Alloys International is an AS9100D worldwide distributor and specialty converter of Grade 2 commercially pure titanium. Titan Grad 2 ist ein reines Alpha-Titan und ist die am weitesten verbreitete Titanlegierung in allen Produktformen für den industriellen Einsatz aufgrund ihrer moderaten Festigkeit und hervorragenden Korrosionsbeständigkeit und Umformbarkeit. It has good ductility and formability with excellent corrosion resistance, especially to seawater. Grad 2 bietet eine hervorragende Balance von mäßiger Festigkeit und vernünftiger Duktilität. Both are furnished in the annealed condition. Titanium Grade 2 UNS R50400, Of the four commercially pure (C.P.) Sie ist giessbar und wird oft für Ventile und Fittings verwendet. Grade 2 has excellent resistance to high oxidization. IUPAC-Gruppe) oder Titangruppe.Das Metall ist weiß-metallisch glänzend, hat eine geringe Dichte, ist dehnbar, korrosions-und temperaturbeständig.. Titan wird heute üblicherweise zu den Leichtmetallen gezählt. Get Quote's Calico Metal Alloys LLP is a well known brand in the industries of stainless steel manufacturing, and a leading exporter and supplier of Titanium Grade 2 Plate in the country. It offers a high ductility while still maintaining the necessary impact toughness. This grade is most often used in plates, tubing, piping, and a range of other applications where a higher level of weldability and formability is important. Es gehört zu den Übergangsmetallen und steht im Periodensystem in der 4. Titan ist ein chemisches Element mit dem Elementsymbol Ti und der Ordnungszahl 22. CP2 is one of the most common titanium grades, with properties that make it a good candidate for chemical and … HSM ® ist Ihr Titanlieferant für alle Bedarfe rund um Titan - egal wie schwierig die Aufgabe scheint, wir lösen Sie! Microstructurally, they are all alpha-phase alloys. Grad 2 hat eine sehr gute Schweißbarkeit. For many titanium alloys such as Ti-6Al-4V, one can move directly to a final polish after the 9-micron stage. Es ist sehr korrosionsbeständig in stark oxidierenden und gering reduzierenden Anwendungen, inklusive Chloriden. Titanium Grade 2 Price per kg Origin Price in INR (per kg) Price in USD (per kg) Price in Euro (per kg) India: Indian: Rs 1200/-$17: €14: Japan: Japanese: Rs 1400/-$21: €18: UK / Europe: European: Rs 1500/-$22: €19: USA: USA: Rs 1600/-$24: €20 Titanium grade 2 (3.7035) is a standard raw material for plant engineering, chemical industries, medical technology, aerospace industries, motor sports and sports accessories. Grade 2 Titanium is a commercially pure (CP) grade of titanium and is the most commonly specified grade of CP titanium. Medical and aerospace are two key industries for titanium alloys. Grade 2 Titanium is a commercially pure (CP) grade of titanium and is the most commonly specified grade of CP titanium. This combination of properties makes Grade 2 titanium ideal for a large variety of chemical and marine as well as aerospace and medical applications. Pure Titanium, relatively low strength and high ductility. Es hat eine sehr hohe Festigkeit, aber eine relativ geringe Duktilität. Grade 2 CP Titanium is a premium cutting-edge metal that yields excellent cold formability and weldability and combines it with moderate strength. Read more. Titanium is 30% stronger than Steel but nearly 50% lighter and although Aluminium is lighter, Titanium is stronger and has excellent strength retention. The figure below shows the interstitials level of each grade and its corresponding mechanical properties. Titanium Grade 2. Pure Titanium is used due to its high corrosion resistance, the alloys because of the extremely high strength to weight ratio. In addition, thermal stresses in titanium structures … It is the prime choice for many fields of applications: Grade 2 is stronger, however. Grade 2 is light-weight, highly corrosion resistant and has excellent weldability. Commercially Pure Titanium Grade 2 has moderate strength and excellent cold forming properties. Titanium grade 2 is specified based on its excellent