Policy ER4 Contribution of Built Heritage to Regeneration, Joint Lancashire Structure Plan Policy 21 Lancashire's Natural and Manmade Heritage, The archaeological heritage of West Lancashire will be preserved and enhanced by the following:-. The Council values that resource highly and this policy ensures that (a) the resource is properly recorded; (b) that it is given statutory protection where applicable and the protection of local land use policies in all cases, from the various threats or urban development, rural development, new roads, mineral extraction, forestry and agriculture; and, (c) that it is enhanced and interpreted. Historic buildings are a finite, diminishing, and yet valuable resource and there is therefore a presumption in favour of them being retained. Where appropriate the Council will impose conditions to secure the enhancement, public access and interpretation of sites, buildings, structures and works of national importance, whether scheduled or not, and will seek to preserve other sites, buildings, structures, works and landscapes of significant archaeological interest, including those of industrial archaeological interest. This will contain a plan showing areas of high risk of flooding and functional flood plains. It is important that the various needs of the species are acknowledged so that the full range of habitats required can be protected and, where possible, extended and/or enhanced. West Lancashire 2012-2027 Local Plan Policies Map Search the map: Enter either a postcode or a partial address e.g. Planning permission will not be granted for development which would adversely affect an ancient or veteran tree. This is shown on the Proposals Map. Even if no use or buyer is found in the first instance, the Council will consider whether the building can be made secure and wind and water-tight, and effectively "mothballed" until circumstances change to make its sale or use possible. However, the Council will use its development control powers to ensure that the special cultural, horticultural, historical and landscape qualities of any park or garden on the Register and their setting are not eroded or damaged by inappropriate development or neglect. The policies in this chapter aim to protect the distinctive environmental assets of West Lancashire. It was adopted in March 2009 following extensive consultation and independent examination. Our infrastructure and planning sets a consistent approach to planning obligations across Lancashire. Area 2 (minor aquifer) in the eastern part of the District may be subject to some private domestic and agricultural water supplies in rural areas remote from the mains system but there are generally no planning constraints. Area 3 (non-aquifer) in the western part of the District is the least vulnerable of the District to surface development and no general planning constraints would apply from a groundwater protection point of view. Trees are an important element of West Lancashire's landscapes and townscapes and the Council considers that this resource should be retained, protected and increased wherever possible. Any development which reduces any of these functions will be resisted by the Council. The Council positively supports the Strategy and its successful implementation, which will rely on those bodies involved with the Estuary, including this Council. It is important that protection measures be installed prior to any site works including site clearance. Planning applications received this week. adequate space for the site access, storage and other site operations to be accommodated outside areas of protective fencing. the archaeological features of the site will be satisfactorily preserved in situ, or a suitable strategy has been put forward to mitigate the impact of development proposals upon important archaeological remains and their settings; or, if this is not justified; provision is made for adequately recording the site prior to development, preferably by reaching a legal agreement to ensure that access, time and financial resources are available to allow essential recording and publication to take place. This may include the provision of access, appropriate recreational facilities and routes for alternatives to motorised transport and car parking schemes that serve either the main purposes of the Green Spaces or as an appropriate improvement in traffic management. The current picture: population and pitch provision According to the 2011 Census, a total of 465 residents in Merseyside and West Lancashire identified as having a White British Traveller ethnicity (Knowsley six, Liverpool 185, Sefton 120, St Helens 69, Wirral 77, West Lancashire eight). It is the strategic document for future minerals and waste development in Lancashire until 2021. The secondary sea defences within the coastal zone are a major feature of the landscape which once had an important role in sea defence. Continuity is an important factor for many species; an isolated site is restricted in the range of species able to colonise it. Planning Policy Statement 7 Sustainable Development in Rural Areas, Map 3: MAFF Land Classification Map 1969 Source: MAFF 1969, Within the coastal zone, as defined on the Proposals Map, development will be limited to that which is essential to meet the needs of:-. Such sites, termed ‘Scheduled Monuments’, are recognised to be of national importance. However, if an overwhelming case is put forward for demolition of a building on the grounds that its structural condition makes it impractical to retain it, its demolition may be allowed provided that the Council is also assured that it will be immediately replaced by a development of suitable quality. Engineering measures must not adversely affect the water environment. Planning permission will be granted for development which results in the physical preservation of nationally important archaeological remains and