We started Camino by bicycles 10.5.21 from Roncesvalles. Thanks for your thinking! AMCS informará semanalmente de las restricciones por el coronavirus: Ante la inexistencia de un canal de información del Camino de Santiago que aporte a los peregrinos las referencias que necesitan respecto a las . Zsolt, I’m going to but travel insurance when I book just Incase. You can find a list with over 4.000 albergues, hotels and hostels on our website, with phone numbers and e-mail addresses so you can plan ahead. Will the public hostels ask for vaccination certificate for entry and stay. At the moment we don't know. Hello, Jeff! We have to wait to see how the virus evolves. Hello. One thing to consider, the temperature on the Plata in July can be over 110 degrees. Buen Camino! Los casos de personas afectadas por el virus no paran de aumentar en algunas localidades, por lo que los máximos responsables de nuestro país determinaron que fueran . I live in Spain with my kids (all residents) and planned to walk the Camino with my kids end of May. Hello, Feargal. Looking ahead to the next Holy Year, the Cathedral of Santiago and the Xunta de Galicia have announced that the Pilgrim's Digital Credential will come into operation. Could you give us an update on the availability of pilgrims' hostels (private and public) on the Camino del Norte, the Portuguese and the Frances? The United States are starting to require a negative covid test to fly back into the country. From Roncesvalles, the only option is to take a taxi. I hope the will host us even if we full the whole hotel. Does anyone know if I’ll have any issues crossing the French-Spanish border or if I’ll have to provide a negative Covid test upon crossing, even though I’m vaccinated? I say give the Camino authorities some time to recover and figure this thing out. So glad to hear things are progressing!!!! We hope it can help you. Buen Camino! Hello, Ana. Collette, I’ve been talking to my friends in Spain. Hi Peggy! This blog is or was supposed to be about the Camino. Por (Agencias) junio 5, 2021. hi will you please let me know if you gave domestic flight in Spain you any form to fill. En cuanto al seguro médico, en caso de ser extranjero, Galicia prepara la temporada alta para afrontarla con el máxima de garantías a la vez que revitaliza el turismo. Xacobeo 2021 2022. El Camino de Santiago desde Sarria está dividido en cinco etapas, y empezar desde este punto es perfecto para los peregrinos que tienen poco tiempo pero quieren probar la experiencia, ya que permite hacer el Camino de Santiago en 5 días. Buen Camino! Hi Elizabeth! Unfortunately it will not be possible to do the Camino in April. Hi, Si la posible saturación ya era un tema recurrente cada verano, la pandemia multiplica la preocupación. Hi Paige! En mayo de 2021 la situación volvió a relajarse, pero en julio de 2021 toda España volvió a ser catalogada como zona de riesgo. I want to walk in September or October from O’Cebreiro to Santiago but, if not possible then the spring of 2022. I then plan to taxi to O’Cebreiro then walk to Santiago take a plane to Madrid then home. Hi I will be flying to Portugal from Malta mid-August 2021. If anybody has correct vaccination 2x, can walk on the camino i May? Or would it be best to wait until 2022? Con aplausos son recibidos los peregrinos que cruzan los pueblos mientras recorren de nuevo el Camino de Santiago. There are private clinics where you can do it. Do you think this will be possible? The Spanish border remains closed to non-citizens or non-residents and we don't know when they will open. Stay safe. We are sorry but we are afraid your Camino will be not possible on May 2nd. Buen Camino! This also depends that when all of Spain is in Phase 3 there are no international restrictions, no 14 day quarantine etc etc. Anyone know how to get a Covid test in Santiago de Compostela before departing at the airport? It seems that after July 1 all restrictions will be off international travel. The moderator should not allow this. Because I would need to make my reservations by then to make sure I can get the rooms I’ll need and my flight timed to coordinate with my rooms. I hope the situation is good and we can return to the Camino soon. If you meet these requirements you can do the Camino, it is not necessary to keep quarantine. Will the public hostels ask for a current COVID-Test result for entry and stay if I have no vaccination certificate? The private ones are open on the three routes but with a capacity that ranges from 50 to 30%. Active tourism is allowed in phase 1. I agree with Eric. We will wait for the Cathedral to announce its reopening calendar. Cómo un bidón de agua en el Camino de Santiago llevó a una pareja gallega a triunfar en redes. Portugal is in a "situation of calamity", extended until 11:59 p.m. on July 11. Our tour is supposed to start in Pamplona (end of last years tour). Ello no quiere decir que no podamos hacer tramos sueltos desde cualquier lugar, incluso sin salir de nuestra