The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools. We can also inspect schools without notice. Check Ofsted's COVID-19 updates to see how inspections and reports are affected. More information about this school or college, Tell us how satisfied you are with your website visit today. Ofsted Parent View results Search results - Boothville Primary School Boothville Primary School. External Links. Class Blogs. Nursery; Reception; Year 1; Year 2; Year 3; Year 4; Year 5; Year 6; Forest School Updates; Head's Blog Updates; Luna's Blog Updates; Sports Blog Updates; Zig Zag Updates; School Council Updates; Parents. {{title}} Our Special Educational Needs Policy can be found by using the link in our sidebar for all of our Statutory Policies. Our admission arrangements for the school, relevant for each age group, including any arrangements for selection, any oversubscription criteria and an explanation of the process of applying for a school place is provided by following this weblink to the Northants CC Website or by using the link in our sidebar. Good schools are inspected around once every four years.
The most recend Ofsted inspection was 13 th June 2012 resulting in a good rating. Academic attainment has long been linked with good attendance at school. DfE performance Stats... (Ofsted Outcomes - England & Wales only) Info Last Updated: 678 Ages. Email. The details offered on this page should be read alongside our School Prospectus which can be downloaded from the sidebar of this page. Admission Arrangements Boothville Primary School and Nursery. We take great pride in the fact that we have a happy and inclusive school in which the children’s voice is clearly heard in an atmosphere that encourages respect for all. OFSTED REPORT: Go to the most recent inspection findings. Create My schools list by adding Boothville Primary School View My schools list (0) Share this page. Compare school and college performance - find schools and colleges in England and view tables of their performance. A statement of the school's ethos and values can be found in our Prospectus which can be found by using the link in our sidebar for all of our Statutory Policies and Key Information. LinkedIn. Full details about our themed approach to lessons across the different year groups can be found in our Prospectus whcih can be downloaded using the link in our sidebar for all of our Statutory Policies and Key Information. Footer menu. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve Ofsted services. For the very latest Ofsted data, please visit the Ofsted website. {{else}}
As a school we will ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to achieve the very best that they are capable of and will also guide parents on how they can support their child’s achievement. Booth Lane North. Pupils. Type of service: Schools And Education Providers. Finance in 2018-2019. Tel: 01604 491545. Primary School Guide Rating. The figures below are for the 2018-2019 financial year, based on the Consistent Financial Reporting 2018-2019 collection. {{{description}}} School information incorrect? We seek to demonstrate this through all aspects of school life and in particular through our commitment to every child, fulfilling their potential. Children on roll: 683. Boothville Primary School. Boothville Primary School Inspection report UniqueReferenceNumber 121931 LocalAuthority Northamptonshire Inspectionnumber 314153 Inspectiondate 17September2008 Reportinginspector AlisonCartlidge Thisinspectionoftheschoolwascarriedoutundersection5oftheEducationAct2005. Also, we have a blog that regularly reports on our Sporting activities. Places will be allocated to children who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan that names the school as appropriate provision. View the SchoolDash Insights profile for this school (subscribers only ) Profile . The school's charging and remissions policy can be found by using the link in our sidebar for all of our Statutory Policies. School Calendar; Letters Home; Classes & Blogs. The Government is providing funding of £150 million per annum for the academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15 to provide new, substantial primary school sport funding. School type Primary Address Boothville Primary School, Booth Lane North, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 6JG DfE number 9282188 Headteacher/Principal Miss Rebecca Payne Telephone 01604 491545 01604 491545 Email School website Category Community Age range 4-11 Boothville Primary School . Boarding: No Local authority: Northamptonshire Pupils: 686 Religion: Does not apply Ofsted: Return to the main Ofsted website. Fax: 01604642830. This file includes the school or college's details such as its address, phone number and gender of entry. {{/if}} Compare To Nearby Schools. At Boothville Primary School we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity in line with the Equality Act of October 2010. 01604491545 Northamptonshire County Council. Information such as headteacher's name, school website, address, location on the map, gender, age-range and school type also typically take 1 to 2 months to be updated here after first being updated, by the school, in Get information about schools. URN: 119973. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school head teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.
