3 2. * Explanation of WorldTradeLaw.net's WTO Case Law Index *. In the GATT Analytical Index, the original thinking behind Article XXI has been explained as taking care “of real security interests and, at the same time, so far as we could, to limit the exception so as to prevent the adoption of protection for maintaining industries … Analytical index (GATT) Legal Notice Applications for the right to reproduce this work or parts thereof in any form should be sent to the Director of the Information and Media Relations Division at the WTO Secretariat, 154 Rue de Lausanne, 1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland. III and Art. Article III:1 stipulates the general principle that Members must not apply internal taxes or other internal charges, laws, regulations and requirements affecting imported or domestic products in a manner that protects domestic production. Relationship between Art. Some, such as GATS, were new. The GATT Analytical Index is similar to the above noted WTO Analytical Index. XI WTO, Analytical Index: Guide to GATT Law and Practice (Vol. 1 GATT Analytical Index: Guide to GATT Law and Practice, Updated th Edition (1995) ("GATT6 Analytical Index"). Quoting this legal text of GATT 1994 (i.e. GATT 1947 without the modifications by the explanatory notes) is consistent with one of the two approaches taken by the Appellate Body and with the approach taken in the official WTO Analytical Index – Guide to WTO Law and Practice . The full package of multilateral Uruguay Round agreements is called the round’s Final Act. “The WTO Analytical Index” is an article-by-article guide to the interpretation and application of the WTO agreements by WTO bodies. 796 WTO ANALYTICAL INDEX Members, Having regard to the Multilateral Trade Negotiations; Desiring to further the objectives of GATT 1994 and to secure additional benefits for the international trade of developing countries; Recognizing the importance of the provisions of Article VII of GATT … on the negotiating history of the Uruguay Round and the transition from the GATT to the WTO can be found in the GATT Analytical Index, particularly in the Chapter on "Institutions and Procedure". For many years, the GATT Analytical Index was the primary resource used to research GATT case law. GATT ARTICLE III GATT Article III requires that WTO Members provide national treatment to all other Members. Canada noted that the GATT ANALYTICAL INDEX, 1995, at p. 445 directed the reader to "Interpretative Note 2 ad Paragraph 3 of Article XVI" for the interpretation of the phrase "including any form of income or price support", as it was used in Paragraph 1 of Article XVI. To make my point clearer, is the following reference to the Analytical Index made by Canada in the dairy case, legitimate? I) (1995)) (…) The 1984 Panel Report on "Canada - Administration of the Foreign Investment Analytical index (GATT) This publication provides a guide to the interpretation and application of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, drawn from official documentary sources of the GATT. Some, including GATT 1994, were revisions of texts that previously existed under GATT as multilateral or plurilateral agreements. Most of the WTO’s agreements were the outcome of the 1986-94 Uruguay Round of trade negotiations. To find texts using the library catalogue , do a subject heading search and click on applicable search results. It contains notes on the drafting, interpretation and application of the articles of the GATT. However, TRIPS Article 64 and DSU Article 23 do not exclude arbitral tribunals from seeking guidance from GATT and WTO law, in order to interpret individual provisions of an IIA, as long as this process of interpretation does not convert the IIA into a vehicle to enforce WTO …