The 2021 Spring Clean-Up event will take place in West Des Moines on resident's' regular garbage collection day during the … Yard Waste Placement and Pickup. Do Not Sell My Personal Information A member of the British anti-terror team is seen inside a van as he arrives at the Islamabad airport,... Pakistani police inspector Chaudhry Abdul Majid, who is heading Pakistan's investigation of the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto,... Began doing stand-up comedy routines at age 10, lip-synching to Bill Cosby Recordings. 10, 15, 20, 30, and 40 yard dumpsters for all of your junk removal needs! Terms of Use Acceptable Yard Waste consists of leaves and small sticks. About CBS Interactive | Added a link to the waste returns privacy notice and to the list of disposal and recovery codes. Or, you can call Waste Management to schedule a bulky item pick-up: 1- (800)-423-9986. Weekly yard waste collection April through November. Service Schedule. Yard Waste. Get a DIY Guide to Yard Maintenance and Waste Cleanup from Glad®. Grosse Pointe Woods: There is limited curbside pick-up of yard waste … Your yard waste is collected the same day your trash is picked up. To view the full plan see the downloads section of this page. You will be billed a non-refundable annual fee. After pickup, move your yard waste container from the curb or alley by 5 p.m. Place yard waste at the curb by 6 a.m. on collection day. Collection occurs on the same day as garbage pickup between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Current rates are listed on our Utility Rates page. Bulky waste collections and bin delivery have been resumed. Leaves must be put in brown paper leaf bags. Not just the future of a relationship, but the future of a... A Sudanese boy holds onto the barbed-wire fence surrounding a water point in the Abu Shouq internally displaced people's (IDP) camp on the... February 1, 2007, 8:43 AM |As violence continues in Iraq, a new report outlines waste of American aid dollars and possible corruption within... August 11, 2006, 5:30 PM |CBS News RAW: Peter Clarke, of the Metropolitan Police anti-terrorist branch, revealed several arrests were made in the... November 10, 2012, 9:41 PM |Syria is being laid to waste, shattered by 20 months of grinding conflict that has turned cities into warzones. ** RESIDENTIAL **. Enter Your Zip Code & Get Started! Waste Management Weather and Service Updates. 2020 Yard Waste Pick Up Dates: Picked up on your regular trash day during the following weeks. 30 July 2019 Removed the disposal and recovery flowchart as it’s out of date. Inspection of Radioactive Waste Management Limited's (RWM) provision of disposability assessment and waste packaging advice. Bags are available at several local stores. © CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. The Region of Waterloo collects yard waste from eligible households every second week (the opposite week from garbage collection), seasonally from late March until early December. Please also be aware that leaf burning is prohibited in Elgin. Check out the options for dealing with yard waste when curbside collection is not operating. Scotland Yard Joins Pakistan Bhutto Probe Avoid The Stress Of Doing It Yourself. Bags may be placed at the curbside in the evening the night before collection day and left overnight for morning pickup.If you have large branches that are too big to fit in the proper bags, contact the Public Works Department at (717) 866-6948 and leave a message with your name, address and phone number. © Myerstown Borough | 101 South Railroad Street, Myerstown, PA 17067 Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 7:30AM - 4:00PM | (717) 866-5038 |