hardee's pay rate

[39], The works for lots 1 and 5 were tendered in July 2017 and for lot 4 in March 2019. [107], The 32.25 km section of motorway between Arad and Timișoara was awarded in December 2008 to the joint venture between the Spanish company FCC Construccion and the Italian company Astaldi. [38][needs update], According to the approved version of the Master Plan, the section was expected to be completed until 2020 using a mix between European funds, Romanian budget and low interest loans. All other segments (between Pitești and Slatina, 63.7 km) were awarded for construction in 2020. Autostrada Sibiu-Pitesti care ar trebui sa fie gata in 2020", "CNADNR anulează pe bandă rulantă licitațiile pentru autostrăzi. poduri Iași 3.402 804 Craiova 1.953 495 București 2.735 516 Brașov 1.823 445 Cluj 2.395 489 Constanța 1.758 179 Timișoara 1.996 446 Total 16.062 3.374 Highways crossing the Carpathian Mountains have been delayed due to large costs, with debates on whether to build the A3 (through long-term concession contracts) or the A1 (EU funds would cover most of the cost). The A1 motorway (Romanian: Autostrada A1) is a partially built motorway in Romania, planned to connect Bucharest with the Banat and Crișana regions in the western part of the country and the rest of Europe. [4][5] The value of the contract is 356 million euro and it is scheduled to take 12 months for planning and 48 months for execution.[44]. However, the contract for the first part of the section was terminated by the Romanian government in November 2012, due to low construction progress recorded by the Romstrade company (approximately 15–20%) and potential fraud by the company owner. [103] It has been awarded to the joint venture between the Italian companies Tirrena Scavi and Societa Italiana Per Condotte D'Acqua in December 2013. The Timișoara bypass (9.5 km, also referred to as the Timișoara – Lugoj lot 1) was awarded in April 2011 to the Romanian company Spedition UMB. Peste 300 de neconformități. [36][67], Regardless of the statements from both parties, the problems on lot 3 are serious enough so that they required CNADNR to close down the traffic on the affected lanes during August 2015, while having both the company's experts and Impregilo's ones looking for the technical solutions to address the issues. Bucharest–Pitești (109.66 km), Sibiu–Holdea (175.71 km), and Margina-Nădlac (159.56 km) sections are operational. The EU accession of the country in 2007 and the improved utilization of the allocated EU funds in recent years, enabled Romania to speed up the expansion of its highway network. "2020 e anul infrastructurii în România. [96] In an interview given by the general manager of CNADNR during August 2015, it was announced that the problems on lot 4 were now cleared and Spedition UMB was praised for their approach and pace of work on the segment, the appreciation being that if the issues hadn't surfaced most probably the works would have been completed by end of 2015.[36]. There is one at the Giurgeni – Vadu Oii Bridge over the river Danube on highway DN2A at Vadu Oii and one at the Cernavodă Bridge, on the A2 motorway, a 17 km long section between Feteşti and Cernavodă which consists of two road/railway bridges. Autostrada Bucuresti reprezinta un nou inel de autostrada in jurul orasului Bucuresti cu o lungime de aproximativ 100km. Ce autostrada are sanse sa fie deschisa pana la finalul anului", "Sibiu-Orăștie, autostrada greșelilor în lanț", "Povestea autostrazii care o ia la vale: Cum s-a ajuns ca Lotul 3 din A1 Orastie – Sibiu sa fie macinat de alunecari de teren, cat de serioase sunt riscurile pentru soferi si cum explica autoritatile problemele de la viaductul Aciliu", "Rus pe autostrada Sibiu – Orăștie: Pe 15 sau 16 noiembrie deschidem lotul 3. In 2014 and 2015, more A1 segments were opened between Sibiu – Orăștie, Arad – Nădlac, and Timișoara – Lugoj, for a total of 726.6 km of motorways in use in Romania in December 2015. Segmentul Sud al autostrazii A0 este impartit in trei loturi, pentru care au fost anuntati castigatorii licitatiilor in aprilie-mai 2019: The construction of the first motorway in Romania began in 1967, and the first segment of … [80][81], This section of the motorway is partially operational and partially under construction and is split into four segments: Șoimuș – Ilia (lot 4), Ilia – Coșevița (lot 3), Coșevița – Dumbrava (lot 2) and Dumbrava – Șanovița (lot 1).