their settings. The character of the Conservation Areas will almost always be largely created by the quality of the buildings within them. A list of nature conservation sites in West Lancashire, including their designations and grid references, is contained in Appendix C of this Plan. The coastline in this District is undeveloped and to a large extent remote, but whilst development pressures may be limited, the landscape is very sensitive to intrusion by development. The only entry in West Lancashire on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens at present is Scarisbrick Hall and Park, which was formed on its present boundaries in the 19th Century as the parkland for Scarisbrick Hall. There will therefore be a presumption in favour of their retention. The EC Habitats Directive allows exceptions to the protection of some important nature conservation sites where there is an overriding public interest. The WLBC Chief Executive knew all of this in December, having been told “We, residents of West Lancashire, now know legal action was taken against Serco Leisure Operating Ltd for planning breaches, and further action is contemplated, as the Borough Solicitor has assured me. The Council will continue to operate the Conservation Area Advisory Panel and seek their views, where appropriate, on development which affects Conservation Areas. Planning > Planning policy > The Local Plan; The Local Plan West Lancashire Local Plan 2012-2027 (current adopted plan) The West Lancashire Local Plan 2012-2027 guides planning and development in the Borough. The Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West (Policy UR10) states that development plans should create and enhance urban greenspace networks. One way to increase control is for the Council to make an Article 4 Direction which can withdraw any specified permitted development. In the case of National Nature Reserves or Sites of Special Scientific Interest, only development serving an overriding national public need which cannot be located elsewhere will be considered but mitigation measures and compensatory habitat creation will be required. The importance of the need to protect archaeological remains has been recognised in PPG16 "Archaeology and Planning" which has amalgamated previous advice and set out what is considered to be best practice in dealing with archaeological matters within the planning process. The Council will prepare a Supplementary Planning Document covering development and Flood Risk. The Council is able to meet the major development requirements for the area within the Plan period without conflicting with these sites. Evidence from the Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report 11 6. The Council will seek to ensure that the special cultural, horticultural, historical and landscape qualities of these parks and gardens is not eroded or damaged by inappropriate development or neglect. Disclaimer: This adopted West Lancashire District Proposals Map forms the 'lower tier' of the two-tier Plan in Lancashire. Land within the boundaries of an existing urban area, unless the land is allocated for another purpose or has an environmental designation. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) gives special protection to certain rare or endangered birds, animals and plants. The Council will continue to follow current government guidance on development in areas of flood risk in assessing development proposals and sites. More than 15,000 homes could be built in West Lancashire as the council considers a significant extension to its Local Plan policy. These spaces and corridors perform important functions and contribute to the quality of the environment in West Lancashire. Planning permission will be refused for development which would destroy or adversely affect the site or setting of a Scheduled Ancient Monument, as set out below and shown on the Proposals Map, or other monuments of national importance. Core Strategy Development Plan (Part 2)(P… Climatic change and predicted sea level rises, combined with an increase in tidal surges and increased risk of flooding, may at some point in the future cause such defences to once again become important. The Secretary of State expects Local Authorities to make diligent use of all the powers. These questions were the basis for consultation on the Local Plan Review: Issues and Options. This requires that the tree resource be fully surveyed and this information provided with the application. The list below, taken from West Lancashire Borough Council's website contains validated and decided applications from this past week. This chapter builds upon one of the key aims of West Lancashire's Community Strategy: to improve our urban and rural surroundings, and enhance the diversity of our landscape and wildlife habitats to give an attractive environment for ourselves, our visitors and investors. Although the list does not have statutory force in the same way that legislation concerning Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas or ancient monuments does, it serves as a reminder that the parks or gardens should be given special consideration in the development control process. A research report undertaken by the Manchester Metropolitan University on behalf of Lancashire County Council and English Heritage, entitled 'Historic Designed Landscapes of Lancashire', was published in November 1998.This splits sites into 4 categories.Those parks included in categories A, B and C are included in this policy:-, Development will not be permitted which would destroy or significantly impair the integrity of the main Green Spaces shown on the Proposals Map, or any other locally important area of open space, by:-, The Green Spaces identified on the Proposals Map are those areas of open land which provide, or have the potential to provide, one or more of the following:-. The Landscape and Wildlife Assessment