yeah. I know. You’re going to blow it. Let’s move on. You’ll either really want to head that direction as you begin to head that direction, or you’ll go, You know, this isn’t the direction for me, and you’ll want to head this other direction. Because you’re 42 now. How does that make you feel? 30,340. Top Kitchen Waste Management Techniques That You Must Swear By! That’s true by the way. It is perfect. It is actually truth. While everybody else sleeps, I’m going to just, the best way I know how, I’m going to pursue You. Kitchen waste management has become a growing concern so much so that, there has been a buzz around the media on this. For most, there’s no way to eliminate it entirely, but there are a lot of small and easy ways to limit the amount of waste coming out of our kitchens. Carl Sagan, the atheistic philosopher, said, “When you love someone, you want to tell the world.” Are you telling the world? Let’s go. It’s not going to make it go away. Now, when we say church, we’re referring to a building, but the real Church is the believer, the person who’s turned from their sins and they’ve placed their trust in the only One who can forgive them of their sins, because He’s the only one that can condemn them. Because it’s your terms or it’s His terms. You shall not lie. Now, God did not die for the angels. “God, why didn’t you make me thin?” “I did. Move forward and listen. You who are spiritual, be there for those who are not. Life is quick. I was looking down amongst different people that were at this church that I used to attend, and he said, “Mark, I just want to say that God knows what you’re going through.” I felt this load off my shoulders. He’s without sin. All things are lawful and I go to the movies and I watch whatever. Got a tip, kitchen tour, or other story our readers should see? It says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful, but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law he meditates day and night. Someone you know may be secretly considering their exit. Welcome to Christianity. It’s not my time. Clean up your kitchen … They’re not going to get away this time.” That’s the way it is with God. I do it. I wish I can go back in time and grab a hold of a 15-year-old Mark Spence and slap some sense into him and to tell him, “Listen Mark. I visit, as a pastor, as a bit of a death enthusiast, cemeteries. He knows where you’re going to be 100 years from now. These are three things you’ll almost always find in my freezer. I pray expecting to receive. What does He know? You are hated for His namesake. Isaiah 14 says that Lucifer fell down out of heaven at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, and he falls down, and he takes a horde of the angels with him, the demons, roaming here on earth. We continually suck in the mercy of God. What’s going on? Nothing? I find it amusing. Where do you see yourself five years from now? This might seem obvious, but it can be tempting to toss extra items in the grocery cart. KITCHEN TRASH CAN IDEAS – Believe it or not, doing a lot of activities in a kitchen produces so much garbage. Alpha means He is the first letter of the alphabet. What an amazing God we serve, who can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, to whomever He wants and He answers to no one and He doesn’t care what you think. Does anybody have any idea who these people are, who they were? We’re going to enter into it by force, and this life that is quick, is going to be a violent one. After I became a Christian, I deserved hell ten times over,” and that was a testimony for my life because the things that I practiced, the things that I tried, the things that I saw, the things that I did were unbefitting of a Christian. Now it doesn’t mean you need to go out of your way to be weird and foolish and ugly, but you are a child. For what shall a man forfeit his soul?” Your life is but a vapor. Let’s get going. I noticed sports, and I became a bit of a sports enthusiast. Sin is so serious that He paid the ultimate price so that you wouldn’t have to pay the ultimate price. It is holy. You’re part of a club. Guys, that is the truth of the matter. God is there. Whatever you do will prosper. I’m going to ask. I loved conning the best way I knew how. The kitchen is one such place in the home where both dry and wet waste generates on a daily basis. He’s to your left, He’s to the right. It was because I was a conman. If your morning routine includes an iced coffee or smoothie on the go, consider ditching the plastic (or paper!) You know what billboards and articles and advertisements and movies and radio things, you know what they do? You are Mine, and you are beautiful. What happens?