My Cambridgeshire. South Cambridgeshire Adopted Policies Map Draft for adoption September 2018 1 1. We produced a draft Local Plan for Cambridge, the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission. The following documents, which list the powers and obligations of the Parish Council, have all been adopted by Barton Parish Council. Introduction 1.1. As a result of the review, boundary changes have been approved and these are set out in the Appraisal documents. Transport Plans And Policies. We asked the public to let us know what they thought about the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission [PDF, 25MB] and its accompanying Policies Map [PDF, 12.5MB].The public consultation ran for ten weeks, running from 9am on 19 July 2013 to 5pm on 30 September 2013. Complaints Procedure May 18. Disciplinary Procedure June 2017. Cookies. Local Transport Plan (LTP) Cambridge City and South Cambs Transport Strategy. Transport Plans And Policies. Recherchez des commerces et des services de proximité, affichez des plans et calculez des itinéraires routiers dans Google Maps. The maps should not be viewed in isolation, but should be read alongside the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015. Highway policies and capital … South Cambridgeshire District Council has reviewed the Sawston Conservation Area. The Policies Map and Inset Map are available to download below. Peterborough Policies Map. The Policies Map illustrates the policies in map form. The Local Plan’s site-specific planning policies are shown on the Policies Map. Cambridgeshire County Council information. These inset maps show the urban area of the city itself, the city centre and each village. Sitemap. Do more with Bing Maps. Rampton Conservation Area Appraisal 2005 Part 2 [PDF, 0.6MB] (Planning Policies and a map showing boundaries) Sawston. When using the Local Plan, reference should be made to the Policies Map when the policy makes clear there are location-specific or area-specific policy requirements. Click on each name to see the full document. Social and affordable rented: 14% of households, or around 8,546 were renting from the council (9%) or a housing association (5%). The Policies Map accompanies the Local Plan, and is a spatial expression of Local Plan, Neighbourhood Plan and Minerals and Waste Plan policies. Map multiple locations, get transit/walking/driving directions, view live traffic conditions, plan trips, view satellite, aerial and street side imagery. Appraisal Policy June 2017. Market town transport strategies. Transport Plans And Policies. At the time of the 2011 Census, housing in South Cambridgeshire looked something like this: The population of South Cambridgeshire was 148,755 making up around 59,960 households. It consists of a map of the entire local authority area at a scale of 1:42,000, plus inset maps at larger scales to show smaller areas in more detail. The Adopted Policies Map has been prepared to illustrate geographically the application of the policies within the South Cambridgeshire Development Plan, and has been updated to reflect the Local Plan adopted in September 2018. Document Title. About South Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire County Councils index of documents and pages organised within the following categories Your council. The Peterborough Policies Map. Travel Roads And Parking. Inset maps are included to provide detail of policies affecting specific settlements. Assets Register March 2017. Community Engagement Policy Oct 15.