Ngiyavisisa kutsi iTruworths ngekubona kwayo ingangentela Umkhawulo we-Akhawunti (“Umkhawulo we-Akhawunti”) ube wemali lencane kuneMkhawulo weSikweleti lenginikwe wona njengoba kubekiwe endzimeni ye-2.1 ngetulu. Truworths Limited: Reg. The Agreed Rate will never exceed the applicable reference rate as defined below. Minimum installment amount is $10. ya ngodiso 108/1961 (haeba akhaonto ya ka e butswe Swaziland); le Truworths (Botswana) Limited: Nmr. I will immediately advise Truworths of any change in my contact details including but not limited to my business, postal or residential addresses, my home, work or my cellphone number(s), and my e-mail address. Truworths acts in South Africa as a representative of Hollard Life Assurance Company Limited and The Hollard Life Insurance Company Limited in the promotion and supply of Account Balance Protection Insurance and Cellphone Insurance respectively. However, when an account reflects in arrears, the account holder will receive various forms of communication, in order to obtain a suitable payment arrangement. Ngiyavisisa kutsi Silingansintalo Lesivunyiwe ngekubona kweTruworths singanikwa sephulelo sibe silinganisontalo lesincane noma futsi singakhokhwa mbamba etinyangeni le-6 letikhetsekile nakutinhlelo tekukhokha letikhetsiwe uma ngabe nginikwe loku ngekubona kweTruworths, uma ngabe I-akhawunti yami ayikasaleli emuva kepha uma ngabe isalele emuva iTruworths itangikhokhisa intalo kule-Akhawunti ingabi ngetulu kweSilinganisontalo Lesikhulu. Ke utlwisisa hore haeba ke bula Akhaonto ya ka Afrika Borwa, Truworths e kgethile Sekgahla sa Tswala se Hodimodimo se laetsweng ke Molao wa Naha wa Mekitlane, kapa Molao wa Dikadimo (Usury Act) bakeng sa diakhaonto tse butsweng pele ho la 1 Phuptjane 2007, jwalo ka sekgahla sa referense bakeng sa merero ya ho fumana Sekgahla se Dumellanweng se sebetsang Akhaontong ya ka. I recently closed my Truworths account. I haven’t received my statement in the mail, or more likely its there but I haven’t collected the post, or even more likely I did get it and I didn’t open it or did open it and then threw it away. Voorkoming van Rente op Agterstallige Rekenings. I asked the cashier to make a call to ask for an update on my account that i'm not in arrears, which she did while I was standing with her. Phumantsho ya Mokitlane ya ka (“Akhaonto” ya ka) e tla lekanyetswa Moedi o hodimodimo wa mokitlane (“Moedi wa Mokitlane”) jwalo ka ha ho lekantswe ke Truworths ho latela ditlhoko tsa Molao wa Mekitlane wa Naha Afrika Borwa le dipehelo tse amehang tsa ketsomolao e lokelang dinaheng tse ding. ♣ You get R1000** Fashion Vouchers** when your account is opened. Uma iSivumelwano sami Sesikweletu senziwa ngaphambi kuka-1 Juni 2007 kuyavunywa ukuthi ngenxa yokuthi lesi sikweletu engasinikwa sasiyiSikweletu esivuselelwayo, ulwazi olulandelayo alwaziwa njengamanje futhi ngeke lunqunywe kusengaphambi kwesikhathi: Bonke abanikazi bama-akhawunti bamanje nabo bonke abafaka isicelo sesikweletu (laba bakamuva bangaphansi kweminye imigomo nemibandela elapha kodwa kungakhathaliseki ukuthi bayasinikwa yini isikweletu noma cha) bafaneleka ngokuzenzekelayo ukuba neqhaza Ohlelweni Lwamakhasimende Aqotho akwa-Truworths. Ke utlwisisa hore ka nako efe kapa efe nka ikopanya le moeletsi wa mekitlane ho nthusa mabapi le ho laola mekitlane ya ka. Zingakapheli izinsuku ezingama-30 zoguquguquko olunjalo, i-Truworths izongazisa ngencwadi, ngesitatimende sami se-akhawunti sazinyanga zonke noma ngenye indlela, ngokuguquguquka, okuyoba ngezinga elizinzile elihambisana nokushintsha kwezinga lenkomba elisebenzayo. Ngiyaqonda ukuthi Umkhawulo Wesikweletu osebenza ngaphambi kwalokhu kwenyuswa kwesikhashana uyosebenza futhi uma ibhalansi engiyikweletayo