comunidad autónoma, si no podemos hacerlo por las restricciones de movilidad. I’m so excited just to think about going back. Resumen: La administración de operaciones es un campo emocionante y vital en el complejo mundo de los negocios de la actualidad. Hello! A good "Leave no trace" education for walkers with signs posted on how to's and such. Is vaccination required to enter Spain? Maybe August or September. En relación a la frontera con Francia y España, de momento, sigue cerrada y no hay previsión de cuando volverá a abrir. We will have to wait for that date to see what decision they make for September. AMCS informará semanalmente de las restricciones por el coronavirus: Ante la inexistencia de un canal de información del Camino de Santiago que aporte a los peregrinos las referencias que necesitan respecto a las . How are the cafes, hotels, restaurants and other facilities along the way? Staying within Galicia looks to be a possible alternative traveling from Oviedo. This is an open forum with the aim of encouraging debate and help among pilgrims. Sarita, I too noticed more trash on my last Camino. We recommend that you book at least three days in advance. Hi Ellen! v concurso de cuentos infantiles sobre el camino de santiago. I would love to start my journey from Lisboa by the coast side on 18.5. Pamplona is a beautiful city. En Vitónica | Peregrinos en el Camino de Santiago: cómo elegir el mejor calzado, Compartir The state of alarm and confinement was extended until May 10. In Santiago you have several clinics where you can get the covid test. Hello, I’m in the target age group, I’m 67. The EU is going to have a vaccine passport that will be needed to enter. Do you think i should cancel this. If so I will be really happy. Input would be great. Excellent! my plan was to fly Bilbao bus pamplona and then get to the Jean pied le port Thanks for your contribution Jose. I do not write this coldly, my heart is yearning to be on the Camino again and had plans for September/October to do the Norte (my 6th), but I feel early 2021 is the better option. A lot of info about what’s happening in Spain can be found on the website We do not have forecasts of how Spain or Galicia will be on those dates or if the Camino de Santiago can already be traveled. Buen Camino! Hi PAD. Today the borders between Portugal and Galicia are closed, so it is not possible to do the Camino. Why are you not trying the Primitivo? Nothing book yet but hoping to hike the Camino in its entirety starting September 1st. I cannot find out what the entry requirements are for walking into Spain. En Getafe puedes hacerlo en la C/ Churruca, Nº6 (lunes a viernes de 9 a . Hi Eric! Las restricciones de movilidad por COVID-19 nos han llevado a muchos españoles a descubrir rincones de España. Tendrá que analizar en qué color se encuentre Dinamarca cuando tenga previsto viajar. Feeling like I had my wings clipped! A big thank you to El Camino for this blog and keeping us updated. A día de hoy con el estado de alarma las restricciones de movilidad pueden variar de una semana a otra. Mapa de las restricciones Covid-19 del Camino Francés, . At this time, it is necessary to have a negative PCR performed at least 72 hours before. The Camino need us. Buen Camino! They say “IF” all goes well, they feel the Camino might be open by July the earliest. Are there campsites along the route? Bueno Camino. Do i need to book the overnight stays in advance or can I book those day by day on my way? Hi, maybe you know exactly if it is possible to travel to the Basque Country? I too will be carrying a tent as an emergency back up. En este 2021 llegaron a . Hi Eric. Bonjour. There are also emergency type sleeping bags which weigh just a few ounces. I am from South Africa!!!! There are exceptions. We need to make flight arrangements as we are coming from the US. Any information appreciated. From El Camino con Correos we suggest that be alert when it comes to safety measures and restrictions adopted by the different territories. Buen Camino! If I have the Covid vaccine will I be able to travel Spain. Hopeful. Año Santo Compostelano, son aquellos en los que el 25 de julio, festividad del martirio del Apóstol Santiago, coincide en domingo. Does the 14-day self-quarantine rule apply to people crossing from Portugal into Spain, or only to people who fly into Spain from outside the EU? So carry extra water and food. With the covid passport it is enough. I misunderstood you, I thought the Camino should have been the target you mentioned. Hi Katie. A pesar de la crisis sanitaria y restricciones, el Camino de Santiago ha experimentado un aumento de tráfico de peregrinos respecto al año pasado. It is not necessary to fill in any form. Hi, I am scheduled to do the last 125km of the Camino in September and the hostels I have booked and paid for are temporarily closed as per the trip advisor site. I have walked quite a few Camino’s and I usually do a mix of albergue’s and staying under the stars. Hello Emma! It sounds doable