corrosion resistance in environments which include: calcium chloride, cupric chloride, ferric chloride, various concentrations of acetic acid, high temperature seawater, most organic media and more. Typical applications for Grade 2 titanium include oil & gas components, reaction and pressure vessels, tubing or piping systems, heat exchangers, liners, flue-gas desulphurizat… Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "titanium grade 2" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Corrosion resistance is similar between these four C.P. Grade 7 is mechanically and physically equivalent to Grade 2, except with the addition of the interstitial element palladium, making it an alloy. This makes them suitable for the manufacture of components in weight-saving structures with reduced mass forces, and also for components requiring high corrosion resistance. Titanium Grade 1, Titanium Grade 2 , Titanium Grade 3 and Titanium Grade 4 are considered commercially pure. Titanium Grade 1-4 is pure Titanium, the other grades are alloys. Grade 1. This material is very corrosion resistant in highly oxidizing and mildly reducing environments. Wegen der ausgezeichneten Biokompatibilität finden diese Werkstoffe auch im medizinischen Bereich eine verbreitete Anwendung. Onlineshop Artikelseite: 'Stangen' mit folgenden 10 Produkten : Titan Grade 2 Rundstangen geschliffen 120 mm, Titan Grade 2 Rundstangen geschliffen 250 mm, Titan Grade 2 Rundstangen geschliffen 500 mm, Titan Grade 2 Rundstangen gewalzt 500 mm, Titan Grade 2 Vierkantstangen 120 mm, Titan Grade 2 Vierkantstangen 245 mm, Titan Grade 2 Vierkantstangen 495 mm, Titan Ti6Al4V Grade … Pure Titanium is used due to its high corrosion resistance, the alloys because of the extremely high strength to weight ratio. Their average alloy composition is basically identical. Titanium Alloy Grade 2 is “unalloyed” titanium offering an excellent balance of strength and … Every material that is exported should conform to international standards and have certificates like raw material test and more. 3D HUBS. Titanium Processing Center is a fully stocked supplier of commercially pure grade 2 titanium. CP Grade 2 titanium is widely used in heat exchangers. 0.125" - 0.500" Get a quote. This titanium grade is used in airframes, aircraft engines, and marine parts; good weldability and corrosion resistance are its distinguishing characteristics. What Is Titanium ASTM B265 Gr 2 Plate? Grade 2 is light-weight, highly corrosion resistant and has excellent weldability. Alternate Names: CP Grade 2 Titanium, CP 2, Grade 2, CP 40 Description: Commercially Pure (CP) Grade 2 Titanium is one of the most common grades of unalloyed titanium.CP Titanium mechanical properties are controlled by chemistry; specifically the input of Nitrogen, Oxygen and Iron which will increase strength of material. 4 offers the highest strength with moderate formability. The material … Titan gr 2, titanium grade 2, gr. Titanium Round Bar diameter is available from 0.125" (3.175mm) to a 12" (304.8mm). Rechnungsadresse: . Titanlegierungen sind Metalle, welche eine Mixtur von Titan und weiteren chemischen Elementen enthalten. 2, stock Round bar, plate, NORSOK, TR2000, forgings, pipe, seamless pipe, smls pipe, welded Pipe, HIP items Properties with values for … The most desirable feature of our CP Ti is its ability to osseointegrate within the human body. In diesem Bericht können Sie einen Blick auf ein echtes Beispiel unserer Arbeit werfen. Commonly known as the “workhorse” in the titanium industry, Grade 2 is more useable and available. Titanium Grade 2 (Commercially Pure) Unalloyed titanium; Commercially pure titanium is the most common grade of titanium utilized throughout industry due to its ease of availability and good properties. David Mechanical Engineering Lead at 3D Hubs. 4 offers the highest strength with moderate formability. Reintitan reicht von Grad 1, welches die höchste Korrosionsbeständigkeit hat, dafür... Titan Grad 1 / EN3.7025/ASTM B265 Titan Grad 1 ist eins von insgesamt vier Reintitan