Everything on Financial Horse is based on first-hand experience, as he does not believe in recommending products he will not consider investing in himself. Got it. Please see this SEC document to explain how this would work. Unbeknownst to him, Thursday is Biden’s inauguration, causing him to cancel his livestream and shifted it to friday. Wait it out because they are positioned so well that interest means nothing and they don't think there is any hope of us rising to those levels. The shorts partially covered and this was a partial short squeeze, but the price increase was mainly hype and gamma squeezes. Pretty unbelievable stuff. The institutions will try to bring the price down, but it remains to be seen who will win this battle. Previous short squeeze case studies such as VW or KBIO were all about someone engineering a way for effective float to evaporate, suddenly leaving what was previously a relatively reasonable aggregate short interest position in a world of hurt. She is a Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine, and previously served as the Pennsylvania Physician General from 2015 to 2017. Twice. Several things need to take place for this to be completely over, at which point I will either post my gains or my losses from the adventure. (2020), Top 5 High Yield REITs in Singapore to buy now (2019). I hope we can discuss some of these points in the comments like adults and truly try to grasp this wild situation we are all in. This will be the first time this new board addresses the public with their plans for the future and for the first time since this entire adventure began, the "dying brick and mortar" narrative will finally begin to change in the public eye. It’s going to be an amazing one. SIA’s rise explained – Was I wrong to not buy this stock? When friday came, everyone on WSB was anticipating Gamestop to dip and planned to buy the “dip”. 02/24 - The next FINRA short interest information will be made readily available to the public. Its just a comical attempt by Andrew left (Citron Representative) to push the price down by livestream. With 4.3M subscribers and growing, if everyone at WallStreetBets puts in $1000, that is already $4.3B right there. Sadly, this puts us in the guessing range yet again. If you want to learn more about FTD's and the implications there please visit that site or review my last post which has links to follow for further reading. It will certainly be interesting and I don't even to speculate on the market reaction to this even because it could go a ton of different ways; it will be an important date nonetheless. The exact date is slightly irrelevant because I highly doubt all of these FTD's are going to deliver on the same exact day. This is highly unlikely unless there is another global sentiment. The greatest short squeezes pretty much originate when a person or group attempts to corner the market. Which triggers a Gamma Squeeze sending the short price higher. There are extremes on both sides from "get over it, the squeeze happened" to a cult like mentality on the other extreme. The shorts in fact covered and this was a short squeeze. After this, He twittered that he was hack which was meme-ed alot at his expenses. https://www.ft.com/content/4f76d769-4460-450f-9373-1e54f7da6c19. Some, probably the worst positions, were covered on the way up. Once this is all said and done and I think either the shorts truly have covered or they simply got away with it (Beginning of April), I will be posting my DD for GME as a long play regardless of the squeeze mechanics. It's possible that shorts opened new positions at $50 thinking it was going back to $12. I digress. As investors and individuals involved in the world of finance, this situation should absolutely intrigue us whether or not we are involved. The 20 small-cap Russell 2000 index companies with the biggest bearish bets against them have risen 60% on average so far this year. There are an increasing number of names being bandied about on WallStreetBets from AMC, Nokia, Blackberry to Bed Bath and Beyond etc. In fact, the content is not directed to any investor or potential investor and may not be used to evaluate or make any investment. (I was one of them). I see several possibilities and would like to discuss them in the comments. The reason for this is I believe in Cohen and his team to turn this into something unexpected and I imagine an eventual ROI. Finally, it is nowhere near leaving the global stage with important upcoming dates that we will discuss later. 42% is still very high which means a squeeze is inevitable so long as the company continues in a positive path. Don’t forget also to join our Telegram Channel and Instagram! Again, we fall into a "what-if" scenario regarding shorting on the way back down. In recent months, things have started to turn around, because of (1) GameStop’s new management has unveiled plans to turnaround the business (rebrand as a shared space for gamers, and also tap into ecommerce), and (2) the new console cycle has been good for physical game trading. TL;DR: I am still bullish on this scenario even at 42%, if it really is 78% then I am extremely bullish. Over the past few years, the shorts made a ton of money, because GameStop’s business has not been doing well. Before I begin I would like to address something I have been encountering on my posts in the comments section. Let's not speculate too much here either, it's just another dataset that will bring light to the direction this is headed. Very timely. The modus operandi seems to be to select a bunch of hypey stocks (eg. The shorts partially covered and this was a partial short squeeze. Europe’s most-shorted stocks saw big price swings on Wednesday. Following next, people starting to realize that the video quality was absolutely shit and he was streaming it on a phone. In fact, short squeezes are far more common than one would think, they just typically happen over months, if not years and the shorts cover on dips so you don't even notice it's happening. The headlines surrounding GameStop's future plans will be very interesting to read and the markets reaction will be far more interesting. Many mistakes were made on friday by andrew left. What's interesting here is even if the shorts 100% covered all of their positions, they very well could have shorted on the way back down. This support was lost today and found new support at $50. This is more akin to a gamble than it is investing. If you are in doubt as to the action you should take, please consult your stock broker or financial advisor. But whatever you do, DO NOT short this stock. That would mean shorts would have no problem opening positions at 100,70,60, even $50. The moment he livestream, 3k people was piling up on his stream. However, that does not mean it will ever actually happen. We appreciate that you have chosen our cheap essay service, and will provide you with high-quality and low-cost custom essays, research papers, term papers, speeches, book reports, and other academic assignments for sale. The FINRA short data is always two weeks old and suggesting that we can't pull any information from it at all is asinine. The new shorts that entered at lower levels wouldn't be too hard to catch, however, they are probably low volume, so when they buy to close, it won't be large enough volumes for massive peaks, but a bull run very well could lead to these lower tiered shorts closing, triggering a gamma squeeze. Some combination of the above 3. Now, I think the website is having some issues storing cookies because it will show the outdated 226% unless you open it up in incognito. It will require close monitoring of wsb, not to mention that such intended manipulation is completely illegal. This scenario does not pass the math check using the 41.95% figure. Really tough to say what’s coming next though. Although there was some party who harressed Andrew left family member, which i strongly condone. (Guide), 20 small-cap Russell 2000 index companies, Which is the best Stock Broker for Singapore Investors? I have been asked a lot what my PT is and when I expect the squeeze to happen, but let me be clear. Again, don’t know how this ends, but when things get this euphoric and frothy, it almost never ends well. BlackBerry soared 185% on Tuesday, and Nokia also saw a surge. This is more speculation than investment but given that relatively small bets can actually lead to life changing returns, it may be worthwhile to buy a few lottery tickets to the game. This hasn't been the case for around 6 months now, but this will be the first time it is publicly address. I also firmly believe a significant amount of short positions were opened on the way back down by both HF's and individuals. This is big too for several reasons. As at Dec 2020, short volume was a whopping 139% of shares outstanding – you read that right, short volume is higher than the amount of shares, which means a whole bunch of people are doing naked shorts (they don’t have the underlying stock). A Family Reunion (4.80): A brother and sister discover each other on July 4.
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