but there are other issues right now that may make your Camino difficult such as the perimeter lockdowns. October. And at the moment only the Vaccination Certificate is required, they don't ask for details of your stay. / 3. Bueno Camino.???? My name is Juan. Hi, I plan to camp along Camino Frances in August. Will we find availability in albuerges, will the museums, restaurants, holy sites in the towns be open? And if you get C19 you won’t get as sick or possibly die. Is it first come first serve? Meanwhile, the Asociación de Albergues Privados de Galicia (Agalber) has launched a page (Bookalbergue.com) where it is possible to consult all associated hostels and reserve a place. Ultreia! But Spain is waiting for Brussels to click on a group of countries with which they can reopen those external borders. Tras el parón obligado en 2020 a causa del COVID-19, nuestro CALENDARIO CARRERAS MONTAÑA 2020 celebra hoy la 12ª edición de la Madrid Segovia y 6ª de los 50k Madrid-Mataelpino. We go week by week. Hi Kevin. Lo único que sabemos seguro es que hasta el 9 de mayo se mantiene el estado de alarma y, por lo tanto, hasta entonces es muy posible que siga habiendo restricciones. Thank you! I’m from New York so I guess they mean me.. Hi Eric! Masks, gloves and hand sanitizer what ever it takes. We are a group of 15 persons, walking from Samos to Muxia 1-17/9. I am not vaccinated. Situación actualizada del Camino en marzo de 2021. Hello, thank you so much for your site. Martim Thomas, un suizo de 41 años, recorre parte del Camino de Santiago cerca de Pamplona, en el norte de España, el 14 de abril de . Hello! Cualquier persona que utilice un asiento, debe desinfectarse previamente. Es por ello que las plazas disponibles son menores en dichos albergues públicos, ya que suelen contar con habitaciones de gran aforo en situaciones normales. We apologize for this commet. Anyway, it is too early to make a decision. For this, all the territories of Spain must go through the 4 phases explained in the article. Our recommendation is to book or, at the very least, check that there are hostels open in the places where you plan to sleep. I’m still packed and ready to go. La gran mayoría de los caminantes llegados a Santiago en 2021 lo hicieron en los últimos cuatro meses debido a las restricciones y cierres de comunidades que estuvieron en vigencia durante el . At the moment what we know is that the borders are opened on July 1 but it is not yet known if entry from any country is allowed. Any information will be very helpful. These are the current conditions. If all goes well into phase 3 by the end of June or July and things stay calm. Sid, One the best place to get updates is the El Pais in English site. From March to the beginning of October, the bus company Alsa has several connections per day. With the launch of the Digital Credential during the Xacobeo 2021, it seeks to guarantee a safer Camino de Santiago against Covid-19, avoiding the greatest number of contacts between pilgrims and hospitaleros. I am aware that spain should be opening up for movement between regions from 1st of July if all goes to plan with the reopening strategy as mentioned in earlier posts here. “El Pais” in English. We are glad you enjoyed it and we hope to see you again on the Camino. I bought a small tent, just to be secure. I was planning on walking the Camino Portuguese beginning in mid May 2021, however I do not know if the coastal route to Santiago will be open to walk this year. El Informe mundial sobre la violencia y la salud constituye el primer estudio exhaustivo del problema de la violencia a escala mundial; en el se analiza en que consiste, a quien afecta y que cabe hacer al respecto. How long can I get the proof? Do you want to modify your reservation? Buen Camino! Regarding the reservation, it is not necessary but it is advisable. Can we fly into Lisbon? Hi! Is there any way to find out if and for which time the Butafumeiro has been booked privately for that weekend ? I am concerned about how the albergue’s will deal with the 2 meter distancing rule. Now that a vaccine appears to be available in the coming year, I’m booking my Camino for September. Logrono to Fromista and a few days in Madrid with friends. Desde esos puntos de inicio, y muchos otros, los caminos recorren España al completo. Let's hope that things turn better during the summer, and in September we can go. Buen Camino! El monasterio de Santa María la Real de Obona es una de las joyas patrimoniales del Camino Primitivo.Fue fundada en 781 y cuenta en su haber con un Real Decreto firmado por Alfonso IX de León por el cual se obligaba a todos los caminantes que se dirigían a Santiago a pasar por este lugar. We will be flying to Paris. Buen Camino! Others will have to wait a little longer until all the communities have passed the phases and enter the new normal as the Camino Francés. Still hoping for a fall Camino. Hi Martin. The one caveat she said is if there is a second wave after July when all travel