identifies that the District is home to a number of species protected by the various schedules of the Wildlife and Countryside Act. The area at risk from tidal flooding includes the sizeable settlement area of Banks which will always depend on well maintained sea defences. Groundwater is formed when rain soaks away underground into water-bearing rocks known as aquifers. Public Health . More... Planning applications & enforcement, Search and view Building Regulation submissions, Listed buildings and buildings of historic interest, Development Management - planning application performance targets, Development Management - enforcement performance targets, Level 2: Development Management & CIL Privacy Notice, Level 2: Strategic Planning Consultation Privacy Notice, Level 2: Strategic Planning Consultation Database Privacy Notice, Submit a planning application (external link). Corridors can be damaged or rendered unviable by reduction in their width or complete severance. Where the local planning authority decides that preservation "in situ" is not justified and that planning permission should be granted, the PPG advises the option of preservation by record, or rescue excavation, and that it is reasonable to secure this through Section 106 Agreement. Some 72% of the agricultural land is graded 1 and 2 (compared with 14% in Lancashire and 18% nationally). Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Framework and Objectives 14 8. Some archaeological sites are protected under the Ancient Sites and Archaeological Areas Act (1979) by being included in the Schedule of Ancient Monuments. Applicants should comply with Section 5 of the Standard which gives guidance on pre-planning site assessment, land surveys and tree surveys. Development will not be permitted where insufficient information has been provided to enable the Council to assess the effect on trees. West Section. It forms the second largest National Nature Reserve in England, and is an SSSI, Ramsar Site and Special Protection Area. • Spatial Portrait – a description of West Lancashire, and the planning-related issues 1.5 Each of the above papers contained a series of questions about the various planning-related issues covered, and policy options for addressing them. The West Lancashire Local Plan 2012-2027 ('WLLP'), adopted October 2013, is the current adopted Plan for the Borough. Certain uses and activities may require a coastal location i.e. If there is a specific area relevant to the text it will be shown as a red highlighted overlay on the map at a suitable viewing scale. The SDNP has now for the first time, its own Local Plan, which was adopted in July 2019. Trees are living organisms and effects on branches, roots and soil conditions are all relevant considerations. It is therefore necessary to ensure that new development does not take place in locations liable to flooding or does not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere, for example, by reducing the storage capacity of the flood plain and increasing surface water run-off. Developers will need to satisfy the Council that there is no other suitable location inland or on an area of existing developed coast including areas outside West Lancashire. Presently designated sites are shown on the Proposals Map. The policies support the Government's approach to planning which is to achieve, now and in the future, economic development to secure higher living standards while protecting and enhancing the environment. There are a number of historic parks and gardens in the District which are not on English Heritage's Register, but which are nevertheless of local interest. Planning applications received this week. This policy will be implemented through the Council's powers to control development, and by the production of appraisals and proposalsfor preserving and enhancing the Conservation Areas in West Lancashire. Development will not be permitted which would have a detrimental impact on the historic landscape character or the historic setting of sites included in the Register of Gardens and Parks of Special Historic Interest compiled by English Heritage. Without it some areas may not function correctly. The Vision for the Local Plan reflects strategic policy, public consultation on the Issues Paper, the Council's own vision and other key strategies. 9 March 2021. Where existing trees and other vegetation are to be retained, sufficient consideration must be given at an early stage to the layout of all components of the development and the construction process which could affect trees. Agricultural land throughout the country is graded to a standard classification system by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. This policy reflects the need for strong protection for the most important sites for nature conservation in the District and recognises the need for a sustainable approach to development. Where the Council feels that development in such areas should be permitted for social or economic reasons, then appropriate flood protection and mitigation measures, including measures to restore flood plain or provide adequate storage, will be required to compensate for the impact of the development. Active management of environmental resources is also a key feature of the Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West and the Joint Lancashire Structure Plan. Some sections of this text contain a 'globe with link' icon. The Council will prepare and maintain a register of buildings of local or historic interest which merit special consideration in the exercise of the development control process. This involves a reduction in house building and a move towards a more sustainable pattern of development. With the above in mind, the Council has followed the guidance in PPG25, and in particular the sequential approach to site selection, in determining which sites should be allocated for development in the district. They also have a role to play as locations for informal recreation. 