[82]. The Ploiești - Pașcani section (322.7 km) is motorway, and the Pașcani - Siret section (102.0 km) is expressway. Am reușit să ducem pe un drum ireversibil Autostrada Trasilvania. Nevertheless, every owner of a car that uses a motorway (A) or a national road (DN) in Romania must purchase a vignette (rovinietă) from any of the main petrol stations or at any post office throughout the country.[3]. La 31 decembrie 2019, drumurile publice totalizau 86.391 km, din care 17.873 km (20,7%) drumuri naţionale, 35.083 km (40,6%) drumuri judeţene şi 33.435 km (38,7%) drumuri comunale. [6] Various parts of the segment underwent several major rehabilitations: between 1997 and 2000 by the FAT joint venture composed of Italian companies Federici, Astaldi and Todini, between 2002 and 2004 by the Romanian companies Albix Timișoara and Cosar București and between 2006 and 2010 by Romanian companies PA&CO Internațional and Euroconstruct Trading '98. A3 has two large segments that are currently in use, but most of it is still only planned, with only a small part under construction. As of April 2019,[97] the physical progress was at 95.8% on lot 2 (except tunnels), 94% on lot 3 and 95% on lot 4. Apasa pe numele fiecarui tronson pentru detalii despre acesta (paginile se deschid in ferestre noi): There are few tolls for using roads in Romania. [30][31] As the Ministry of Transport has started work on the Romanian General Master Plan for Transport required to access 2014–2020 European funds, it generated further controversy by appearing to continue to try avoiding the construction of the section as a motorway, as it downgraded it to express road in an October 2014 version of the Master Plan[32] and later considered a phased express road/motorway approach in a subsequent version of the Master Plan. [68] According to information surfacing from various sources about one kilometer from the motorway will need to be completely rebuilt from the ground while other issues that appeared will be addressed as well. Autostrăzile din această țară sunt construite și administrate de Compania Națională de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere (CNAIR). The underpass was fully completed during October 2008. Works for the Arad bypass (12.25 km) were awarded in March 2009 to the joint venture between the Spanish company FCC Construccion and the Austrian company Porr. Pitești – Sibiu: Segment 1 is actively being built (due 2022). 25 de km din autostradă reprezentând lotul Iernut - Chețani (18 km parte din A3), nodul de la Chețani și lotul Biharia-Borș (6,3 km) din Autostrada Transilvania; circa 18 km de autostradă reprezentând Lotul 1 Sebeș - Sântimbru de pe Autostrada A10 Sebeș - Turda. Lugoj – Deva: The remaining 13.5 km of segment 2 are currently being auctioned and likely to take a significantly longer period of time to complete, but in order to receive EU funding, needs to be started before 2022. Au loc ultimele retuşuri la nodul rutier de la Dobra şi la podul peste Mureş. – Autostrada Transilvania, lotul Târgu Mureş – Ungheni (4,5 kilometri autostradă + 4,7 kilometri drum de legătură) – Autostrada Comarnic – Braşov, lotul Râşnov – Cristian (6,3 kilometri autostradă + 3,7 kilometri drum naţional) – Autostrada Lugoj – … A3 status of the Făgăraș–Târgu Mureș segment (108.0 km) remains unclear, and the government wants it at the DX standard (after 2030). [36] CNADNR has published on 7 November 2015 five alternative routes for the Pitești – Sibiu section. Reteaua de autostrazi din Romania nu s-a extins cu niciun kilometru in 2016, ramanand la lungimea totala de 747 de kilometri consemnata in 2015. Acest lucru echivalează cu situația Poloniei de acum 13 ani. The segment was opened to traffic during November 2007, having a major role in diverting traffic from the Pitești city centre. [99], On 14 August 2019, lot 4 of the motorway was opened, whereas the lot 3 was opened on 23 December, same year, with speed and tonnage restrictions.