ku-Akhawunti yami isingaphansi kwalowo Mkhawulo. Ke utlwisisa hore Truworths ka boikgethelo ba yona e ka nna ya eketsa Moedi wa Akhaonto saena nakwana ka hore ke etse kopo bakeng sa ho kgonahatsa ditheko tse itseng tse neng di tla baka hore ke tlole Moedi ona wa Akhaonto. Truworths Limited: Ino. I understand that one of the benefits to which I am currently entitled through payment of the annual service fee is the Fraud Protection Benefit. Ngiyavisisa kutsi umkhandlu wetikweleti unika babolekisimali iphrofayili, kanye futsi nelimaki mayelana nesimo sami setikweleti, lokumiselwe kulwatiso iTruworths leyabelana ngalo nemkhandlu wetikweleti. Truworths e tla debita Akhaonto ya ka kgwedi le kgwedi ka premiamo e hlokang ho lefuwa ho latela Inshorense ya Tshireletso ya Balanse ya Akhaonto. Truworths kan die Kredietlimiet wat vir my By completing this application you will be consenting to the use of your information. Ngiyaqonda futhi ukuthi ngencwadi eya e-Truworths nganoma yisiphi isikhathi nginganciphisa uMkhawulo Wesikweletu kanye/noma uMkhawulo We-akhawunti othinta i-Akhawunti yami Yesikweletu, noma ngisho uMkhawulo Wesikweletu kanye/noma uMkhawulo We-akhawunti engizimisele ukuwamukela kule Akhawunti Yesikweletu. Ngiyavisisa kutsi uma ngabe I-akhawunti yami ngiyivele ngaphandle kweNingizimu Afrika silinganisontalo lesincumako sitawuba silinganiso lesikhulu lesincunywe ngumtsetfo lofanele kulelo live lapho I-akhawunti yami ivulwe khona. D Diane Burger Aug 27, 2020. Izimpahla ezinamaphutha asefektri ziyohoxiswa esikweletini noma zishintshwe ngenjabulo uma: Ngiyaqonda ukuthi i-Truworths izongikhokhisa inhlawulo yezinsizakalo yaminyakayonke yezindleko ezivamile zokunakekelwa kwamaphepha futhi lokhu njengamanje kunginika uMhlomulo Wokuvikelwa Emgunyathini. Sign only if you want to be legally bound by the terms of this Agreement and the terms contained in the Retail Credit Terms and Conditions. My wife has an account that I pay. Lesi sigaba sithinta ama-akhawunti avulwe eNingizimu Afrika kuphela. Yep, don’t know what I was thinking? By agreeing to the LP Terms, you agree that Truworths will own your personal information as provided to us, and will have the Firstly, I have not received ANY form of communication from Truworths since 2007. ya ngodiso 1940/013923/06 (haeba akhaonto ya ka e butswe Afrika Borwa); Truworths (Namibia) Limited: Nmr. Truworths shall be entitled, without my knowledge, to cede (transfer) any of its rights and delegate (transfer) any of its obligations in terms of this Credit Agreement to any third party. Ngiyavuma ukuthi i-Truworths ingacela futhi ithole noma yiluphi ulwazi oluyimfihlo nezikweletu zami kunoma iyiphi inhlangano yezikweletu, kwenye irejista noma kwenye indawo nganoma yisiphi isikhathi, kubandakanye nokucela ukuhlaziywa kwezikweletu nesiqinisekiso sokuthi le mvume ihlanganisa ulwazi oselutholwe yi-Truworths kakade. Hierdie Rekeninglimiet Furthermore, my Credit Limit may automatically be increased annually, provided that I have agreed to such automatic annual increases. Ngiyavisisa kutsi intalo ye-Akhawunti yami ibalwa onkhe malanga ngetikhatsi letitsite nekutsi futsi ngingayinciphisa imali yentalo lekhokhiswa i-Akhawunti yami ngekutsi ngikhokhe imali lephelele ngelusuku lwekukhokha lolufanele njengoba lubekiwe kuSitatimende senyanga se-Akhawunti yami. If my Card is lost or stolen, I will immediately inform my local Truworths store or contact the Customer Services Helpline on +27 (0)21 460 2300 +27 (0)21 460 2300. I understand that the Account Limit applicable before such temporary increase will again apply when the balance owing on my Account is less than such Limit. We may use your personal information to conduct a credit bureau check for the