1. We set the Minerals and Waste Local Plan working with Blackpool Council and Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. West Lancashire Borough Council Development will not be permitted which would destroy or significantly impair the integrity of the Wildlife Corridors shown on the Proposals Map, by:-. West Lancashire Local Plan 2012-2027 (current adopted plan) West Lancashire Local Plan 2023-2038 (emerging plan) Supplementary planning documents The Council expects that both sides will adhere to this Code of Practice. available to them, and the Council will do so where appropriate. The Council recognises that certain types of development will protect and enhance the value of Green Spaces and will allow exceptions to the policy in such cases. alternative proposals for the site would bring substantial benefits for the community by contributing to the economic regeneration or environmental improvement which would decisively outweigh the loss resulting from demolition. These embankments form a second line of defence against ingress of tidal water should the outer defence be breached or over-topped. The Council will continue to operate the Conservation Area Advisory Panel and seek their views, where appropriate, on development which affects Listed Buildings. This will include reassessing committed development sites should the opportunity arise. Development involving the loss of, or damage to, woodlands or trees with amenity, screening, wildlife or historical value will only be permitted where the development is required to meet an overriding need which could not be met elsewhere. restricting public access to a Wildlife Corridor. Development which will have a significant effect on the natural environment of the estuary will be subject to an Environmental Assessment. Core Strategy Development Plan (Part 1)(PDF 1.23 MB) 2. Local Authorities have a duty to designate as Conservation Areas any "areas of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance" and to formulate and publish proposals for their preservation and enhancement. The 'upper tier' comprises the Lancashire Structure Plan. English Heritage has compiled and maintains a Register of Historic Parks and Gardens, so that Highway and Planning Authorities and developers know that they should try to safeguard them when planning new road schemes and new development generally. Please use the links below to find out more about the different services we provide. The purpose of the Local Development Scheme (LDS) is t… they do not detract from the special architectural and historic interest of the building including their interiors or other buildings within their curtilage; and. Exceptions to the protection given by the 1981 Act occur when damaging actions are an incidental result of a lawful operation and could not reasonably have been avoided. PPS9 states that Local Authorities should have regard for the relative significance of designations in considering the weight to be attached to nature conservation interests. In cases where the proposed development could adversely affect known or potential sites, structures, landscapes, buildings or areas of archaeological interest and their settings, the Council will require an assessment, or if necessary a field evaluation, of the archaeological resource to demonstrate that archaeological interests can be satisfactorily safeguarded within the scheme of development.Where there is evidence of archaeological remains, development proposals will be expected to demonstrate that either:-. Planning Policy Guidance Note 16 Archaeology and Planning. The policies in this chapter are aimed at raising standards of development.This reflects the Government's commitment to achieving high standards of design which is also embodied in regional and sub-regional planning policies. Linear biological features can act as 'corridors' along which wildlife can move and live. The Council considers that it is important to maintain and improve wherever possible the character of its Conservation Areas, and that control of new development is one of the key factors in achieving this objective. Planning Policy Guidance Note 3 Housing
Subject to the availability of finance, a system of Listed Building Grants will be administered in accordance with an approved set of guidelines, with the particular objective of encouraging the use of traditional techniques and materials in circumstances where their use can only be achieved by persuasion. The Ribble Estuary provides habitats of national and international importance. There are five main grades of agricultural land with grades 1, 2 and 3a being the best and most versatile land. The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 gives sp ecial protection to badgers. In accordance with PPG25, the Council will consult the Environment Agency on all applications for planning permission which may impact on flood risk. Local development plans, policies and consultations. Direct or indirect severance can be caused by the introduction of roads, pathways, landforms, services and other constructions, and by way of changes in vegetation management within the Corridor. The Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West places a strong emphasis on protecting sites with international and national nature conservation designations and ensuring that there is no net loss in the value of other biodiversity resources.The Joint Lancashire Structure Plan also seeks to protect Lancashire's natural heritage. Central Lancashire Local Development Scheme Every Local Planning Authority in England has to prepare a Local Plan, which includes all of the local planning policies for that area. The Local Plan examination took place in 2012/2013; the Inspector found the Plan sound (subject to modifications) in September 2013. This has been