[100]. [45] Following this, the section was split into two segments. The link between A3 and DN73 at Cristian (3.56 km), although not part of the A3, is built to DX standard. Siteul include o harta la zi a proiectelor de autostrazi, calendarul finalizarii lucrarilor pentru toate autostrazile romanesti, stiri si noutati Autostrada A6 Lugoj - Calafat (Autostrada Sud) Lungime: 260,0 km (estimat). Currently the only completed motorway is A2, with A10 likely being the next one to finish in 2021. Nu o rata! During the building of this motorway, a general plan was released in 1969, detailing the building of motorways in the incoming years, however, due to low volumes of traffic, the communist regime focused on improving current roads instead. The tender for the update was launched in April 2012 aiming to have the section finalized by 2020, as total construction costs for its 116.6 kilometers were estimated at 3.25 billion euro. On the Pitești – Sibiu section, three segments were tendered as well: Pitești − Curtea de Argeș (30.4 km, lot 5), Curtea de Argeș − Tigveni (10.7 km, lot 4) and Boița − Sibiu (13.1 km, lot 1), with the latter one awarded for construction in April 2019,[3] and the first segment (Pitești − Curtea de Argeș) in May 2020.[4][5]. The motorway starts in the western part of Bucharest and connects the following major cities: Pitești, Sibiu, Deva, Timișoara, Arad, reaching Hungary's M43 motorway near Nădlac. ", "CNADNR: italienii au lucrat foarte prost pe autostrada din Sibiu. Beyond Pașcani, the Corridor IX is envisioned to be covered by the A8 (the East–West Motorway, a link between Moldavia and Transylvania). [11], A few other motorways have received active discussion, including a termed A0 Bucharest Motorway Ring Road as an outer ring to the Bucharest Ring Road. [74][77] Construction works have started in April 2011 and were planned to finish in April 2013. [115] Works should be completed until the end of 2014. Autostrăzile din România sunt denumite cu A, urmat de un număr. După Comarnic-Brașov, a fost oprită și procedura pentru Sibiu-Pitești", "Cum vrea sa schimbe Sova traseul autostrazilor din Romania: "Mutam Coridorul IV pe Sibiu-Brasov. "ANEXA NR.1 OBIECTIVE DE INVESTIȚII ÎN SECTORUL RUTIER, Proiecte noi de autostrăzi și drumuri expres, http://www.automarket.ro/stiri/pe-hartie-totul-este-perfect-lista-autostrazilor-si-drumurilor-expres-pe-73593.html, https://monitorizari.hotnews.ro/stiri-infrastructura_articole-22417379-autostrada-centura-sud-capitalei-fost-desemnat-cstigatorul-pentru-constructia-unui-lot-17-5.htm, "Primul lot al Autostrazii Lugoj – Deva, deschis circulatiei in plina noapte, cu o intarziere de noua luni", "Au început lucrările la Autostrada A11 Arad - Oradea A3-Drumul Expres Arad - Oradea", "PARTENERIAT ÎN VEDEREA REALIZĂRII DRUMULUI EXPRES ARAD-ORADEA", "30% din drumul expres Oradea-Arad, ce leagă două autostrăzi, ar urma să fie gata până la finalul anului 2023", "Plenul Camerei Deputaţilor a adoptat proiectul de lege pentru aprobarea obiectivului de investiţii Autostrada Nordului cu 211 deputaţi pentru proiect şi unul s-a abţinut", "Flutur vrea ca Autostrada Nordului (A14) să fie inclusă în Master Planul de Transport", "Someş Expres legătura dintre Autostrada Nordului (A14) şi vestul Europei", "Autostrada Nordului: tronsonul urmează să acopere zonele Vama Oar – Satu Mare – Baia Mare – Dej – Bistriţa – Vatra Dornei – Suceava", "Autostrada Nordului este un drum de mare viteză ce leagă nordul Moldovei de rețelele europene de transport rutier, având următorul traseu: Suceava – Bistrița – Dej – Baia Mare – Satu Mare – Vama Oar (335 km)", "CNAIR a desemnat câștigătorul contractului de proiectare și execuție Drum Expres Brăila-Galați", "CNAIR a semnat contractul pentru elaborarea Studiului de Fezabilitate pentru Drumul Expres Tișița - Albița", "Autostrada Focşani (Tișița) - Albiţa face obiectul unui proiect