Demographic variables like gender or race/ethnicity have a number of levels that are more or less exchangeable. Code for reproducing results in "Improving multilevel regression and poststratification with structured priors" ... Estimating State Public Opinion with Multi-level Regression and Poststratification using ... is summed when calculating heatmap and proportion values. A different example would be something like state, where it may make sense to pool information from nearby states rather from the whole country. But it’s worth thinking about. Nonparticipation and item nonresponse, even in well-designed surveys, often result in highly selected survey samples. The MRP framework combines multilevel regression and poststratification, accounts for … Mathematically it’s the same thing, but it’s much more convenient than filling in each response in the population.). of Sociology and Social Research University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) 2Dept. Since Andrew and Thomas Little  introduced it in the mid-90s, a whole lot of hay has been made from the technique. (3) for estimation of public opinion using US national preelection polling data. Structured priors are especially useful when one of the stratifying variable is ordinal (like age) and the response is expected depend (possibly non-linearly) with this variable. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. So if we have a way to predict the responses for the unobserved members of the population, we make estimates based on non-representative samples. I also wonder if one might run afoul of data protection laws (at least in Europe) if we try to get detailed information about the population. It reviews the stages in estimating opinion for small areas, identifies circumstances in which multilevel regression and post-stratification can go wrong, or go right, and provides a worked example for the UK using publicly available data sources and a previously published post-stratification frame. This leads to the question that inspired this work: Structured priors typically lead to more complex models than the iid varying intercept model that a standard application of the MRP methodology uses. There was also some indication of increased participation in sufficient physical activity in major cities relative to regional areas, but this variance component was estimated imprecisely (⁠σˆremote=0.32⁠; SD, 0.66) due to there being only 3 remoteness classification levels. (Beware the almost assumption-free inference. The investigation was performed as an extensive case study using baseline data (2013–2014) from a large national health survey of Australian males (Ten to Men: The Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health). This can be explained by the poststratification process adjusting the estimate upwards due to underrepresentation of the highest SEIFA education and occupation deciles in the Ten to Men sample relative to the Australian Capital Territory adult male population (Web Table 4). And only loosely related: what if not the mean but extremes are of interest? Multilevel regression and poststratification (MRP) is a model-based approach for estimating a population parameter of interest, generally from large-scale surveys. It seems like it should be able to be done. Most research on the performance of MRP has been done in the US political polling and/or social research context, where it has been demonstrated that it is often important to include good group-level (state-level) predictors (22, 24). One of the problems is non-response bias, which (as you can maybe infer from the name) is the bias induced by non-response. Post hoc investigation revealed a slightly larger difference in physical activity participation rates between major cities and regional areas in this state, which was appropriately accounted for in the weighted estimate but not using MRP. Giant assumption 1: We know the composition of our population. Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science, Yes, you can include prior information on quantities of interest, not just on parameters in your model, a paper that we’ve done on survey estimation that just appeared on arXiv. The MRP estimates, particularly for the smaller states, also exhibited substantially increased precision, reflecting one of the main advantages of multilevel modeling. The following diagnostic tools were used to guide variable selection: the magnitude of estimated variance components and varying coefficients relative to their standard errors, binned residual plots, and incremental changes to poststratification estimates. Suppose we want to know the students’ average grades as an index of something or the other (it could be parents’ education level, or SES). Really like this “with low power comes great responsibility”, Next time I give a tutorial I’ll put this right after. What about that new paper estimating the effects of lockdowns etc? Valid responses for the 3 outcome measures were obtained for 12,457 (89.7%), 13,602 (98.0%), and 13,091 (94.3%) of the 13,884 adult participants, respectively. – How often the Bayesian analysis will be misleading is important. Nonparticipation, item nonresponse, and attrition, when follow-up is involved, often result in highly selected samples even in well-designed studies. (, which allows for multiple levels of interactions. Analyses were performed in the open-source Bayesian computational package RStan. National and statewide population estimates of participation in physical activity at levels sufficient to confer a health benefit (%) (A), suicidal ideation (%) (B), and mean SF-12 Mental Component Summary score (C), Ten to Men Study, Australia, 2013–2014. Hey! . No interactions were included in the final model for any of the 3 outcome measures. These sort of missing at random or missing completely at random or ignorability assumptions are pretty much impossible to verify in practice. Samples from posterior distributions were generated using RStan’s Hamiltonian Monte Carlo routines (17), implemented with 4 chains, each with a minimum of 1,000 iterations, the first half of which were considered warm-up and disregarded. Of course, we can say, who cares about Europe, and be done with it :). I didn’t say in the post, it Alex’s StanCon material (not the paper example, but close enough) is here: This article provides an overview of multilevel regression and post-stratification. More formally, suppose that the population contains Kcategorical variables and that the kth has J kcategories. ACT, Australian Capital Territory; NSW, New South Wales; NT, Northern Territory; QLD, Queensland; SA, South Australia; SF-12, Medical Outcomes Study 12-item Short-Form Health Survey; TAS, Tasmania; VIC, Victoria; WA, Western Australia. 