Any problems call our National Office team on 01926 492915 or email There are roughly 500 RDA Groups and Centres offering RDA activities throughout the UK. If you have a pony which may be suitable for RDA use, please contact us. There are over 500 Riding for the Disabled (RDA) groups in the UK that help disabled children and adults take part and enjoy the thrill of horse riding. Leybourne Grange Riding Centre for the Disabled. Find out about the work of this amazing UK charity, which uses horses to deliver therapy, achievement and fun to children and adults with disabilities. About Us; Volunteer; Take Part; Take Part (at home!) We will resume when we are informed that it is safe to do so. We encourage inclusivity in all horse riding-related activities and show the possibilities behind a disability. Where the charity operates. Constant effort aimed at fundraising is key to continue and expand access to this service. We are a member group of the national charity 'Riding for the Disabled Association' and a Registered Charity in our own right; number 1074144. Donate Now. All enjoy the experience of riding, with opportunities to join in social activities, competitions, or go on National holidays. Become a Rider. Leybourne Grange Liveries. Read more . Riding for the Disabled Association 'Learning Through Ponies' at the. Therapeutic riding and other safe, purposeful and supervised interaction with horses are medically recognized to benefit children and adults with almost any cognitive, physical and/or emotional disability. Provision of opportunities for riding and/or carriage driving enables people to improve their health and wellbeing, delivering a lasting therapy that benefits mobility and co-ordination, encourages confidence and self worth whilst having fun. Groups vary in size, opening times and in the activities they offer – but all our Groups operate to the same high standards of training, professionalism and care. Covid-19 Westmorland RDA regrets that, because of the covid 19 virus pandemic, we have suspended our activities. For 50 years, Riding for the Disabled has been delivering opportunities for therapy, achievement and enjoyment to people with disabilities. RHWPA INC. is a therapeutic horseback riding program that has helped children and young adults with disabilities for more than 30 years. RDA Ireland is divided into 13 Areas. LG Riding & Tuition Ltd COVID UPDATE 26/02/2021 We would like to thank you all for your patience and support over the lock-down and for those who have continued contributing to the horses care throughout. We offer activities such as riding and carriage driving to all age groups and, wherever possible, to people with any disability. Home. At our Centre we use the horse as a training medium for learning and provide therapeutic riding by trained RDA coaches. Therapy, sport and recreation for those who have a disability via the riding of horses and other horse-related activities. Covid 19 - Riding Requirements . All rights reserved. Call Us: 01926 492915. Big thank you to the Hardshaw Freemasons' Lodge No 8722 (St Helens and Prescot Group) for their fundraising for the NW Region. Most RDA groups are run by our fantastic volunteers. This licence is numbered LN/000000718 and shall remain in force from 01/01/2020 until 31/12/2022 Granted at the office of Babergh District Council. The online portal for all RDA insurance queries, from Howden. RDAI Near you; Shop; Log in; About; Contact; Friends; Locations . Groups are supported by Regional Representatives who provide training, education, physiotherapist support and publicity. Website by Black Horse Design. A very warm welcome from all at Shiresmill Therapy Riding Centre and thank you for visiting our website! Established in 1969, we are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation run and managed entirely by volunteers, operating from a 16 acre site in Epsom, Surrey.. We hold riding sessions seven days a week, including some evening sessions, for our 300 plus riders. © 2018 RDA North West. We have over 100 riders (ranging in age from three years to young adult; maximum age 18) participating in 45-minute therapy sessions. This friendly gentleman is another ex-racehorse who has flourished with his second chance at life in RDA. Contact Us. RDA is all about providing goal-based riding activities that increase the ability, strength and confidence of people with physical, intellectual, emotional and social challenges. We Can Ride offers equine assisted activities including: therapeutic horseback riding, Hippotherapy, equine assisted learning and more to individuals with disabilities or special needs. It is run entirely by volunteers and funded solely by donations and bequests. Each group operates independently and has different equipment and facilities. Help us to develop and deliver practical solutions for our member groups so they can respond, rebuild and recover from lockdown. Sand school and approx 50 acres of riding and turnout. It is staffed entirely by volunteers and funded exclusively by donations, fundraising, and grants. Able Bodied Riders. All RDA Groups are individual charities, and have their own board of Trustees, highly qualified Instructors and trained volunteers. Welcome to New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association (NZRDA). The Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders is a registered charity, which provides unique facilities to benefit disabled children and adults by having regular contact with horses – either through riding or driving. At Cotswold Riding for the Disabled our purpose is to promote a culture of learning, development, achievement and enjoyment for our riders that allows each and every one to reach their full potential. 01283 812753. States: NSW. We are a centre that provides riding & equestrian activities for children and young people. Hope in the Valley RDA Group Reg. Each has their own special personality and abilities. In the North West Region there are 24 RDA Groups, who, with the help of volunteers enable in total over 1,100 people to ride or carriage drive each year. 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Currently the Group owns four ponies; others are lent to us by their owners. The Tyne and Wear RDA are based at Washington Riding Centre. Our vision is to provide disabled people with the opportunity to ride to improve their health and wellbeing.
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