purpose of potentially offering you a Truworths Ke utlwisisa hore Akhaonto ya ka e na le sekgahla sa tswala se ka fetofetohang, e leng se bolelang hore Dikgahla tse Dumellanweng tse sebetsang bakeng sa merero ya tefo Akhaontong ya ka di tla fetofetoha nako le nako ka kotloloho ho latela diphetoho tse teng sekgahleng sa referense. New participants can apply in store, via SMS, online or accept an offer to apply by providing the necessary information required to participate in the LP. Nakong ya matsatsi a 30 a kgwebo a phetolo efe kapa efe e jwalo, Truworths e tla ntsebisa ka mongolo, ka setatemente sa akhaonto ya ka sa kgwedi le kgwedi kapa ho seng jwalo, mabapi le phetolo eo, e tlang ho ba ka kamano e tsitsitseng ho phetolo e amehang sekgahleng sa referense. is as die Kredietlimiet wat aan my toegeken is, waarna daar in klousule 2.1 hierbo verwys word. Account no: *****44485 was paid on 29/08/2015 R800.00 a wrong account was credited which also reflected on my profile. During the period under review, the number of Truworths accounts increased by 4,3% over the comparative period to 79 960. Ngetulu kwaloko, Umkhawulo weSikweleti sami ungavele nje ukhushulwe njalo ngemnyaka, kuphela nje uma ngabe ngivumile kutsi ubovele nje ukhushulwe. Uma ngabe Sivumelwano seSikweleti sami sentiwa ngembi kwamhla lulunye (1) Inhlaba 2007 kubhalwe kanjalo ngoba lesikweleti lenganikwa sona besiluhlobo lweMalimboleko lejikeletako, lolwatiso lolulandzelako alwatiwa kwamanje futsi angeke lutfolakale ngembi kwesikhatsi: Bonkhe banikati bema-current akhawunti kanye nabo bonkhe bafakiticelo bemalimboleko (loku lokushiwo ekugcineni kuya ngemigomo nemibandzela lechubekako kepha akunandzaba nekutsi sikweleti siyatfolakala noma cha) bavele nje bafanelwe kuhlanganyela kuLuhlelo Lwekuklonyeliswa lwakaTruworths. Truworths is daarop geregtig om enige van sy regte te sedeer (oor te dra) en enige van sy verpligtings ingevolge hierdie Kredietooreenkoms aan enige derde party te delegeer (oor te dra) sonder my medewete. Truworths will send to the postal address specified in either the Quotation or the Application, or to such changed address as I may subsequently have notified Truworths, a monthly statement of account which amongst other information will set out the balance owing as at the statement date, the monthly instalment, the amount of interest payable, the payment due and the payment due date. My Credit Agreement with Truworths is constituted by the Account Application Form The debt counsellor will conduct a debt review and make a ruling on whether the granting of this Credit Facility was reckless. Ke utlwisisa hore tse ding tsa ditsiane tseo ke nang le tokelo ya tsona hajwale ka ho lefa tefiso ya selemo le selemo ya tshebeletso ke Ditsiane tsa Tshireletso Kgahlanong le Boqhekanyetsi. dispuut rakende hierdie Kredietooreenkoms verwys na die Kredietombudsman, die Nasionale Verbruikerskommissie of die Nasionale Kredietreguleerder Noma yiluphi ushintsho olunjalo lweSivumelwano Sesikweletu kufanele kuvunyelwane ngalo phakathi kwami ne-Truworths futhi lubhalwe phansi. I did however pay something as per monthly arrangements. Truworths may also share this confidential and consumer credit information (including information regarding non-compliance with my obligations under my Agreement) as well as any information regarding my Account, including my Application, opening and closing of my Account, with any other credit provider and credit bureau for, amongst other things, the purposes of such credit bureau sharing such information with other potential credit providers and credit bureau. Lezi zimali, izinhlawulo nezindleko ngeke zibe ngaphezu kwalezo ezivunyelwe uMthetho Wezikweletu Kazwelonke, uma kunesidingo. The fee is