de lege intrat în dezbaterea Parlamentului, în care a primit denumirea de Basarabia", "Drum expres de la Tișița (Focșani) la vama Albița spre Republica Moldova", Romanian National Company of Motorways and National Roads, Interactive map of current motorway projects in Romania, Community forum for status updates on the highways (Ro), http://www.cnadnr.ro/sites/default/files/STADIULPROIECTELORINDERULARE.pdf, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Highways_in_Romania&oldid=1010617738, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Romanian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Intended to serve as an outer ring to the existing. Romania nu a inaugurat niciun kilometru de autostrada in 2016, dar are 10.000 km de drumuri de pamant. [83] The contract included also the first segment of the A6 motorway (11.4 km) that is branching off from the A1 motorway near the village of Balinț and connecting the city of Lugoj. [55] Construction works on all four segments have started in October 2011 and were planned to finish in April 2013. Ministrul Transporturilor spune ca Romania va avea 1.000 de kilometri de autostrada in 2018. A large sector of A3, termed "Transylvania Motorway", was awarded controversially in 2004 without bidding to the American Bechtel Corporation. Harta autostrazilor include atat autostrazile aflate in exploatare (trasate cu verde), cat si cele aflate in executie (portocaliu) sau in stadiul de proiect (negru). Cele cinci variante luate in calcul de autoritati", https://www.capital.ro/in-sfarsit-romania-va-avea-o-noua-autostrada-au-inceput-lucrarile.html, "Monitorizare: stadiul proiectelor majore", https://www.economica.net/autostrada-sibiu-pitesti-china-raiway-sectiunea-5_170959.html, https://monitorizari.hotnews.ro/stiri-infrastructura_articole-22410208-harta-interactiva-noul-traseul-autostrazii-a1-pitesti-sibiu-asa-cum-fost-scos-licitatie-cum-schimbat-sectiunile-unde-vor-tunelurile-cte-noduri-rutiere-mai-ramas.htm?nomobile=, https://monitorizari.hotnews.ro/stiri-infrastructura_articole-23989768-contract-semnat-pentru-autostrada-sibiu-pitesti-356-milioane-euro-pentru-30-kilometri-pitesti-curtea-arges.htm, "Boc: Centura ocolitoare a Sibiului va fi gata la finele lui 2010", "A fost semnat contractul pentru construcŃia variantei de ocolire a municipiului Sibiu la standard de autostradă", "Consortiul Boegl–Geiger–Comtram a castigat licitatia pentru modernizarea centurii orasului Sibiu", "Vectra Service SRL – PD-L a câștigat centura Sibiului. La data de 3 decembrie 2020, România avea aproximativ 912 kilometri de autostradă. [40], On 11 May 2020, the contract for the construction of the lot 5 (Pitești – Curtea de Argeș, 30.4 km) was signed with the Italian company Astaldi. This section of the motorway is fully operational and is composed of two segments: Giarmata – Izvin (lot 1) and Izvin – Șanovița (lot 2). Cât va costa lucrarea", "Se deschide traficul rutier pe Autostrada Timișoara – Lugoj", "Centura Aradului, deschisă și pe al doilea sens", "Documentația de atribuire a contractului de servicii "Supervizare autostrada Nadlac – Arad si Drum de legatura, "Autostrada Nădlac-Pecica a mai scăpat de o contestație. [107], The construction of the 38.8 km section between Nădlac and Arad was split into two parts. [6] In 2018, 40% of the A10, between Aiud – Turda, and A3, between Ungheni – Iernut,[7] Gilău – Nădășelu, the entrance into Bucharest opened to traffic,[8] bringing the total to over 800 km. [49][50][51], This section of the motorway is fully open and is split into four segments: Sibiu – Săliște (lot 4), Săliște – Cunța (lot 3), Cunța – Sebeș (lot 2) and Sebeș – Orăștie (lot 1). An additional segment, between Coșevița – Margina (13.5 km), which has several tunnels (2.1 km, in total) along its route, has been re-tendered in June 2019, because the project had been modified. [89] After more than one year after the bid was launched, the Ilia – Șoimuș segment (22.1 km) was awarded to a joint venture composed of Romanian companies Spedition UMB and Tehnostrade in July 2013,[90][91] while the Dumbrava – Coșevița segment (28.6 km) was awarded to a joint venture composed of Italian companies Salini Impregilo and Secol,[92] and the Coșevița – Ilia segment (21.1 km) was awarded to a joint-venture led by the Spanish company Comsa,[93] both in October 2013. [25] During the 2013 Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) reunion the European Union rejected the plan and officially criticized the attempt to switch priorities from constructing the Pitești – Sibiu motorway, determining the Romanian authorities to reconsider the change.