Qualitäten. CP Grade 2 Inventory Size Ranges. Titanium Grade 2 Plate is the softest titanium with the highest ductility, good cold formability which gives Titanium Grade 2 Plate an excellent resistance from mild to high oxidization. grades but mechanical properties vary along with varying oxygen and iron contents. Adresse: Bäckvägen 17C SE-192 54 Sollentuna Ust-IdNr: SE556973741301. Außerdem auch in Wärmetauschern, Hypochlorit-Systemen, Löschwassersystemen, Ballastwassersystemen, Steigleitungen, Armaturen, Flanschen, Befestigungselementen, Schmiedestücken, Pumpen, Ventilen. Titanium Grade 2 is a pure alpha titanium and is the most widely used titanium alloy in all product forms for industrial service because of moderate strength and excellent corrosion resistance and formability. This combination of properties makes Grade 2 titanium ideal for a large variety of chemical and marine as well as aerospace and medical applications. The ASTM International standard on titanium and titanium alloy seamless pipe references the following alloys, requiring the following treatment: Microstructurally, they are all alpha-phase alloys. Titanium Gateway. The strength and corrosion resistance properties of titanium Grade 2 also make it well suited to applications in the marine, chemical processing and desalination industries. Titanium Alloy Grade 7 with 0.1 % palladium is similar to Grade 2, but with improved resistance to general and localized crevice corrosion in a wide range of reducing acid environments, including chlorides, and where low pH and high temperatures above 180°F (83°C) to 500°F 260°C) are prevalent. CP Grade 2 Titanium. Titanium Grade 2 sheet is one of the most useful and versatile metals out there. These traits makes Grade 2 Titanium Bar and Sheet a primary choice for a wide variety applications. 89a | D-45239 Essen | Deutschland. Titanium is often alloyed with aluminium (to refine grain size), vanadium, copper (to harden), iron, manganese, molybdenum, and other metals. Titan Grad 2/EN 3.7035/ASTM B 348 Grad 2 ist das häufigst verwendete Titan in allen Produktformen, es hat ähnliche Eigenschaften wie Grad 1, ist aber etwas stärker. Commercially Pure Grade 2 Titanium. Ti-Grade 2; Unalloyed Titanium - Standard Oxygen | Commercially pure titanium grades feature an excellent strength-to-density ratio and good corrosion resistance. This 3-step method is very effective for most titanium alloys. Titanium Grade 1-4 is pure Titanium, the other grades are alloys. CP Ti Gr. Titan Blech. Grad 2 bietet... Weiterlesen. Unlegiertes Titan mit steigender Festigkeit und abnehmbarer Zähigkeit. Titanium grade 2 is unalloyed or "commercially pure" Titanium. titanium grades, Grade 2 is typically used in applications that require superior corrosion resistance in various aggressive media. This titanium grade is used in airframes, aircraft engines, and marine parts; good weldability and corrosion resistance are its distinguishing characteristics. Welding of Titanium grade 2 MIG and WIG with pure argon Plasma, laser or electrode beam welding Our Titanium Round Bar is available in Titanium CP Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 4, Grade 5 6Al-4V, Grade 23 6Al-4V ELI, and 6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo. Plate. This material is very corrosion resistant in highly oxidizing and … Titanium Alloy Grade 2 is “unalloyed” titanium offering an excellent balance of strength and ductility. Grade 2. Werkstoff: W3.7035 ASTM B265 Grade.2. Titanium Grade 2 Description. Grade 1. This grade of titanium is the most common grade of the commercially pure titanium industry. Grad 2 ist das häufigst verwendete Titan in allen Produktformen, es hat ähnliche Eigenschaften wie Grad 1, ist aber etwas stärker. Bäckvägen 17C SE-192 54 Sollentuna Ust-IdNr: SE556973741301, This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. 