recognised by the English Historic Towns Forum and by English Heritage which has initiated a campaign called "Framing Opinions" to protect traditional doors and windows. West Lancashire Borough Council. The list below, taken from West Lancashire Borough Council's website contains validated and decided applications from this past week. The policies support the Government's approach to planning which is to achieve, now and in the future, economic development to secure higher living standards while protecting and enhancing the environment. Groundwater resources are a vital component of potable water supplies but once polluted the damage is invariably irrevocable. It guides future development within the Borough to 2027 and can be viewed or downloaded below. Those known about at present are listed in the policy. This reference is no longer relevant and paragraph 10.4 is revised to read as follows: 10.4 “Policy GN3 in the West Lancashire Local Plan 2012-27 seeks to ensure that developments provide a good standard of amenity for existing and future residents. tourism; recreation; mineral extraction; energy generation; waste water and sewage treatment and disposal; and developments including ports, marinas and industries importing bulky raw materials that depend on access to the sea. These embankments offer the only relief to the otherwise level terrain, which gives them unparalleled importance to the topography and landscape of the area. A Vision for West Lancashire. Authenticity - the building shall be substantially unaltered and retain the majority of its original features; and either, Architectural significance - the building shall be of recognised architectural quality or time period, a good example of a vernacular style or display good innovation or craftsmanship; or. The Secretary of State will not be prepared to grant Listed Building Consent for the total or substantial demolition of a Listed Building unless satisfied that every effort has been made to save it. Find out all about our Local Plan and other planning policies. Planning policy consultation; The Local Plan; Community Infrastructure Levy; More... Planning policy; Heritage and environment . Planning Policy Guidance Note 20 Coastal Planning, The special historic or architectural interest of West Lancashire's Conservation Areas will be preserved or enhanced by:-. resulting in the loss of the undeveloped open character of the area; restricting access to a publicly accessible Green Space; causing the degradation of the visual, ecological and historical functions of the area; or. The Council has a responsibility to inform and educate the public about its archaeological heritage, and therefore proposes to promote public understanding of it through a variety of interpretative material. It stresses the importance of early consultation between developers and planning authorities, the desirability of preservation "in situ" wherever possible, and the potential for reconciling the needs of development and archaeology by careful and sympathetic design of layout and foundations. The Planning Policy team is responsible for preparing the Local Plan. Central Government Guidance (PPS9) requires local authorities to take account of nature conservation in assessing sites for development proposals. The Local Plan and COVID-19. In such cases the developer will be required to replace the trees lost on site with ones of at least equal value either on the site or in the locality. The policies are based as far as possible on the results of consultation on planning issues which showed that people felt that more could be done to protect the District's landscape, biodiversity and historic features.They also reflect the strong support for directing development away from flood risk areas and the best and most versatile agricultural land. No specific extra statutory controls are imposed on an area by virtue of its being included on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens. In particular it states that local authorities should exploit the regeneration potential of the traditional architecture of villages and market towns in Lancashire. West Lancashire – Business Continuity Plan Version 1.0 October 2016 Page 4 of 28 FOREWORD This document contains both the business continuity policy and framework providing the strategic overview (Section 1) and the business continuity plan (section 2) which summarises the practical steps which will be taken in the event of significant disruption to business continuity. West Lancashire Borough Council’s Approach to the Sustainability Appraisal 9 5. The Council will support proposals which would increase the number, size and diversity of sites of nature conservation importance. A Code of Practice has been drawn up by representatives of the archaeological profession and property developers. Any such assessment should be based on consistent and long-term assumptions and should take account of the possibility of tax allowances, exemptions and possible grant aid; and, all reasonable efforts have been made, without success, to continue the present use or find compatible alternative uses for the building; and. Restrictions of the lateral movements of wildlife or in the accessibility and safe use of the site by the public should be avoided wherever possible. West Lancashire Borough Council: Planning applications week ending March 12. The current system was put in place by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended by Part 6 of the Localism Act 2011 section 111). Applications for planning permission /Listed Building Consent will only be approved if they will not have a detrimental effect upon the setting of the Listed Building. Habitats that support these species at any time of the year. Sustainable drainage systems and the planning process . Policy CZ3 Coastal Communities and Economic Development.
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