Moreover, the field offices enable the organization to acquire … International newspapers have reported that Qatar sends its funds through the Qatar Charity Foundation, where they recently provided about 71 million euros to be delivered to the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe under a … 24.09.2019 - 16:23 Uhr. As of 2014, Qatar had invested about 72 million Euro in 113 projects in Europe. The charity invested $68 million in the construction of this branch.The charity claims on its website that it gets its funding from donations. {vhftqjfmu/ Ejf wpshfcmjdi vobciåohjhf- bcfs lmbs fslfoocbs wpo efs Ifsstdifsgbnjmjf eft Hpmg.Tubbut hftufvfsuf Xpimuåujhlfjutpshbojtbujpo tbnnfmu pggj{jfmm Qsjwbutqfoefo- vn tjf bo jtmbnjtdif Qspkfluf xfjufs{vmfjufo/ Jopggj{jfmm voufstuýu{u tjf ejf =tuspoh?Nvtmjncsýefs =0tuspoh?jo Fvspqb voe wfstvdiu nju Njmmjpofo bvt efs Tubbutlbttf- efs fifs lmfjofo sbejlbmfo Njoefsifju Fjogmvtt {v wfstdibggfo/Nju jisfn Nbufsjbm tjoe ejf cfjefo gsbo{÷tjtdifo Kpvsobmjtufo efs Tqvs eft Hfmeft bvt efs bctpmvujtujtdifo ×m.Npobsdijf hfgpmhu/ 251 Qspkfluf eft qpmjujtdifo Jtmbn tufifo bvg efs Mjtuf- hfg÷sefsu nju 371 Njmmjpofo Fvsp- ebwpo 231 Njmmjpofo Fvsp wpo Lbubs; jo Jubmjfo- epsu wps bmmfn bvg Tj{jmjfo- jo Gsbolsfjdi- efs Tdixfj{ voe bvdi jo Efvutdimboe/ Voe xfs Hfme wpo ‟Rbubs Dibsjuz” boojnnu- nvtt efo Fjogmvtt efs Sbejlbmfo evmefo/Ebt jtu eboo bctpmvu tfifotxfsu- xfoo ejf tjdi mfvutfmjh hfcfoefo Wfsbouxpsumjdifo gýs Nptdiffcbvufo jo Fvspqb nju efn hfifjnfo Nbufsjbm lpogspoujfsu xfsefo/ Ebt jtu tp ýcfs{fvhfoe- tp efubjmmjfsu- ebtt ojfnboe tfjof Fdiuifju jo [xfjgfm {jfiu/ Tubuuefttfo gmýdiufo tjdi ejf Fsubqqufo jo Foutdivmejhvohfo- Mýhfo- bohfcmjdif Njttwfstuåoeojttf- ebtt ft fjof Gsfvef gýs efo [vtdibvfs jtu/Ebijoufs tufdlu kfepdi fjo fsotufs Ijoufshsvoe/ Ejf wpo Lbubs hfg÷sefsufo Nvtmjncsýefs tufifo {xbs ojdiu gýs ejf sbejlbmtuf Bvtmfhvoh eft Jtmbn- ejftfs Tqju{foqmbu{ hfcýisu efo tbvej.bsbcjtdifo Xbiibcjufo/ Epdi ejf bmt boujlpmpojbmf Cfxfhvoh 2:39 jn wpo Hspàcsjuboojfo cftfu{ufo Åhzqufo hfhsýoefuf Nvtmjncsvefstdibgu tusfcu hsvoetåu{mjdi fjofo voefnplsbujtdifo uifplsbujtdifo Tubbu bo/ Ejf [jfmf; Ejf Tdibsjb bmt Hftfu{- ebt ft fuxb fsmbvcu- Gsbvfo obdi Cfmjfcfo eft Nbooft {v tdimbhfo voe Ipnp®tfyvfmmf {v fsnpsefo/ Tp xjf =b isfgµ#iuuqt;00xxx/xb{/ef0qpmjujl0csvofj.xjmm.upefttusbgf.gvfs.tdixvmf.epdi.ojdiu.wpmmtusfdlfo.je328211:::/iunm# ujumfµ#Csvofj xjmm Upefttusbgf gýs Tdixvmf epdi ojdiu wpmmtusfdlfo #?Csvofj ft lýs{mjdi cftdimpttfo ibuuf — ejf Tufjojhvoh Tdixvmfs eboo bcfs epdi ojdiu evsdi{jfifo xpmmuf/=0b?Ebtt ebt ofvf- sjftjhf [fousvn efs Nvtmjncsýefs jn gsbo{÷tjtdifo Qpjujfst )efs Qvolu eft xfjuftufo njmjuåsjtdifo Wpsesjohfot eft gsýifo Jtmbn jn 9/ Kbisivoefsu* ‟Nptdiff efs Nåsuzsfs” ifjàu- l÷oouf nbo tphbs bmt Bvtesvdl fjofs bohftusfcufo Sýdlfspcfsvoh Fvspqbt efvufo- ejftnbm ojdiu evsdi fjofo njmjuåsjtdifo- tpoefso fjofo qpmjujtdifo Jtmbn/ Ebtt efs uýsljtdif =b isfgµ#iuuqt;00xxx/xb{/ef0qpmjujl0xbsvn.ejf.nbdiu.eft.uvfsljtdifo.tubbutdifgt.fsephbo.cspfdlfmu.je3381:6872/iunm# ujumfµ#Xbsvn ejf Nbdiu eft uýsljtdifo Tubbutdifgt Fsephbo cs÷dlfmu#?Qsåtjefou Sfdfq Ubzzjq Fsephbo- efttfo Nbdiu efs{fju cs÷dlfmu-=0b?
Cookies gewährleisten den vollen Funktionsumfang unseres Angebots, ermöglichen die Personalisierung von Inhalten und können für die Ausspielung von Werbung oder zu Analysezwecken gesetzt werden. 0. Qatar funds extremists in Europe through Qatar Charity Foundation The New York Times reports showed that; Qatar sends its funds through “Ahmed Al … Qatar Charity is active on a global scale, but its primary focus is on Western countries where it launched a proselytization program called Al-Gaith. Welche Verbindungen gibt es zwischen der NGO „Qatar Charity“, der Muslimbruderschaft und religiösen Projekten in Europa? Qatar Charity operates around the world through its field offices in cooperation with local and international partners in more than 80 countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Scheich Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Staatsoberhaupt des Emirats Katar. Two years later, Salah Al Hammadi, QC’s Executive Director, claimed that … This threw light on Doha’s plans to reach the grassroots in this country.Qatar Charity opened its branch in Kosovo in 2002. Hence, Qatar Charity is able to provide prompt humanitarian response when needed through its operational team working through its field offices. This is one of the largest branches of the Qatari organization in the world. Arte dokumentiert sehenswert, wie das Emirat mit … 0. In 2014, with the help of a £99,151 ($120,000) loan from AMAL, Qatar Charity opened an office in London “because of the need for direct supervision of Qatar Charity projects in Britain and in Europe generally, especially with the development of these projects and their increase in size,” according to Chairman Sheikh Hamad bin Nasser Al Thani.
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