non-refundable and will be debited to my Account once each year when it will accrue to Truworths in full. Sicela ubheke izinga leNzalo Ephezulu esigabeni In this instance I may exercise my right to substitute the Truworths Account Balance Protection Insurance policy with one of my own similar policies, provided I furnish proof to the satisfaction of Truworths that Truworths is recorded as the loss payee in my policy. Truworths TRUWORTHS ACCOUNT. Before signing this Agreement please read the Retail Credit Terms and Conditions.Credit Limit: Your credit limit will be the amount determined by us from time to time and notified to you.Repayments: Each month you must pay to us at least the minimum repayment, which is the total interest and administration charge together with a percentage of the principal amount outstanding shown on your monthly statement. I may further challenge any information held by the credit bureau that I believe is incorrect. My account is in arrears. Truworths Limited is a leading fashion retailer operating over 64 branches across Zimbabwe under the Truworths, Topics and Number 1 brands,   HEAD OFFICE: Stand 808 Seke Road Prospect Industrial ParkP.O. Truworths, please note that you may miss out on LP benefits. Ek begryp dat Truworths hierdie Rekeninglimiet na goeddunke tydelik kan My Kredietgerief (my “Rekening”) sal ’n maksimum kredietlimiet (“Kredietlimiet”) toegeken word soos bepaal deur Truworths, Truworths kan hierdie bepalings en voorwaardes ná ten minste 5 (vyf) werksdae se skriftelike kennisgewing wysig, mits sodanige wysigings my aanspreeklikheid ingevolge my Kredietooreenkoms met Truworths verminder, en/of die Kredietlimiet wat vir my Kredietgerief geld een keer per jaar outomaties verhoog, indien ek dit verkies. Die Nasionale Verbruikerskommissie kan gekontak word by: Faks: 0861 515 259 E-pos: [email protected]. In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this Credit Agreement are for any reason held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability will not affect any other provision of this Credit Agreement, which will be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been included, and the Credit Agreement will be given effect as nearly as possible according to its original terms and intent. I always make sure I pay the amount im supposed to pay as I do not want a bad credit. 101 [protected] I have been at home since the Covid19 outbreak. I have proof of payments for both these payments. and such other credit bureaus that Truworths may engage from time to time. soos Truworths uitsluitlik na goeddunke bepaal. However, it faces a constrained local consumer and has one in five account customers are in arrears, up from 13% the year before. Truworths Limited: Reg. Aterese ya Poso: PO Box 4775, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa. Truworths' public officer is Annalize Kirsten, who can be contacted on +27 (0)21 460 7911 +27 (0)21 460 7911. If I was over-indebted when this Credit Facility was granted, then the debt counsellor will make a recommendation and refer it to the relevant Court or Tribunal for the agreement to be declared reckless. The fee payable at the relevant time will be specified in the Quotation and/or otherwise notified to me in writing. Ngingasebenzisa Ikhadi lami ukuthenga izingubo ngezinhlelo zokukhokha ezihlukene ezitholakala ezweni engivule kulo i-Akhawunti yami futhi ezithintekayo ekuthengeni okunjalo njengoba kunqunywe yi-Truworths ngokombono wayo ozimele ngesikhathi sokuthenga. Ngiyavisisa kutsi uma ngabe ngivule I-akhawunti yami eNingizimu Afrika, iTruworths ikhetse Silinganisontalo Lesikhulu lesincunywe nguMtsetfo waVelonkhe weTikweleti, noma Umtsetfo weKubolekisa ngeMali