[26][27]. The section between Nădlac and Pecica and 6.30 km of the section between Pecica and Arad ware opened ahead of schedule on December 19, 2014. Bids for the construction works for this section were launched by CNADNR during 2006[74] and subsequently during September 2009,[75] but they were both cancelled due to problems related to the selection criteria. The Bucharest – Pitești segment (95.9 km) is the first motorway class road built in Romania and remained the only one for more than 15 years, until the completion of the Fetești – Cernavodă segment on the A2 motorway in 1987. Until the collapse of the communist regime in 1989, the building of the second motorway between Bucharest and Constanta had been planned, but only an 18 km long segment of A2 from Fetești to Cernavodă, opened in 1987. At the end of 2013, more segments of the A1 opened: parts of Lugoj – Deva, Sibiu – Orăștie – Simeria, and the first sector of the A6, between Balinț – Lugoj, and the final segment of the A4 (the Constanța bypass). As of August 2020, there are 208.7 km that were awarded for construction and 73.1 km that were also tendered. Autostrada A 10 Sebeș - Turda are 70 de kilometri, dar se poate circula doar pe 28,75, adică pe 37% din totalul kilometrilor promiși de autorități cu ani în urmă. When completed it will be 580.2 kilometers long and it will span the country on … [56] After several delays, the segment was eventually opened during December 2013, but only between the junction with the A6 motorway and Dumbrava. [14][16][17] As during early 2012 the section was accepted to be funded under European Union's Cohesion Fund,[18] the 2008 feasibility study had to be updated with several key elements required by the European Union that were previously not considered. Cu autostrada Târgu Mureș – Câmpia Turzii, România ar avea la final de an un total de 805,4 kilometri de autostrăzi. The bid for the design & build contracts for the remaining three segments that are part of this section was launched by CNADNR during April 2012. Cea mai avantajoasă ofertă începe de la 2.400 EUR. Informatii la zi despre autostrazile din Romania: stadiul lucrarilor, termene de finalizare, constructori, costuri, noutati si stiri. [87] Another option discussed, considering that Timișoara – Lugoj lot 2 was awarded to the same joint venture of companies was a partial opening from Șanovița to Topolovățu Mare interchange with DJ572 (6.02 km),[88] but this was not pursued either. [120], "Nadlac II – Csanadpalota border checkpoint inaugurated", "Trans-European Transport Corridors – Rhine-Danube Corridor", "Au fost semnate contractele pentru tronsonul Sibiu-Boiţa (13,7 km) al autostrăzii Sibiu-Piteşti și pentru lotul 3 al centurii de sud a Capitalei (18 km) - Esential - HotNews.ro", "Moment important pentru Autostrada Sibiu – Pitești: Se semnează contractul pentru un tronson de 30 de kilometri", "Iptana, 50 de ani de proiectare pentru infrastructura transporturilor", "Studiu de caz: Cea mai veche autostradă din România", "S-a inaugurat centura de ocolire a Piteștiului", "Deschiderea traficului prin Pasajul Bascov", "A fost inaugurat pasajul subteran de la Bascov. Lungimea drumurilor (km) Nr. [113] The first segment was re-auctioned in April 2013,[114] and awarded in December 2013 to the joint venture of Astaldi and Max Bögl. [12], This is the most difficult section of the whole motorway from construction works perspective, considering that it has to cross the Carpathian Mountains, partly along the Olt River Valley. Dar și-au primit banii", "TVR2 – Interview with CNADNR