0.250" - 0.500" Get a quote . There are numerous different grades that all reflect their alloy status. Grade 2 shares many similar qualities to Grade 1 Titanium, including corrosion resistance. Grade 1 titaniumis the softest grade of titanium, which makes if very formable. Grade 2 Titanium has the best combination of strength, ductility and weld-ability. Because of these attributes, it is commonly found in aircraft and other high-end applications. Nebengruppe (4. TITAN Grade 2 3.7035 - EN Ti 2 / ASTM B348 et F 67 – CP Titan Grade 2 Für die Medizin, Mikro- und Feinwerktechnik, die Uhrenindustrie usw. Please find Titanium Industries offerings for Commercially Pure Titanium … Available in four distinct grades (1, 2, 3, and 4), Titanium is classified by its corrosion resistance, ductility, and strength. Grade 2 is the most used grade of pure titanium. It is also important for jewellery industries due to its ability to influence the colouring by anodizing. Dimensional Thickness Maximum Width 0.025”- 0.003” (.635 - … Unlegiertes Titan mit steigender Festigkeit und abnehmbarer Zähigkeit. Plate heat exchangers; Grade 2 The pure titanium … Grad 2 bietet eine hervorragende Balance von mäßiger Festigkeit und vernünftiger Duktilität. Titan Grade 2 (3.7035) als Titan Rundstange, Titanblech, Titanplatte, Schmiedeteil, Titanrohr, Titandraht, Titanschraube und Titaningots können wir Ihnen kurzfristig aus Lagervorrat anbieten. The difference, however, lies in the amount of interstitial elements added to each grade. Gerne sind wir Ihnen beim Einkauf von Titan Grade 2 (3.7035) behilflich. Pure Titanium, relatively low strength and high ductility. L. Klein AG • Längfeldweg 110 • CH-2504 Biel/Bienne Telefon 0041 (0)32 341 73 73 • Telefax 0041 (0)32 341 97 20 • • 1/5 ht ht. Bar. Titan Grade 2 ist ein Reintitan, welches ein exzellentes Verhältnis im Bereich Festigkeit zu Dehnung aufweist. The pure titanium most used. Typische Anwendungsbereiche für Grad 2 sind korrosionsbeständige Teile in der chemischen und Offshore Industrie und in der Luftfahrtkonstruktion, bei der ein gewisses Festigkeitsniveau und eine leichte Formbarkeit erwünscht sind. CP Grade 2 titanium is widely used in heat exchangers. Titanium Grade 2 is a commercially pure form of titanium. Unalloyed commercially pure (CP) Titanium. Commercially Pure Titanium Grade 2 is slightly stronger than Grade 1 but equally corrosion resistant against most applications. Common Name: CP Grade 2 Titanium Grade 2 General Information: Titanium Alloy Grade 2 is “unalloyed” titanium offering an excellent balance of strength and ductility. Im Vergleich zu reinem Titan hat... Mo-Fr: 07.00-16.00(geschlossen während der Mittagspause 12:00-13:00 Uhr). Commercially Pure Titanium Plate and Plate Products Combining High Strength and Ductility with... Chemical Analysis. Titanium plate Grade 2/2H (UNS R50400) is available along with our inventory of stainless steel and... General Properties. Titan Grade 2: ASTM: Ti-Grade 2: UNS: R50400: Beschreibung. A titanium cylinder of "grade 2" quality. Grade 2 is standard, unalloyed titanium. Titanium grade 2 is unalloyed or "commercially pure" Titanium. Titanium is used in steel as an alloying element (ferro-titanium) to reduce grain size and as a deoxidizer, and in stainless steel to reduce carbon content. The material has good toughness and is readily weldable. Titanium grade 2 Bars can vary in length as per the single random; double random or any required size. Ob Titan Grade 2, Titanrohr mit hauchdünner Außenwand, spezielle Verpackungsvorschrift oder Bearbeitung eines Fertigteils nach Zeichnung. However, it has good weldability, ductility, formability, and excellent corrosion resistance. Abmessung: 0,5 x 500 x 500 mm 1 has the highest corrosion resistance, formability, and lowest strength, whereas, CP Ti Gr. Bhd. Contact s to learn more. Dimensional Thickness Maximum Width 0.025”- 0.003” (.635 - … Grad 2 ist das häufigst verwendete Titan in allen Produktformen, es hat ähnliche Eigenschaften wie Grad 1, ist aber etwas stärker. Ti-Grade 2; Unalloyed Titanium - Standard Oxygen | Commercially pure titanium grades feature an excellent strength-to-density ratio and good corrosion resistance. Titanium Grade 2 Plate is the softest