ngeSilinganisontalo lesikhulu esehlakalweni sema-akhawunti lavulwe ngembi kwamhla lulunye (1) Inhlaba 2007, njengesilinganisontalo lesincumako (silinganisontalo lesincuma letinye tilinganisontalo) senjongo yekuncuma Silinganiso Lesivunyiwe lesisebenta ku-Akhawunti yami. 1 Mostert Street, Cape Town, South Africa (eo ho tloha mona e tla bitswa "Truworths"). Inhlawulo yekuphutselwa yekulawula uma ngabe I-akhawunti yami isalele emuva noma uma ngingasigcini lesivumelwano, kanye nanoma ngutiphi tindleko iTruworths lengangena kuto mayihambela imali yayo ngaphasi kwalesivumelwano kufaka ekhatsi tinhlawulo temtsetfo letingeke tibe ngetulu kwaleto letivunyelwe nguMtsetfo weBameli, Umtsetfo weNkantolo Lephakeme, Umtsetfo weNkantolo yaMantji kanye neMtsetfo weKugcogcwa Kwetikweleti, uma ngabe uyasebenta. Posadres: Posbus 4775, Kaapstad, 8000, Suid-Afrika, Truworths' public officer is Annalize Kirsten, who can be contacted on +27 (0)21 460 7911, Truworths Limited: Nmr. Truworths tree op in Suid-Afrika as ’n verteenwoordiger van Hollard Life Assuransiemaatskappy Beperk en Hollard Life Versekeringsmaatskappy Beperk vir die promosie en verskaffing van onderskeidelik Rekeningsaldo-dekkingsversekering en Selfoonversekering. I understand that if I opened my Account in South Africa, Truworths has selected the Maximum Interest Rate prescribed by the National Credit Act, or the Usury Act in the case of accounts opened before 1 June 2007, as the reference rate for purposes of determining the Agreed Rate applicable to my Account. Bevestiging van sodanige versekering en polisbesonderhede sal per e-pos aan my gestuur word, of op versoek aan my genomineerde pos- of fisiese adres gepos word. A default administration charge should my Account be in arrears or should I be in breach of this agreement, and any collection costs that Truworths may incur in enforcing my monetary obligations under this agreement including legal charges which will not exceed those allowed by the Attorneys Act, Supreme Court Act, Magistrates Court Act and the Debt Collectors Act, if applicable. No interest charged on account except on accounts in arrears which are charged interest of 5% on the monthend balance. On the 9th of June, I received sms's that my account is in arrears - which I wasn't aware of. A service charge of 0.5% is charged monthly on the current balance after the 1.5% interest has been added to the balance shown as outstanding on your account at close of business on the last calendar day of each month. All participants in the LP must be 18 years or older and resident in South Africa. Truworths, kamora ho fuwa tsebiso ya bonyane matsatsi a 5 (hlano) a kgwebo e ka fetola ditlhoko le dipehelo tsena ha feela diphetoho tse jwalo di fokotsa boikarabello b aka tlasa Tumellano ya Mokitlane le Truworths, le/kapa ho eketsa ka ho iketsa Moedi wa Mokitlane o sebetsang bakeng sa Phumantsho ya Mokitlane ya ka hang ka selemo haeba ke kgethile ho etsa jwalo. Username * E-mail address * Create new account . amendments will be updated and made available on the Truworths website. Imali lefanele kutsi ikhokhwe sitolimenti senyanga (lesincunywa ngekuya kweluhlelo/tinhlelo tekukhokha te-Akhawunti yami) kanye netimali letisalele emuva kanye nentalo netimali letivumelekile letihlawulwako. indien my Rekening in Suid-Afrika geopen is, of na enige toepaslike liggaam of reguleerder in die land waar ek my Rekening geopen het. Molaodi wa Mekitlane Naha a ka fumanwa ho: Khomishene ya Bareki ya Naha e ka fumaneha ho: Nomorong ya Karolelano ya Ditjeho (Share Call): 0860 266 786. Ukuhlukahluka EZingeni Okuvunyelwana Ngalo. Ek begryp dat Truworths hierdie Uma ngikubikile ukuthenga okunjalo, i-Truworths ngeke ingithwese icala ngaphandle uma isiginesha yami