@slm nice find.
Se você estiver visitando nossa versão não-inglesa e quiser ver a versão em inglês de 0-mata, por favor, role até o fundo e verá o significado de 0-mata em inglês. Além de OK, 0-mata pode ser curto para outras siglas. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. За всички значения на OK, моля, кликнете върху "More ". Start here for a quick overview of the site
Освен 0-убива, OK има други значения. Featured on Meta
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Using this logic right now in a script i am writing, thanks.In addition to telling you if the PID is alive, it also effectively tells you if it's still running a process from your UID, since you don't have permission to send signals to other UIDs (unless you're root). It only takes a minute to sign up.This one is a little hard to glean but if you look in the following 2 man pages you'll see the following notes:So signal 0 will not actually in fact send anything to your process's PID, but will check whether you have permissions to do so.One obvious place would be if you were trying to determine if you had permissions to send signals to a running process via Now in another window if we run this command we can confirm that that PID is running.Now let's try this command to see if we have access to send that PID signals via So it works, but the output is leaking a message from the Keep in mind that even if there is a running process with the expected PID and permissions, this is not necessarily the process that you expect. The Overflow Blog
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. null signal), error checking is performed but no signal is actually Jei lankotės mūsų ne angliškoje versijoje ir norite matyti 0-žudo anglišką versiją, slinkite žemyn į apačią ir pamatysite 0-žudo reikšmę anglų kalba. This is a list of etymologies proposed for the word OK or okay.The majority can be easily …
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OK 0-kills anlamına gelir.
sent. Те са изброени по-долу вляво. Anybody can answer
OK'lerin kısaltmasının bankacılık, bilgisayar, eğitim, finans, devlet ve sağlık gibi sektörlerde yaygın olarak kullanıldığını unutmayın. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company
Țineți minte că abrevierea OK este utilizată pe scară largă în industrii ar fi bancare, de calcul, educaționale, finanțe, guvernamentale, și de sănătate.
The funny part comes right now: there is a plenty of speculations about the etimology of “OK“ (like the Zero Killed theory), and many of them are hylarious: From the Choctaw language, a pivot language of the American Old West times, where the word "Okeh" is pronounced the same (but where the meaning of "Okay" is translated as "Ohmi")
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