titanium with the highest ductility, good cold formability which gives Titanium Grade 2 Plate an excellent resistance from mild to high oxidization. Moreover, the custom sizes are also presented for clients according to their requirements. There are 32 material properties with values for both materials. *Please select more than one item to compare The titanium grade 2 round bar which o riginate from Japan was manufactured according to ASTM F67 and was purchased from a local distributor that is E-Steel Sdn. We stock round rod from 1/4″ diameter up to 1 1/2″ diameter. Zudem führt die geringe Wärmeausdehnung in Titankonstruktionen zu geringeren Wärmespannungen gegenüber anderen metallischen Werkstoffen. Es ist das „Softeste“ aller vier Grade, mit der höchsten Verformbarkeit, höchsten Korrosionsbeständigkeit und... Titan Grad 5/6AL-4V9/ASTM B 348 Grad 5 ist die am meisten genutzte Titanlegierung. Grade 7 possesses excellent weldability and fabricality, and is the most corrosion resistance of all titanium alloys. However, other conditions such as temperature, pH level and flow velocity could alter its properties drastically e.g. … It is famously strong, corrosion resistant, and light. CP Titanium Grade 2 is often utilized in numerous forms, including: pipe, tube, wire, sheet and more. These Titanium Grade 2 Plates are lengthily used in Aerospace, Chemical Processing and Marine. Search results for titanium grade 2 at Sigma-Aldrich. The grades of titanium are dependent on the yield strength. CP2 is one of the most common titanium grades, with properties that make it a good candidate for chemical and marine, aerospace and medical applications. CP Ti Gr. Titanium Grade 2 is known as the “workhorse” of commercially pure titanium for a reason. We stock commercially pure grades 1-12 and a wide range of hard to find alloyed titanium grades in many forms including sheet, foil, strip, plate, bar, special shapes and angles, forgings, castings, tube, pipe, wire and spare parts. Nordea: Swift: NDEASESS. Both grade 1 titanium and grade 2 titanium are titanium alloys. Ti Grade 2 Moderate strength unalloyed Ti with excellent weldability, cold formability, and fabricability; "workhorse" and "garden variety" Ti grade for industrial service with excellent resistance to mildly reducing to highly oxidizing media with or without chlorides. Titanium Grade 2 is unalloyed and generally known as CP (Commercially Pure). Titanium Grade 2/2H Stock Thicknesses. In fact, it is most resistant to corrosion in reducing acids. Compare Products: Select up to 4 products. Für die meisten Anwendungen ist es mit einem geringen Anteil von Aluminium und Vanadium legiert, typischerweise 6%... Kommerzielles Reintitan wird durch vier verschiedene Grade repräsentiert, im Speziellen Grad 1, Grad 2, Grad 3 und Grad 4. More sensitive alloys such as Grade 2 and commercial purity titanium may benefit from an … It has a relatively low level of impurity elements and yield strength that places it between grade 1 and 3. General. Titanium Grade 2 UNS R50400, Of the four commercially pure (C.P.) In addition, thermal stresses in titanium structures … Aries Alloys is one of the major Supplier of Titanium ASTM B265 Gr 2 Plate Where we provide these products in a number of Sizes, Shapes, Thickness and dimensions as per our clients requirements. It has a relatively low level of impurity elements and yield strength that places it between grade 1 and 3. Titanium Grade 1-4 is pure Titanium, the other grades are alloys. Es ist sehr korrosionsbeständig in stark oxidierenden und gering reduzierenden Anwendungen, inklusive Chloriden. 