ikhona ku-invoice noma kunobunye ubufakazi bokuthenga noma i-Truworths ingabonisa ukuthi yimina ogunyazile noma obethenga. Uma kwenzeka umbandela owodwa noma ngaphezulu equkethwe kulesi Sivumelwano Sesikweletu nganoma isiphi isizathu ingasebenzi, ingekho emthethweni futhi ingenakusebenziseka nganoma iyiphi indlela, ukungasebenzi okunjalo, ukungqubuzana nomthetho noma ukungasebenziseki okunjalo ngeke kuthinte noma imuphi omunye umbandela walesi Sivumelwano Sesikweletu, okuyothathwa ngokuthi umbandela onjalo ongasebenzi, ongekho emthethweni noma ongasebenziseki wawungafakwanga, futhi iSivumelwano Sesikweletu siyosetshenziswa cishe ngokuvumelana nemibandela nezinhloso zokuqala. I am quite appalled as I did let Truworths know, two months ago, and asked them to note this on the system. Truworths may upon written notice of at least 5 (five) business days amend these terms and conditions provided that such changes reduce my liability under my Credit Agreement with Truworths, and/or automatically increase the Credit Limit applicable to my Credit Facility once annually if so elected by me. with arrears accounts attracting interest at 5% per month on the full balance. Tel: +27 (0)21 460 2300 +27 (0)21 460 2300, Postal Address: PO Box 4775, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa. Ke utlwisisa hore haeba ke bula Akhaonto ya ka kantle ho Afrika Borwa sekgahla sa referense e tla ba sekgahla se ka hodimodimo se laetsweng ke molao o lokelang wa naha e amehang eo ke butseng akhaonto ho yona. the account total) to Truworths before the payment due date (as reflected on my monthly statement), no interest will be charged. You can pay using any of the following payment options: Truworths account card, Visa card (both credit and debit), Mastercard (both credit and debit) Box 2898, Harare (+263)783508479 (263 4)576471/7 / 576737 /576463, TRUWORTHS CREDIT APPLICATION TERMS & CONDITIONS. 1 Mostert Street, Cape Town, South Africa (lapha lebitwa ngekutsi "yiTruworths"). The amount of the minimum repayment and the repayment date will be sent to you by SMS and email, (where available).Interest and Charges: Our charges for services in relation to the schemes are: Interest is charged from the last day of each calendar month based on the closing current balance of the account. The doubtful debt provision to gross trade receivables decreased to 12.3% from 12.7% at June 2017 while net bad debt to gross trade receivables decreased to 14.7% from 15.0%. Truworths will send me a charge card (my “Card”) which I will be responsible for. Within 30 business days of any such variation, Truworths will inform me in writing, via my monthly statement of account or otherwise, of the variation, which shall be by fixed relationship to the change in the applicable reference rate. no. For additional information or any queries, please phone 0861 878967 or visit, T&C’s FOR THE APPLICATION FOR, AND GRANTING OF CREDIT, AND SALE, ( All current Truworths account holders and all applicants for credit (the latter subject to the further terms and conditions herein but word op alle rentedraende betalingsplanne wat ek gebruik, gehef word, of – in die geval van rekenings wat voor 1 Junie 2007 geopen is – Truworths e tla nthomella karete ya ditheko (“Karete” ya ka) eo ke tla ikarabella bakeng sa yona. ITruworths itangivumela kubuyisela emuva noma kuntjintjisa imphahla kungakapheli emalanga lange-30 kusukela ngelilanga lengayitsenga ngalo kuphela nje uma ngabe: ITruworths itakuvuma kubuyiselwa imali lephelele ngendlela lenguyonayona yethenda noma yente ikhredithi ku-Akhawunti yakaTruworths kuphela nje uma ngabe: Nanoma kunjalo, kwengeta ekwenetiseni timo tetigaba se-11.1 nese-11.2, ngiyacaphela kutsi: Angeke kuvunyelwe kubuyisela