2020. throw a hand full of salt over your left shoulder and whisper “causality” into a mouldy tube sock found under a teenage boy’s bed), but for the most part this is the assumption that we are making. All analyses ignored the hierarchical structure inherent in the sample, specifically the multistage clustering of participants within households within small geographical areas. Estimates for smaller population subsets exhibited a greater degree of shrinkage towards the national estimate. Multilevel data occur when observations are nested within groups, for example, when students are nested within schools in a district. We applied MRP to 3 outcome measures from the baseline wave of the Ten to Men Study and demographic data from the 2011 Australian Census to generate estimates of population descriptive quantities and compared the results with those from conventional approaches that use sampling weights. Similarly, Nieuwland et al ran a 334 subject ERP study using data from 9 labs or so. The second thing we need is that the people who actually answered the survey in subgroup j is a random sample of the people who were asked. It is important, though, that the the regression structure. My reasoning is that BART is throwing away a lot of the information regarding the structure of the problem, e.g., it doesn’t know that indicators for age categories are all age category indicators, and indicators for gender are something else, etc. Estimates for these states remained relatively unchanged when incorporating the sampling weights, while under MRP, estimates exhibited considerable “shrinkage” towards the national estimate (Northern Territory: 62.3% (95% CI: 60.1, 64.4); Tasmania: 60.8% (95% CI: 59.4, 62.1)). This is the “multilevel regression” part. We also aimed to investigate the sensitivity of MRP to: model specification, particularly increasing model complexity; the importance of interactions; and the choice of prior distributions for model parameters. I guess I could fit the multilevel model with brms, then use fitted() to get predictions for all weight categories (raw samples not summaries) and then do a matrix multiplication with the weights to get the distribution for the target population, right? (2006). . Lauren and Andrew have a really great paper about this! For surveys of people, we typically build out our population information from census data, as well as from smaller official surveys like the American Community Survey (for estimation things about the US! What multilevel regression with post- stratification (MrP) does is different in the way we determine the estimate of the out-come variable for a specific ideal type. Regarding interactions – I have found in at least one setting that BARP (we called it BRP, or “Brother P”) performs slightly worse than the standard MRP model. It uses multilevel regression to predict what unobserved data in each subgroup would look like, and then uses poststratification to fill in the rest of the population values and make predictions about the quantities of interest. (19). There is an rstanarm implementation if you ask the authors nicely. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Abbreviations: MRP, multilevel regression and poststratification; SEIFA, Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas. Individual researchers may not get much credit for that. From the last sentence from Lauren and Andrew’s well written paper – broaden our data pool through collaborations across the world. The authors argue that both the survey statistics community and the epidemiologic community need to consider the perils and potentials of self-selection, particularly in light of Web-based self-selected enrollment becoming increasingly attractive due to significantly lower costs and rapid accrual. We, in this particular context, is my stellar grad student Alex Gao, the always stunning Lauren Kennedy, the eternally fabulous Andrew Gelman, and me. One such analytical approach, known as multilevel regression and poststratification (MRP), was developed by Gelman and Little (2) and Park et al. Results also demonstrated greater consistency and increased precision across states of varying sizes when compared with estimates obtained using sampling weights. MRP uses multilevel regression to model individual survey responses as a function of demographic and geographic covariates. While some interaction terms were investigated, very few had any noticeable impact on the poststratification estimates in the analysis of this study, with the exception of the state × remoteness interaction, which produced a more plausible estimate for participation in sufficient physical activity in Western Australia. In this case, it really only holds if the data was sampled from the population with the given probabilities. A limitation of comparing MRP with the use of sampling weights is the lack of a “gold standard.” We know neither the true population quantities that we are estimating nor the true sampling variability of any of the estimators considered. My next blog post will dive into the MRP Primer by Jonathan Kastellec using tools such as Stan , brms , and tidybayes . A few weeks ago, YouGov correctly predicted a hung parliament as a result of the 2017 UK general election, to the astonishment of many commentators. In addition, population health data collection and surveillance systems are largely based on administrative geographic units (city, county, or state), so population health outcome data are not often available for le… The participation fraction was 35%. It also suggests that, if we can stomach a little bias, we can get much tighter estimates of the population quantity than survey weights can give. Maybe the simplest method for dealing with non-representative data is to use sample weights. All and all, dealing with non-representative data is a difficult thing and it will surprise exactly no one to hear that there are a whole pile of approaches that have been proposed from the middle of last century onwards. Multilevel regression and poststratification (MRP) is a flexible modeling technique that has been used in a broad range of small-area estimation problems. The results of this case study indicate that MRP provides a promising analytical approach to addressing potential participation bias in the estimation of population descriptive quantities from large-scale health surveys and cohort studies. Ten to Men is managed by the University of Melbourne. But how do we get an estimate of the population average from this? Binary indigenous