giving a horrible solution and after letting her go.May be Mr. He is also physically more violent and protective of his students as he intimidates Bryce to ensure he stayed away from Jessica Davis and got into a physical altercation with Seth, Justin Foley’s abuser and boyfriend of his mother, when Seth demanded money from Mr. Porter that Justin stole. Mr. Porter tries to figure out the details of what happened but Hannah is vague and Mr. Porter hypothesizes that she may have consented to the sexual interaction but now simply regrets it, but Hannah denies this. Um die Ereignisse abschließen zu können, begraben Clay und seine Freunde die Aufnahmen, bevor sie zum College aufbrechen. They started fighting, which resulted in him getting arrested.Mr. It appears as though he realizes Ryan is lying about the circumstances by which he acquired the poem, and this may be one of his reasons for preventing Ryan from continuing to publish the Lost and Found. Later that day, he and Olivia Baker went to the Clubhouse after Chlöe told about it in court, but they didn't find anything.Mr. Porter got fired, and he left a stack of files for Principal Bolan with kids who he flagged as most critical and need a lot of attention.Mr. Mr. Porter asked her if she knows who might threaten her, and tried to convince her to reveal who her rapist is by saying it's safe and they can protect her.When leaving his house, Mr. Porter saw that a brick has been thrown through his car window with the message 'know your place' on it. He told her that if she was unable to tell him who the perpetrator is, that she needed to just move on with life. Porter's wife, Tracy, confronted Mr. Porter about having to bail him out of jail. Am Ende erfährt er von Alex, dass er es war, der Bryce getötet hat. Hannah then leaves the school, gets her things in order, delivers her tapes to Tony and the post office and then goes home and kills herself by cutting her wrists with razor blades, dying completely alone. Teachers are not properly trained in mental health and often do not know the proper protocols to follow, which can be very dangerous. Montgomery wird wegen der Misshandlung an Tyler verhaftet und anschließend im Gefängnis erstochen. Why or why not is Mr. Porter an inherently good or bad person? Porter then learns that her attacker is a senior and tells Hannah moving on will work because her attacker will be gone the following year, implying that doing nothing is her best option. What Happens To Mr Porter In 13 Reasons Why? Obwohl sie noch nicht lange an der Schule ist und die Ereignisse um Hannah nicht miterlebt hat, ist sie doch eng mit allem verflochten, da sie zum einen gut mit Clay und den anderen befreundet ist und zum anderen im Haus der Familie Walker wohnt, da ihre Mutter als Pflegerin für Bryce Walkers kranken Großvater arbeitet.
Although Anfang Mai 2017 wurde die Produktion einer 13-teiligen zweiten Staffel bestätigt, die am 18. mentioned that she wanted to end with her life and the solution he gave her was try to move on. Parents, educators, and mental health professionals have all had about a month to catch up on A common concern expressed among high school psychologists is that the show's revenge plot—the self-inflicted death of a student posthumously teased out over thirteen stories dedicated to the handful of people who wronged her—glorifies and sensationalizes suicide. Mr. Porter talked with Jessica about her quitting the cheerleading team. When Hannah was thinking about suicide she put it on a paper on thing they should discuss in class, … She also tells Porter that she has not a single friend after he asks if she cares about her friends and she believes that Clay now hates her. Mai 2018 veröffentlicht wurde. Der Zuschauer bekommt den Eindruck, dass jeder Einzelne Gründe für den Mord an Bryce Walker hat. Flashbacks reveal that Mr. Porter had been hired as Bryce’s private counselor due to Mrs. Walker not knowing what else to do after Bryce had fooled three therapists already. I'd take that a step further and suggest the show romanticizes mental illness altogether.But of all the show's frustrations, its most egregious one was its depiction of Mr. Porter, the school's counselor, stoically portrayed by Derek Luke. He and Coach Rick taught the baseball team about affirmative consent, and was, unlike Coach Rick, very serious about it.Mr. At school, Coach Rick told him that he got his friend to cover up the fight.When Sonya asked him if he agrees he couldn't have done more to help Hannah, Mr. Porter disagreed. Tote Mädchen lügen nicht (englischer Originaltitel: Thirteen Reasons Why, wörtlich: Dreizehn Gründe, warum) ist ein Jugendroman des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Jay Asher aus dem Jahr 2007.. Er erschien 2009 in der deutschen Übersetzung von Knut Krüger in München bei cbt sowie als Hörbuch in einer gekürzten Lesefassung, gelesen von Shandra Schadt und Robert Stadlober. Hannah of the book.I No one seems to care—not even the people they call colleagues.Scientists are looking more closely at how viruses and infections could influence our minds.As people shelter in place, experts are telling gun owners to keep their firearms unloaded and locked up.We asked real high school psychologists to weigh in. Staffel wird gezeigt, dass Zach Dempsey im November nach dem Homecomingspiel Bryce am Hafen so weit verprügelt hat, dass er selbst nicht mehr aufstehen konnte.