emuva esitolo tembatfo tangaphasi (imibekelo/imicaliselo), emakhadi etipho, i-airtime yamakhalekhikhini letsengwako, bucwebe lobungemacici emtimba (kufaka ekhatsi emacici asetindlebeni), sifonyo kanye nemikhicito yetibulalimagciwane tekugeza tandla. Ke utlwisisa hore ke tlameha ho tsebisa Truworths haeba Bokgoni ba ka bo mpefala kamora tekanyo ya pele ya ka ya Bokgoni ha Moedi wa Mokitlane wa ka o ne o lekanng wa qalong. Ek kan in hierdie geval my reg uitoefen om Truworths se Rekeningsaldo-dekkingsversekeringspolis met een van my eie, soortgelyke polisse te vervang, mits ek volgens Truworths se oordeel afdoende bewys kan lewer dat Truworths as die verliesbegunstigde aangeteken is. Be sure to provide us with your latest email, cell phone number Sekgahla se Dumellanweng ho hang se ke ke sa feta sekgahla sa referense se hlalositsweng ka tlase mona. Uma nginoMshuwalense Wokuvikela Ibhalansi Ye-akhawunti yase-Truworths ngiyavuma ukuboshwa yimigomo nemibandela yepholisi yomshuwalense othintekayo otholakala uma ngiwucela nakuwebhusayithi ye-Truworths ( Minimum installment amount is $10. 1940/013923/06 (if my Account is opened in South Africa); Truworths (Namibia) Limited: Reg. If I am married in community of property I confirm that I have obtained the permission of my spouse to open this Account and to accept increases in the Credit Limit and/or Account Limit applicable to my Account. This number is used as a reference. I-Truworths iyaligodla ilungelo lokungikhokhisa inhlawulo yokuvulwa kwe-akhawunti uma ngivula i-Akhawunti yami (inani elizochazwa eSilinganisweni futhi okufanele ngilikhokhe kusengaphambi kwesikhathi kunokuba linezelwe kwibhalansi engiyikweletayo). Balanse e kolotwang e bopilwe ka tjeho ya ditheko tse entsweng Akhaontong ya ka jwalo ka ha e bontshitswe diinvoeseng tse fanweng ho nna ka nako ya ho reka, mmoho le tswala efe kapa efe e dumellehang mme e dumellanweng, ditefiso tsa qalo, ditefiso tsa tshebeletso, dipremiamo tsa inshorense, ditjeho tsa tsamaiso ya ditefello tse saletseng morao le ditjeho tsa pokeletso ya mokitlane di ka lefiswa Akhaontong ya ka ha ho tlositswe ditefo dife kapa dife kapa diphetisetso tsa tjhelete tse entsweng akhaontong ya ka. Below is a copy of my email. I have just received a sms stating that I cannot use my account as my account is arrears. Ngiyaqonda ukuthi i-Truworths ngokombono wayo ingenyusa lo Mkhawulo Wesikweletu okwesikhashana ngenxa yesicelo sami, ukuze ngikwazi ukuthenga izimpahla ezithile ebeziyokwenza ukuba ngeqele ngalé kwalo Mkhawulo Wesikweletu. 4.5. The nature, extent, applicability and frequency of these benefits will be determined by Truworths and communicated to qualifying LP participants from time to time. Interest is charged and may be waived on my Account as follows: I understand that if I pay the balance owing on the Account (i.e. I understand that in terms of the South African money laundering legislation, Truworths has a duty to report suspicious or unusual transactions involving unlawful activities in accordance with the obligations placed on business in this regard. Die betaalbare saldo bestaan uit die koste van aankope wat op my Rekening gedoen is, soos dit verskyn op die fakture wat aan my uitgereik is ten tyde van die aankope, saam met enige toegelate en ooreengekome rente, aanvangsfooie, diensfooie, versekeringspremies, wanbetalingsadministrasiekostes en invorderingskostes wat op my Rekening gehef kan word, minus enige betalings wat gedoen is of krediet wat op my Rekening ingeskryf word. Totdat die rentekoers gevarieer word op die manier wat hieronder beskryf word, sal rente teen die koers wat in die Kwotasie gespesifiseer hieronder omskryf word, oorskry nie. Umhlomulo Wokuvikelwa Emgunyathini ungivikela