Tel: 01604 491545. Home; Booth Wood Primary School; Booth Wood Primary School. Please see the links in our sidebar for all of our Statutory Policies. School Term Dates; Lunchtime Menus; Wrap Around Care; Help with Phonics; School Payments; E-Safety Support for Parents
This school is a very special place at the heart of our community. {{/if}} Our school Ofsted Reports can be found here or by using the link in our sidebar. Get email alerts when we publish a new report. Type Primary; Religious character Does Not Apply; Local authority Northamptonshire; Region East Midlands; Telephone 01604491545; Fax 01604642830; Website Elected by school staff: 3 October 2019: 2 October 2023: Andrew Croft: Appointed by GB/board: 1 May 2019: 30 April 2023: Jennifer Wilderspin: Appointed by GB/board: 3 April 2019: 2 April 2023: Joydeep Bose: Nominated by LA and appointed by GB: 3 April 2019: 2 April 2023: Rebecca Payne: Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal: 13 February 2014: Not recorded The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities for children from low-income families in mainstream settings, this includes students who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) and Looked After Children. We follow the programmes of study as laid down in the National Curriculum. Fees, admissions, teachers and reviews on all Northampton Primary schools. Information built for parents and students. Address: Booth Lane North, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN3 6JG. Short inspection of Boothville Primary School Following my visit to the school on 7 February 2017 with Kelly Lee, Ofsted Inspector, I write on behalf of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, ... Ofsted’s online survey, and the 30 responses from parents to the Ofsted free text service. Please visit our "Year Group" pages to see the themes and topics being studies across each year group. Please ask at the office. Telephone: 01604491545. Download If you would like to receive updates when new responses are received for this school please register and … Booth Lane North, Northampton, NN3 6JG Tel: 01604 491545. {{#if custom_icon}} ... Ofsted Report: 7th February 2017 (view record) Ofsted Rating: Good. Parents can request hard copies of our Policies and Reports upon request. Through our work in the classroom we will ensure that pupils understand the importance of equality and what forms discrimination can take and the impact discrimination can have. {{#if category}} Boothville Primary School - Nursery Type of service: Day nursery Address: Booth Lane North, Boothville Primary School, Northampton, NN3 6JG Telephone number: 01604 491545 ... Ofsted Inspection Grade: Unknown Additional information: N/A Eligibility criteria: Referral route: Ofsted Parent View results We are sorry but we only show the results for a school when we have received sufficient responses for the timeframe covered by a tab. {{#if files}} Boothville Primary School Booth Lane North Northampton Northamptonshire NN3 6JG: URN: 121931: School: Boothville Primary School: Street: Booth Lane North: Town: Northampton: County: ... Ofsted Outcome : DfE Performance Stats . Skip to main content. {{#if category.linkdownload_cat}} Get Advice. We use cookies to collect information about how you use this website. Any survey completed prior will have been completed using a different set of questions and may not be comparable. TYPE: Community ... LOCAL AUTHORITY: Northamptonshire listings. GOV.UK uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Tell us how satisfied you are with your website visit today. {{/if}}{{/each}} Click here. Northampton. Our KS2 results and School performance data is held online at the Education website, which can be found here or by using the link in our sidebar. Address: Booth Lane North Northampton Northamptonshire. Data in CSV format.
We normally give notice the afternoon of the working day before an inspection. In September 2019 the questions asked on Ofsted Parent View were updated. Where pupils experience barriers to their success we will work with them to address these in a sensitive and sympathetic way. The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed is: Miss Rebecca Payne, Headteacher, Boothville Primary School, Booth Lane North, Northampton, Northants. We can also inspect at any time if we have concerns. We will also seek to foster within our pupils their own commitment to promoting equality. {{/if}} Boothville Primary School Booth Lane North Northampton Northamptonshire NN3 6JG; Head: Ms Rebecca Payne T 01604 491545; F 01604 642830; E [email protected] …; W; A state school for boys and girls aged from 4 to 11. Page Content. Check Ofsted's COVID-19 updates to see how inspections and reports are affected. Preventing misuse; Check Ofsted's COVID-19 updates to see how inspections and reports are affected. Review for Boothville Primary School. Mixed A ‘values-based’ approach to all areas of school … The school has 33 teachers with each teacher on average earning the full-time equivalent of £37,673. We also use non-essential cookies to help us improve government digital services. This mixed-sex primary school has 683 pupils, with a capacity of 630, aged from three up to eleven, and the type of establishment is community school. Twitter. Full school league table information for Boothville Primary School, Northampton ... Boothville Primary School. NN3 6JG. Breadcrumb. Postcode: NN3 6JG. Boothville Primary School in Northamptonshire has 638 pupils, which far exceeds the country average.
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