general manager Narcis Neaga", "Premiera absoluta: Romania inchide o autostrada la 9 luni dupa inaugurare. A3 and A13 intersect on the Brașov-Făgăraș segment. The first part, between Nădlac and Pecica (22.2 km),[108] was awarded in April 2011 to a consortium led by the Romanian company Romstrade, while the second section, between Pecica and Arad (16.6 km),[108] was to be constructed by the Austrian company Alpine. Other 13.7 kilometres are under construction and 54.5 kilometers have been tendered. [86] As of July 2015 the remaining part of lot 1 was still not usable, as the next segment containing an exit (Timișoara – Lugoj lot 2) was not opened for traffic. [62][63][64][65] Another aspect that has surfaced and is generating controversy is related to the fact that while there are multiple disputes awaiting resolution between CNADNR and Impregilo and during the construction of the segment there were around 300 non-conformity reports issued, CNADNR has paid to Impregilo the works executed. The section Sibiu - Brașov has 129.6 km (version), and the section Brașov - Bacău has 159.9 km (version). Cum pierd autoritatile 1,2 mld. [72], On 10 October 2016, the lot 3 was re-opened after repairing works had reportedly been completed.[73]. € pentru Lugoj-Deva", "Cine a câștigat licitația pentru lotul 2 din autostrada Timișoara-Lugoj. At the western end, the motorway connects with Hungary's M43 motorway, which further connects with the M5 motorway, that runs from the border with Serbia to the capital city of Budapest. [110][111] Also, the contract for the second part (construction progress approximately 85%)[112] was terminated in July 2013, because the Austrian company filed for bankruptcy. [46][47] The second segment (km 14-17) was awarded in September 2009 to the Romanian company Vectra Service and included also the upgrade of 3.3 kilometers of road connecting the motorway with DN1 that was designated DN1T. Actual construction began in 2001, and three segments were finally opened in 2004 (Bucharest – Fundulea, Fundulea – Lehliu and Lehliu – Drajna) and another in 2007 (Drajna – Fetești) totalling around 130 km. Autostrada A2, denumită și Autostrada Soarelui, este o autostradă din România care leagă capitala București de Constanța, cel mai mare port al țării. Harta de mai jos prezinta proiectele de autostrazi si drumuri expres din Romania si este trasata in functie de cele mai noi informatii disponibile. Aiud–Turda and Sebeș–Alba Iulia North opened in July 2018 and December 2020 respectively, with the segment Alba Iulia–Aiud due to be opened by 2021. [85] Construction works on lot 1 have started in October 2011 and were planned to finish in April 2013. The Buzău - Brăila segment has 98.0 km, and the Brăila - Galați segment has 11.088 km. The bid for the new planned tunnels on lot 2, claimed publicly since December 2014,[98] was finally announced in June 2019. This page was last edited on 19 February 2021, at 23:24. In the project phase is the section of the Holdea-Margina tunnels (13.16 km) and the Pitești-Sibiu section (122.11 km), from which Piteşti – Curtea de Argeş (30 km) and Sibiu – Boița (13 km) are under construction. [70][71] Six months after the closing, come the spring of 2016, the CNADNR decided to fix the problems itself with its own workforce and rented equipment; part of the financing of these repairs was to come from the 90 million lei guarantee posted for the project by Impregilo, which was to be blacklisted for two years in which it would not be allowed to obtain contracts from the Romanian government. [33] This has prompted reactions from the European Union, the public society and the employees of the Dacia plant near Pitești,[34] and while the Romanian Prime Minister announced during October 2014 that the section will be included as a motorway in the final version of the Master Plan[35] the change was reflected in the document only in July 2015. This section of the motorway is fully operational. The construction of the first motorway in Romania began in 1967, and the first segment of the A1 motorway, from Pitești to the capital