Instead of yum remove package use the following: yum autoremove package. 66 4 4 bronze badges. In this section, we will show how to install a new package with the yum module. If a yum update run fails in some spectacular manner such as, but not limited to, your ssh session disconnecting in mid-update, yum being killed by the OOM killer, system powering off etc, then this can leave your system in an indeterminate state with two sets of packages installed. Make sure to generate a preview of all packages to be removed and review them after each iteration. I, Rahul Kumar am the founder … YUM command examples to install, remove and upgrade packages. The output that follows looks almost identical to that of a yum update command, except that things are being erased rather than updated. package-cleanup --cleandupes The process will look very similar to a yum update, with yum verifying and erasing the duplicates. Use the yum history option for small update rollbacks. The first “rpm -qa” lists all RPM packages and the grep finds the package you want to remove. This may happen due to a yum update gets halted unexpectedly earlier, resulting in the presence of duplicate packages, as older packages have not been removed from the system. Once duplicate packages were removed, I ran (i) updatedb, (ii) yum clean all, and (iii) yum update. When the process has finished, we can use yum update again without trouble. After a failed yum transaction, yum-complete-transaction fails to complete and the duplicates are still present. Uninstall a package using yum remove. Overrides warning messages about conflicts with existing commands. Read Also: 4 Ways to Lock Package Install or Updates Using Yum Reconfigure the baseurl/etc. When I tried to do a yum rollback to much more previous transaction, I was getting below error: yum history rollback failed . More information is available at the yum homepage. Yum (Yellowdog Update Modified) is RPM Packet Management system for Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat, OpenSuse etc. For example, package A is depended on package B, thus, in order to install package A the package B must also be installed. Share on Reddit. Similar to the install command all you need to do is identify the package then run the command in your terminal: $ sudo dnf remove httpd. For example to remove telnet, we will use yum remove telnet # yum remove telnet Loaded plugins: amazon-id, rhui-lb, search-disabled-repos Resolving Dependencies … For example, try installing vim (an improved vi text editor with syntax highlighting) with just the package name vim: In this case yum reports: No package vim available. 3. Jaime Jaime. You can easily exclude any packages or group of packages from yum update and prevents accidental rpm updates. In addition, You can also add entries in /etc/yum.conf to disable packages updates permanently. Now the world is moving towards DNF which has lot more features compared to YUM. Edit /etc/yum.conf in editor and add exclude line as showing in below example configuration file. When used with a loop: each package will be processed individually, it is much more efficient to pass the list directly to the name option.. When you want to install some software, sometimes you’re lucky and can use the software’s name. yum fails with is a duplicate with package-cleanup --cleandupes fails with Error: Depsolving loop limit reached This section builds upon the answers by twalburg and Ricardo. Link Building & Paid Links – Can Google Detect Them. Maintaining Software Using RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) RPM is a powerful software manager which can be used to build, install, query, verify, update, and uninstall individual software packages. List and remove the indicated packages and all their dependencies, but with a y/N confirmation: yum remove 'php*' To bypass the confirmation, replace yum with yum -y. At this point the only safe thing yum can do is fail. Should this not be the case, you can bring those packages back with “yum reinstall packagename”. Feel free to comment below in case we missed any method to remove a repository in Ubuntu. Using this option, you don’t need to specify each time you run yum update command from prompt. On YUM based system like Red Hat or CentOS, the package can be removed by supplying erase or remove argument to yum command along with package name. 1. YUM also called as Yellowdog Updater, Modified is a default package management system which is mostly used in all versions of CentOS to install and update packages and repositories. Package removal on YUM based system Removing package using yum. The Six Most Common Htaccess Problems and How to Fix Them. These are packages that can be removed without affecting anything else: $ package-cleanup --leaves This will produce a list of "libraries" on which nothing else depends. I tried rebooting the server and got a kernel panic Code: Select all. Similarly, trying to install the MySQL database with just mysql as the package name, will probably result in the same error No package mysql available: Are vim and MySQL really not available for installation with yum?