restrictions are off. From the second part of May (22-). Thank you. Thank you. Many thanks in advance. Hola peregrinos! The forecasts are that the quarantine of travelers will be maintained for the duration of the alarm state. I have tickets to fly. Dottie, all the info I post is gathered from El Pais, my friends in Spain an other reliable news sources. Buen Camino! Between public and private albergues, hostels and hotels you should be fine. 06-05-2021. Suggest you plan but, be flexible. To all Pilgrims. Hi Maria! Is it better to wait until 2022 or next year.? Hola Laura. Is there anybody who knows if the Primitivo is open? Hello Scott. I’d loved to proven wrong. The forecast is that it will be until the end of June. However, mobility is currently restricted by region, not province. Hours and capacity restrictions are maintained in different establishments (restaurants, bars ...), so it is advisable to be attentive to comply with the regulations of each territory. Dear Eric, if the camino opens in July as you heard, it means all the routes will be allowed to walk from France to Santiago? 3. Do you think the Camino will be open and would I be able to walk freely ??? From Pamplona to Saint Jean Pied de Port by bus. As soon as we know, we tell you. Saludos y Buen Camino! EDIT. Los peregrinos pueden volver al Camino de Santiago a partir del 9 de mayo con elfin del estado de alarma decretado por elGobierno de España el pasado 25 de octubre. Se encontró adentro... que ilumine tu camino. Lo que te propondré dista mucho de asistir a rituales religiosos por mera obligación o de la autoimposición de restricciones a ... The Camino del Norte is currently open, although you would have to check which albergues are open and means of transportation to get there, but it is open. Have anyone please any news about the re-opening of the Santiago cathedral??? El Camino de Santiago se está volviendo a ver afectado por las últimas medidas restrictivas que el gobierno ha decretado para evitar la propagación de la COVID-19. Bueno Camino. Hi Denise. Citizens of European countries identified, according to the traffic light of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), with the colors orange, red and dark red may enter Spain with a negative PCR at origin or with the complete guideline of vaccines authorized by the World Health Organization (WHO) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA). We cannot give you an answer as to how the situation will be in May. Treinta y tres operadores internacionales y setenta empresas asturianas participaron ayer en el I Encuentro Comercial de los itinerarios del Norte del Camino de San If it’s possible to get there would I be able to walk it as they are in that one province? Stay Healthy and Safe. En cuanto a la reserva de albergues, no es imprescindible. Should I bring a tent and continue anyway? My friend and me plan to go on camino from may 15th. Hello, my dear pilgrimmates. The last holy year saw a 100,000+ more pilgrims on the trail. Could you help me, please? We do not know what conditions there will be in autumn to travel to Spain. Maybe someone has hired it for a mass and it works. We bought flight tickets few mounts ago for that date. This would have been my 3 Camino. Hi Marjolein! Es por ello que dichas restricciones pueden variar de un día para otro. The Camino del Norte is the one with the fewest public hostels open. SOCIEDAD ESTATAL CORREOS Y TELEGRAFOS, S.A., S.M.E. They allow navigation through our website and carry out the action requested by the user. Hi Amanda! Thank you. The need to present a negative PCR in shelters or restaurants is not mandatory throughout Spain, but it is in town halls or areas where the incidence of the virus is high. Yes, travelers from any country are allowed to enter Spain, provided they can prove that they have received the complete schedule of a vaccine. Sort of like a governor here. Right now, there are no restrictions, beyond hygienic-sanitary measures (such as the use of masks indoors). However, we leave you some tips in case you want to organize your Camino in future dates. Hi Martin. Se encontró adentroEsta iniciativa conjunta del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y la OCDE pretende fomentar la expansión de las redes y servicios de banda ancha en la región, apoyando un enfoque coherente e intersectorial, para maximizar sus ... You need to remove NOW! Hacer el Camino de Santiago en 2021: todo lo que necesitas saber sobre restricciones, normativa y permisos. Hi - I am walking 4 days of the Camino from Porto to Barcelos - can you tell me are there any luggage transfers from Porto as I would rather not carry my backpack I am a fully vaccinated US citizen traveling to London in September for approximately one week, but would like to then fly to Porto, Portugal to start the Camino in Tui. Is there a list of Albergues that will be open starting from July? Después de un año de pandemia y restricciones vuelve la ilusión a los albergues y aldeas que llevaban