0.016" - 0.125" Sheet Quote Coil Quote. Commercially Pure Titanium Grade 2 is an unalloyed, medium strength titanium product. The material has good toughness and is readily weldable. The pure titanium most used. Titanium Alloys Grade 7. Corrosion resistance is similar between these four C.P. This makes them suitable for the manufacture of components in weight-saving structures with reduced mass forces, and also for components requiring high corrosion resistance. Pure Titanium is used due to it’s high corrosion resistance, the alloys because of the extremely high strength to weight ratio. It has good ductility and formability with excellent corrosion resistance, especially to seawater. The grades of titanium are dependent on the yield strength. Grade 1 Pure Titanium, relatively low strength and high ducility. Commercially Pure Titanium Grade 2 is an unalloyed, medium strength titanium product. Titanium Grade 1, Titanium Grade 2 , Titanium Grade 3 and Titanium Grade 4 are considered commercially pure. It is widely used because it combines excellent formability and moderate strength with superior corrosion resistance. Grade 2. For specific terminology, please see our ‘definitions’ section at the end of this page. Commercial pure grade 2 is the most recently employed unalloyed titanium grade. It provides excellent welding properties and has excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion. Chemische Industrie, Luftfahrtindustrie, Medizintechnik, Lieferbare Produktformen für 3.7035 / Ti-Grade 2, © Metalcor GmbH | Heidhauser Str. Both grade 2 titanium and grade 5 titanium are titanium alloys. The tensile and yield strength of titanium generally increases with the grade number. It is strong, though not as strong as some of the more specialized grades. It is widely used because it combines excellent formability and moderate strength with superior corrosion resistance. They have 90% of their average alloy composition in common. Titanium Grade 2 is a commercially pure form of titanium. Commercially pure titanium grade 2 is very similar to grade 1, but it has higher strength than grade 1 and excellent cold forming properties. 1 has the highest corrosion resistance, formability, and lowest strength, whereas, CP Ti Gr. This unalloyed titanium has the best strength to weight ratio of any corrosion resistant material. The difference, however, lies in the amount of interstitial elements added to each grade. Auf Grund des günstigen Verhältnisses von Festigkeit zu Dichte und der guten Korrosionsbeständigkeit eignen sich die Rein-Titanwerkstoffe zum einen für die Herstellung von Bauteilen in gewichtsparenden Konstruktionen zur Reduzierung von Massekräften und zum anderen für Bauteile mit hoher Korrosionsbeständigkeit. Properties with values for just one material (3, in this case) are not shown. Titanium Grade 2 Specifications: UNS R50400, ASTM B 348, AMS 4921, ASTM F 67, ISO 5832-2, Werkstoff 3.7035 titanium grades, Grade 2 is typically used in applications that require superior corrosion resistance in various aggressive media. grades but mechanical properties vary along with varying oxygen and iron contents. Titan Grade 2 3.7035 / UNS R50400. Available in four distinct grades (1, 2, 3, and 4), Titanium is classified by its corrosion resistance, ductility, and strength. It provides moderate strength (typical yield strength 345 MPa) combined with good ductility, formability and weldability. Following is an overview of the most frequently encountered titanium alloys and pure grades, their properties, benefits, and industry applications. Besondere Eigenschaften. Titanium Grade 2 has a lower density making it very desirable where weight can be a concern. Sheet & Coil. It provides excellent welding properties and has excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion. Due to higher levels of iron and oxygen, Grade 2 Titanium possess high strength, good formability and weldability, and ductility. This material is ideal for projects that require a high resistance to corrosion, such as aircraft construction or chemical and industrial applications. Kontaktieren Sie uns einfach telefonisch unter 06033 / 92 89 90 oder über unser Kontaktformular. Approved for … Die Güte hat eine hohe Kerbschlagfestigkeit, ist gut schweissbar und korrosionsbeständig in stark oxidierenden sowie mittleren reduzierenden Umgebungen. There are 31 material properties with values for both materials. Lagerprogramm .
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