The 42 hectares of land owned by Bloor Homes is a relatively small part of the Milton Keynes East development area on the other side of the M1 from most of the city and which is set to take 5,000. New Town designation: Designated: 23 January 1967. The plans want to allocate an area of land next to Oxley Park and Kingsmead, but located in Buckinghamshire Council’s boundaries, for growth of around 1,800 houses. It is the Council’s new Local Plan for the homes, jobs and infrastructure that will be needed in the Borough for the period until 2031. Crossings are being constructed at several locations along V4 Watling Street to create pedestrian links between the new WEA housing developments of Fairfield (near Stony Stratford) and Whitehouse (near the Cemetery) across to Two Mile Ash. Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre at Bradwell Abbey holds an extensive archive about the planning and development of Milton Keynes and has an associated research library. The existing A421, west of Milton Keynes, with capacity freed up by the Expressway, and east of the city, where Central Bedfordshire have already ear-marked the ‘Aspley Triangle’ as a future location for growth in their emerging Local Plan, could both support opportunities for growth. The Lakes Estate Neighbourhood Plan, made October 2015 This attracted objections from Milton Keynes Council as well as parishes on the western side of MK and parishes within north east Aylesbury Vale. Local authority: Milton Keynes Council. Planning control in Milton Keynes. Plan:MK (Draft Plan:MK Consultation document (PDF, 9.2MB)) is the preferred development strategy for Milton Keynes outlining how the Borough will grow over the next few years. In Milton Keynes, from 2004 to 2011 there were two local planning authorities: Milton Keynes Partnership (MKP) and Milton Keynes Council (MKC). 4 2 .The Development Plan and Policies Map 2.1 The statutory Development Plan for Milton Keynes Borough comprises the documents set out below. Most development requires planning permission and it the responsibility of the local planning authority to decide if the type of development proposed is acceptable. Designated area: 8,870 hectares. Local Development Watling Street Underpass – 2019 – 2020 Road Closure and diversions V4 Delayed reopening to 29 May 2020. A new version of the Aylesbury Vale Local Plan has been published by Buckinghamshire Council, which covers the area to the west of Milton Keynes. The Centre also offers an education programme (with a focus on urban geography and local … Milton Keynes Minerals Local Plan, adopted April 20062 Milton Keynes Waste Development Plan Document, adopted February 2008 Woburn Sands Neighbourhood Development Plan, made 16 July 2014 Central Milton Keynes Business Neighbourhood Development Plan, made 10 June 2015. Following publication of the Draft Master Plan for Milton Keynes, the government took planning control from elected local authorities and established the Milton Keynes Development Corporation (MKDC) to deliver its vision. Milton Keynes Development Corporation: designing a city for 250,000 people. These were all subject to community involvement, as well as independent testing (by the MILTON KEYNES LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK MILTON KEYNES WASTE DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT EXAMINATION NOTES OF PRE-EXAMINATION MEETING 18 JULY 2007 Hearings commence: 2 October 2007 Hearings venue: Programme Officer: Jamie Chalmers - Programme Officer Civic Offices Milton Keynes Council 1 Saxon Gate East Civic Centre Central Milton Keynes PO Box 5499 Local Plan status: Milton Keynes Core Strategy (adopted 2013) and saved policies from the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 (adopted 2005). Intended population: 250,000 (population at designation: 40,000). The site is being promoted by developer Willis Dawson as an alternative to the controversial 1,150 home Shenley Park development, which is included in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP).
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