meses sin ver a caminantes rumbo a Santiago para abrazar al Apóstol. On July 1, the Covid Passport came into force, a digital certificate that allows citizens of the European Union to travel according to the epidemiological status of their country. Mundo Camino de Santiago: los peregrinos regresan tras la reducción de restricciones Más de 340,000 personas de todo el mundo recorrieron el camino en 2019, y apenas 50,000 lo hicieron el año . someone posted a link to the Albergues that are opening on the Camino del Norte. I am planning to go in late August-September but will choose the way depending on the comparative ease of finding accommodation on each camino. Los albergues de las Rutas Jacobeas reabrirán en los próximos días con sus restricciones de . Hello, Jessi. thank you. September or October is my plan. Not all are open and places are scarce. I will start the Camino del Norte in Irfu 1. of August with a Antigen Test. Buen Camino! Hello, Peter. This year I decided to go again in Summer maybe for the last time. What do you suggest if they decide to close the albergues because of covid? Are any going to be open in July? If things look better by September I’ll try then. Buen Camino! Sometimes in this review we miss a comment among the many that we receive. Las restricciones por el coronavirus están haciendo que este año hacer el Camino de Santiago sea un poco más difícil. But will buy trip cancellation insurance. We are sorry but can't give you more info. You can follow the evolution of each municipality and its requirements on this map. 22 agosto 2021. We also have lists of over 5000 albergues, hostels and hotels that you can check out (you will find them on each stage of the 'TheCaminos' section) with their contact information. We understand it perfectly. After eleven years without celebrating a Holy Year, this 2021 will be a very important year for the Camino de Santiago and the Jacobean community. What I want to say to all the peregrines on here is last year there was SO MUCH MORE TRASH. If not, hopefully I’m around next spring. We have to wait to know when the borders will be opened for citizens who do not live in Spain. Plan was to walk the camino de frances. Several countries have already developed their own but, a digital one is being proposed for IPhone and Android devices. Hi! Thank you. If the regulations change, we will update this post. I’ve already contacted my travel agent for flights to Madrid in the fall. Finding a bed for the night to suit our budgets is a big part of the journey/adventure and think its important to prepare for that in this exceptional year i will expect places in Alberges will be limited and strict protocols will be in place. This implies not being able to change the autonomous community, for example, between Asturias and Galicia, where the Camino Primitivo runs. April is less then 9 days away and only about 3+% of Spaniards have been vaccinated. Flight, rooms and in country transport all arranged booked and payed for. Would you know whether the Government will allow passage to pilgrims who have received the vaccine? I’m getting the vaccine soon but, will wear a mask when I’m back on the Camino. I’ll be 70 soon and I’m not sure how many more times I’ll be able to go. We are sorry but we haven't more info. We are very sorry. We hope so. Before enter the country you must give them your address where you stay at, and then the police will check if you stay there or not for 2 weeks inside. With Spain opening up on June 7th for non essential travel, I will be traveling from the USA around the end of June/early July to France, so I can start my pilgrimage there. And what requirements will be needed, fully vaccinated with an approved EMA vaccine for at least 3 weeks or a negative PCR test within 72 hours. This year (i hope) we will start in Triacastela and walk the short trip to Samos wich give us time to do the tour. Debido a la situación sanitaria, son muchas las restricciones que afectan a los territorios por los que discurre el Camino de Santiago.Se recomienda consultar la información relativa a las medidas establecidas en cada Comunidad Autónoma, a través de los enlaces que se facilitan en la columna derecha de esta página. overall I do expect this year to be more challenging and do expect to need a much higher budget! Highlight of my Camino in October. Ola. Thanks for all the information on your webpage, highly appreciated, Ultreia! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. (Do the Camino) For those people who can’t, for medical reasons, are not able to take the vaccine, once herd immunity is reach they too can travel if they chose. I had plans for a March 2020. People driving are doing too many things but, driving. Por último, la Xunta de Galicia ha creado un portal web alberguesxacobeo.gal, en el que se proporciona información actualizada de las obligaciones de los peregrinos. Take care and Buen Camino! Hoping things are the new normal by then. As a current resident of Spain, I’m trying to remain optimistic to be able to start the Norte in mid-July. La apertura en las restricciones con la campaña masiva de vacunación en España ha llegado también al camino de Santiago. El Camino de Santiago es una de las muchas opciones que podemos escoger. Hoping all are holding up. Also do you expect that the accommodation fees will be higher than last year? I'm going in early August. Hi Claire. In the event that it is not necessary to go to the hospital, it will cover the unforeseen expenses that arise to those who must keep quarantine by medical prescription, both of the affected person and of their close contacts. Actualmente se permite una ocupación máxima del 30%, pero es un dato muy variable. Los hongos silvestres comestibles son un grupo importante de productos forestales no madereros. Hi Eric. Hi Natalia! Hi, El programa "Camino Seguro" pone a disposición de todos los peregrinos toda la información necesaria para preparar, planificar y descubrir el Camino de Santiago. They simply do not realise what they do. Hi Dan. This map is updated weekly including all available albergues. Our delivery staff has received training in Covid-19 and we give them daily IPE needed to ensure a safe delivery: FFP2 masks, hydroalcoholic gel, disinfectant for the vehicles…. We have to wait. Let’s just hope and pray that all of Spain is in Phase 3 the end of June or July the latest. Every day we update the content of this page so that you can be informed and aware of what is happening in Spain and on the Camino. That my change going forward. Coming from USA with full Vaccination. Would love to get some first hand information. We believe that on May 15 it will not be possible to do the Camino. Buen Camino! Do you know if many public hostels are open on the camino primitivo? I'm thinking too about going in Septembre - the mask rules sounds so anoying :( you need to wear them the whole day (except while showering, sleeping and eating) - so also while you are walking?? It is the end of the stage if you start in Saint Jean Pied de Port. We do not have the vaccination. We love to be here again. Buen Camino! I will be walking with a group of 12 people 1-17/9 and we stay at small pensions in doublerooms. Se encontró adentroEn esta Guía Mágica del Camino de Santiago te proponemos un Camino diferente. I have a ticket from Miami to Madrid on May 8th and then my plan was to go by train to Oviedo. Junto a ello, respetar la distancia social de seguridad en espacios como las paradas, miradores y en todo el recorrido. Buen Camino! We are wondering if we can expect the full Camino experience. Es indispensable informarse en las fuentes oficiales como la web del Gobierno de España sobre el desarrollo del estado de alarma en las comunidades autónomas. Buen Camino! Buen Camino! Flying from the USA. Para una persona residente en España no es necesario, actualmente, ningún permiso especial para la realización del Camino de Santiago. It will be my third Primitivo. Looking to hike the Primitivo in mid September. everything is booked,,or should I rebook? That’s where I started from last year. Buen Camino! Buen Camino! I can't seem to find a bus that makes that route. Not only for the pilgrims but also the many hostels along the road, which are without income for almost 3 months now. We have previously walked two parts of the Camino over 60 days in two years and we are hoping to finish our Camino in this Holy Year. Este año, 2021, este camino cobra especial importancia porque se celebra . The only problem is that Galicia continues with closed borders. Hi Kristine. Buen Camino! Y además, es necesario reservar alojamiento de antemano o no? Así que, por ahora, mucha paciencia y a cuidarse. Hi Helen. This is a requirement before returning to the UK. Hi Rene. Anyway, if you can wait a couple of weeks to cancel, the future will be somewhat clearer. Correos, That’s when I want to go. I'm looking at walking the Camino Frances beginning at St. Jean Pied de Port, in mid-August. In this post, we try to update the information every day. Should I cancel my flight and get a refund? Vuelven los peregrinos al Camino de Santiago. The small towns cannot survive a whole season with out the pilgrims. 2021 (españa) BASES - (15:06:2021 / Cuento, infantil y juvenil / 300 € / Abierto a: sin restricciones) Deja una respuesta Cancelar la respuesta La media de kilómetros que caminan al día los peregrinos en su ruta hacia . Unfortunately Covid 19 came and my plans were cancelled. If you had received the complete schedule of a vaccine, you can cross the boarders to Spain from June 7. How was that allowed to be posted? La Directora General de Interior del Gobierno de Navarra ha dictado la Resolución 197/2021, de 29 de septiembre, por la que se establecen medidas de restricción de paso por la variante Este del Camino de Santiago en su primera etapa por monte, entre Saint Jean Pied de Port y Roncesvalles, desde el 1 de noviembre de 2021 hasta el 31 de marzo .
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