Bucharest was opened in 1972 with a total length of 96 km. The highway road (DX) will make the connection between, A10 motorway, Sebeș - Turda, the lot 2 between Alba Iulia North - Aiud (24.25 km), A3 motorway, Târgu Mureș - Ogra, the lot 1 between Târgu Mureș - Ungheni (4.5 km), DX12 expressway, Craiova - Slatina, the section S2/lot A-B (entirely 39.85 km), DX12 expressway, Craiova - Slatina, the section S1 (17.7 km), A1 motorway, Pitești - Sibiu, the lot 1 between Boița - Sibiu (14.15 km), A3 motorway, Ogra - Câmpia Turzii, the lot 3 between Chețani - Câmpia Turzii (15.69 km), A3 motorway, Suplacu de Barcău - Borș, section 3C2 between Chiribiș - Biharia (28.55 km), A3 motorway, Nădășelu - Suplacu de Barcău, section 3B5 between Nușfalău - Suplacu de Barcău (13.55 km), DX8 expressway, Brăila - Jijila and Danube Bridge (1974.3 m, entirely 19.095 km), A0 motorway, Bucharest South Ring (47.995 km), section 2 between Vidra - Bragadiru (16.30 km), A3 motorway, Nădășelu - Suplacu de Barcău, section 3B2 between Zimbor - Poarta Sălajului (12.24 km), A3 motorway, Nădășelu - Suplacu de Barcău, section 3A2 between Nădășelu - Mihăiești (16.80 km), A3 motorway, Nădășelu - Suplacu de Barcău, section 3B1 between Mihăiești - Zimbor (13.26 km), DX12 expressway, Slatina - Pitești, the sections S3 & S4 (entirely 63.57 km), A1 motorway, Pitești - Sibiu, the lot 5 between Pitești - Curtea de Argeș (30.35 km), This page was last edited on 6 March 2021, at 12:03. Partea a doua", "Varianta de Ocolire a Municipiului Sibiu, Secțiunea 1 deschisă traficului", "Varianta de Ocolire a Municipiului Sibiu, Secțiunea 2 deschisă traficului", "Premierul Emil Boc a inaugurat centura ocolitoare a municipiului Sibiu", "Contract de Finanțare pentru Autostrada Orăștie-Sibiu", "CNADNR a lansat licitația pentru 'Proiectare și execuție autostrada Orăștie-Sibiu, Loturile 1, 2, 3 și 4' și 'Proiectare și execuție autostrada Timișoara-Lugoj, Loturile 1 și 2, "Proiectarea și execuția autostrăzii Orăștie-Sibiu km 43+855 – km 65+96 finanțate de Uniunea Europeană", "Proiectarea și execuția loturilor 1, 2 și 4 ale autostrăzii Orăștie-Sibiu sunt finanțate de Uniunea Europeană", "Panglicile se îndepărtează de autostrăzile în lucru", "Deschiderea traficului rutier pe Autostrada Orăstie-Sibiu, Loturile I, II si IV", "CNADNR: Circulația pe AUTOSTRADA Orăștie – Sibiu se DESCHIDE de JOI, 19 decembrie. Reteaua de autostrazi din Romania nu s-a extins cu niciun kilometru in 2016, ramanand la lungimea totala de 747 de kilometri consemnata in 2015. Și 69 de zile de la închidere", "Directorul Companiei de Drumuri: Repararea autostrazii demolate incepe in aprilie si va fi facuta de CNADNR – Infrastructura_Articole", http://monitorizari.hotnews.ro/stiri-infrastructura_articole-21342817-autostrada-a1-saliste-cunta-redeschide-traficului-luni-peste-cand-fost-inchisa-demolata-partial.htm, "CNADNR a semnat cu Strabag un contract de 220 milioane de euro pentru constructia tronsonului de autostrada Deva-Orastie", "CNADNR lansează procedura de achiziție publică de lucrări pentru "Construcția variantei de ocolire Deva-Orăștie la standard de autostradă – relicitare, "Anunt de participare în vederea atribuirii contractului "Constructia Variantei de Ocolire Deva – Orastie la standard de autostrada – relicitare, "Varianta de ocolire Deva-Orastie se finanteaza prin Fonduri ex-ISPA", "CNADNR anunta deschiderea traficului pe sectiunea Simeria – Deva a tronsonului de autostrada Deva – Orastie", "Autostrada Deva – Orăstie finalizată prin fonduri ISPA", "Inca 18 km din autostrada Deva-Orastie, deschisi circulatiei", "Studiu de fezabilitate final. Only Bacău bypass (16.269 km) is in use. In conditiile in care Ungaria are peste 1.300 de kilometri de autostrada, Romania ar putea avea in 2010 o treime din numarul de kilometri ai acestei tari. CNADNR: Vom avea 1.000 de km de autostrada la inceput de 2018. Autostrada București–Brașov. The main differences are that motorways have emergency lanes and the maximum allowed speed limit is 130 km/h (81 mph), while expressways do not and the speed limit is 100–120 km/h (62–75 mph).[1].