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She cannot keep up with your roams and sucks at cs'ing under turret. This is great for TF because you can make an aggressive play once this is active and gain a lot of tempo from it, such as a bot lane dive into a dragon secure. Mid Lane TF Guide. convikszyn Twisted Fate Guide. She also hits skillshots fairly easy on TF due to the fact that champion is not very mobile.
Stay as far away as possible, you don't want to take extended trades with her, poking doesn't even do much as she has insane sustain, you just have to wait for your jungler.Diana is quite difficult but not unmanageable. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. It's quite tough considering he can steal your ultimate, has incredible sustain and he can get on you. You can try to push in the wave, but if he's responding by pushing as well, I'd stay away, wait till he wastes his W, and then try to poke him down. You can't win pretty much any trades or all in's. Push in, and try to get out of the lane. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Keep cleanse or barrier to make sure you don't die, and try to get as much as possible while keeping her in lane, and after 6, just get out of there ASAP.
League of Legends Premiere Twisted Fate Strategy Builds and Tools. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote.Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue He has the annoying orange that negates your gold card which leaves him kind of ungankable in TF lane, and he can slow down your split-push with his ultimate. Always use your supreme range against Akali, poke her out, don't let her farm, and keep your gold card whenever she has 6 or bought items, because she will try to all in you. You shouldn't die though if you play correctly, and you can still impact the map.You're on the clock. 56.10 % 54.66 % 54.58 % Twisted Fate gets countered. Recommended ZHONYA'S.One of the most underrated toxic matchups. You win pre-6, get the hell out of the lane, and never fight him 1 on 1. Đăng bởi: Admin | Cập nhật: 07/03/2020. (Exhaust or Barrier).
One of the most difficult matchups. She's extremely easily gankable.Aurelion Sol isn't much of a threat in itself. Mid Lane TF GuideDid this guide help you? [10.15] Twisted Frixen - Decide Your Fate. You can poke her,but stay as far away as possible, as as soon as she gets on to you, you're dead. It's not an easy matchup and definitely a loss post 11 levels. However, you push faster than her, so you can try to use that to your advantage, but be careful, if she's competent, she isn't going to let you walk up to the wave. You don't want to be teamfighting against syndra and pulling her out of the enemy team stack is more useful than anything else.One of the toughest matchups out there. He cannot follow your roams one bit as well as keep up with the split push later on.One of the most obnoxious matchups there is. She can roam almost just as well as you can, and she has superior wave clear. YouTube Twitch Support . This is a terrible matchup, please run bone plating and a defensive summoner spell. But she's also bad for Twisted Fate. He cannot keep up with roams, however you cannot all in him, almost ever. As easy as it is if you dodge everything, abuse his high cooldowns and mana issues to get more consistent results.One of the worst matchups there is.
The only way you can poke him, is whenever his W is down pre-6.Be careful of the cage, but besides that, it isn't too difficult of a matchup.
Do not all in her at any costs, try to push her in, and look to get out of the lane. POKE HIM. Her all in is extremely strong, so unless you play it right, you're a dead man. Roaming is hard due to her absolutely demolishing turrets, so only roam if you're 100% certain you will get something out of it.This is a completely skill matchup. Do stuff pre-11 because, post-11 he will just kill you. He has incredible all-in ability and sustain which leaves you in a bit of a tough spot.
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