status was added to the model as a fixed effect, due to its being an important predictor of health outcomes and highly relevant to survey participation behavior. Our simple story - We looked at 6 schools (3 rich and 3 poor) with 40 students in each rich school and 160 students in each poor school, and we measured them on Happiness, number of Friends, and GPA. Multilevel regression and poststratification provides a promising analytical approach to addressing potential participation bias in the estimation of population descriptive quantities from large-scale health surveys and cohort studies. We did not consider the estimation of measures of association between exposures and outcomes. MRP was first described by Gelman and Little 5 and Park, Gelman and Bafumi 6 in the context of presidential voting and social research in the USA. Responses to the baseline survey were obtained from 15,988 males (n = 1,087 boys (ages 10–14 years); n = 1,017 young men (ages 15–17 years); and n = 13,884 adult men (ages 18–55 years)) recruited across all Australian states and territories. The first chapter presents MRP, a statistical technique that allows to estimate subnational estimates from national surveys while adjusting for nonrepresentativeness. It would probably get messy to make it “robust” to all the different types of interactions that can occur (e.g., an ordered variable with another ordered variable and then you get a prior similar to a tensor product spline?). Regarding the issue of incomplete population-level information: This is a general concern with MRP, and I guess the best solution would be to model the uncertainty. In this setup, information is shared between different levels of the demographic variable because we don’t know what the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution will be. Well just taking the average of the averages probably won’t work–if one of the subgroups has a different average from the others it’s going to give you the wrong answer. . There was some evidence of increased participation in sufficient physical activity for persons who spoke English only or who spoke another language and also spoke English very well in comparison with those who spoke another language and spoke English not well or not at all; however, with only 4 levels, this could not be estimated very precisely (⁠σˆEngfluency=0.65⁠; SD, 0.61). It uses multilevel regression to predict what unobserved data in each subgroup would look like, and then uses poststratification to fill in the rest of the population values and make predictions about the quantities of interest. Table 1 compares a selection of sociodemographic poststratification factors in the Ten to Men sample of adult participants with the 2011 Census population. al. a Population data from the 2011 Australian Census. The following case studies intend to introduce users to Multilevel regression and poststratification (MRP), providing reusable code and clear explanations. I’ve written about it at length before and will write about it at length again. There are some excellent resources to learn about multilevel regression and poststratification (MRP or Mister P), but most are heavy on multilevel regression and light on poststratification. Problems may arise, however, when these cell-level estimates are imprecisely estimated based on too weak a model, resulting in poststratification estimates that are too variable. In addition, the smaller regions had few data with which to detect important interactions, and those involving variables with many levels resulted in a very large number of parameters to be estimated, making interpretation difficult. First, that the people who were asked to participate in the survey in subgroup j is a random sample of subgroup j. Participation in physical activity at levels sufficient to confer a health benefit was defined according to the Active Australia Survey (12) as the accumulation of at least 150 minutes of activity over 1 week. This post explores the actual MRP Primer by Jonathan Kastellec.Jonathan and his coauthors wrote this excellent tutorial on Multilevel Regression and Poststratification (MRP) using r-base and arm/lme4.. From this data it is easy to compute the sample average for each subgroup, which we will call . Moreover, it’s very possible that the strata of the population have been unevenly sampled on purpose. Poststratification: flipping the problem on its head. – But don’t assume or take anyone’s word for it – check [with Principled Bayesian Workflow]! Giant assumption 2: The people who didn’t answer the survey are like the people who did answer the survey. It is important, though, that the Shirley and Gelman specify a multilevel regression in which responses are a function of demographic and geographic variation. The big unsolved problem with large collaborations is who gets the credit. Pirkis J, Currier D, Carlin J, et al. Each outcome measure was estimated using 3 methods: 1) unweighted (raw) data; 2) incorporation of sampling weights; and 3) multilevel regression and poststratification. We fit a multilevel logistic regression model for the mean of a binary response variable conditional on poststratification cells. This seems like a reasonable goal. We nevertheless decided to retain English fluency in the model, as it was thought likely to represent a potential source of participation bias. Make them stick. Convergence was judged to have occurred when Rˆ (the potential scale reduction factor) was no greater than 1.1 for all model parameters (16). Multilevel regression with poststratification (MrP) is a useful technique to predict a parameter of interest within small domains through modeling the mean of the variable of interest conditional on poststratification counts. This viewpoint also suggests that our target may not necessarily be unbiasedness but rather good prediction of the population. In particular, we look at the effect that using structured priors within the multilevel regression will have on the poststratified estimates. Everybody needs good neighbours (especially when millennials don’t answer the phone). These changes turn out not to massively change whole population quantities, but can greatly improve the estimates within subpopulations. Our main objective was to assess the potential value of MRP for addressing participation bias in the estimation of population descriptive quantities, such as the mean value of a continuous measure or the prevalence of a dichotomous measure, in large cohort studies and to evaluate MRP relative to conventional methods of estimation, such as the use of sampling weights.
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