ekusetshenzisweni okungagunyaziwe kanye/noma ukuthenga ngomgunyathi nge-Akhawunti yami. huishoudelike uitgawes van my maandelikse huishoudelike inkomste afgetrek is (“Bekostigbaarheid”) – in ag neem, welke ya ngodiso CO2007/5848 (haeba akhaonto ya ka e butswe Botswana), No. These LP Terms may vary from time to time and I went and paid the arrears to get my account up to date. Haeba Tumellano ya Mokitlane ya ka e kenetswe pele ho la 1 Phuptjane 2007 ho rekotwa hore hobane mokitlane o se fanweng ho nna e bile sa sebopeho sa Phumantsho ya Mokitlane e iphetaphetang, tlhahisoleseding e latelang hajwale ha e tsejwe mme ha e kgone ho tsejwa e sa le pele ho nako: Beng ba diakhaonto tsohle tse teng hajwale le bakopi bohle ba mokitlane (bakopi ba mokitlane ba laolwa ke ditlhoko le dipehelo tse boletsweng kahare mona empa ho sa natswe hore na mokitlane o feela o fanwe kapa tjhe) ba tshwaneleha ka tsela e iketsahallang hore ba ka nka karolo Lenaneong la Tlhapiso ya Botshepehi. Sumaya Abrahams Acc No. Truworths that is. You may repay in full the current balance as outstanding by the close of business on the last calendar day of the month in which case no interest will be charged in relation to the current balance on purchases. A transaction-based service fee may be charged by Truworths and debited to my Account for cheques issued by me and returned by the bank for whatever reason or for debit orders that are not processed by the bank due to a lack of funds. ITruworths ngekubona kwayo ingenta kutsi Umshwalensi weKuvikela Ibhalansi ye-Akhawunti (i-ABP-C) ube yintfo lesibopho sekutsi ube ne-Akhawunti yakaTruworths. I understand further that by written notice to Truworths I may at any time reduce the Credit Limit and/or Account Limit applicable to my Credit Facility, or stipulate the Credit Limit and/or Account Limit that I am prepared to accept on the Credit Facility. Die Ooreengekome Koers sal nooit die betrokke verwysingskoers wat 108/1961 (indien my Rekening in Swaziland geopen is); Lendzima lena isebenta kuphela kuma-akhawunti lavulwe eNingizimu Afrika. of gesteel word, sal ek onmiddellik my plaaslike Truworths-winkel in kennis stel of die Klantedienshulplyn skakel by Cellphone and cellular accessory purchases on my Truworths Account will only be allowed after six (6) months from the date of opening the account and only if Truworths merchandise has been purchased regularly on such account. in kennis moet stel indien my Bekostigbaarheid afneem (minder word). Truworths Call Centre Address: 1 Mostert St, Central, Western Cape, 8001, South Africa City of Cape Town Post Office box: 600, Cape Town, 8000 Phone number: 021 460 2300,, Fax: 021 460 7070 Categories: Call Centre Services, . ITruworths ingaba nelilungelo, ngaphandle kwekungatisa, lekwendlulisa nanoma nguliphi lemalungelo ayo bese yendlulisa nanoma ngutiphi tibopho tayo ngekwemibandzela yaleSivumelwano seSikweleti itendlulisele kumuntfu wesitsatfu. Inzalo izokhokhiswa futhi ingase ichithwe kwi-Akhawunti yami ngale ndlela: Umthetho Wezikweletu Kazwelonke unquma Izinga Lenzalo Eliphezulu elingase likhokhiswe eNingizimu Afrika uma kubhekwa i-repo rate, ITruworths itangitfumelela likhadi lekukhokha (“Likhadi” lami) lengitawuba nesibopho sekuligcina. Ke utlwisisa hore Sekgahla se Dumellanweng ka boikgethelo ba Truworths se ka fokoletswa sekgahleng se tlase kapa sa nyahlatswa ka hohlehohle morerong wa dikgwedi tse 6 o kgethehileng le mererong e meng ya ditefo haeba e ne e fanwe ho nna ka boikgethelo ba Truworths, ka pehelo ya hore Akhaonto ya ka e ke ke ya salla morao ka ditefello empa haeba seo se etsahala Truworths e tla lefisa tswala Akhaontong ka Sekgahla sa Tswala se Hodimodimo.
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