unending minutes in vampire heaven (girl ...
Je suis Québécoise, mais si je remonte à des centaines d'années, mes ancêtres sont Français. Karen gets a collect phone call from her fiancée Marcus who is currently serving time in San Quentin. Ok. Ask why there so sleepy and then let them rest
Stay the night and talk about feelings and watch movies
Pack your entire first-aid kit and run to his/her house
Be with them but be thinking about other girls/guys
At the butter company, an executive named Gary comes clean about his personal problems when his boss confronts him about his weird ad copy.
Im not his/her maid
Ally and Brody go on their first date which doesn't go well. Get pissed. to involved with anothter to care
Confront her and if she starts something, imma whop her azz
Couldnt care less at the moment. Judge Spencer gets chewed out by his superior for giving Rebecca a police escort to erase a text. A Night Under the Moon...(Girls Only!)
Ton âge?
Into the Sunset- 12
HOME ALONE(part 2)GIrLz OnlY!!!!
He/she can take care of him/her self. arent really paying attintion. How do you react? Say my good-byes and then go out and parrr-tayy
If there important, they can call back later
oh naw
Tags Questions Answers SEARCH. Say Good-bye and hope he has fun
Damand to know where they were last night and if they dont anwer, check there phone for anwers
I also made him/her snacks for the trip
3. Chloe has her boyfriend trapped in a wooden crate and feeds him almonds after he talks about equal rights for women.
probaly just a friend
its probaly not what it looks like
Rebecca imagines giving a radio interview about being a mother.
Ta date de fête? Tell them to not pick it up. He/she aint gonna touch ma man/woman
have fun...as long as he likes me She is also shocked when Trent reveals she took his virginity and this was his first time.
7,691 Responses.
I wouldnt be able to stay away from his voice b/c i might die
16 ans, mais beaucoup plus jeune dans mon coeur hihi 4. If they don't answer how you want them to: grab there phone and check messages and caller ID
Valencia shows an invitation she'd designed to Rebecca and Josh.
Everyone has late nights once in a whhile
I nurse him/her back to health with love and medicane
Completed 0 of 8 questions. At the Proctor residence, Scott and Paula are looking at the pregnancy test she just took which turned out positive.
Spend the night watching movies, eating, talking, pranking, telling jokes etc
Tell him to pick it up and or not to answer. Rebecca regales the Chan family with tales of her indiscretions at college.
Find Stories. feel heart broken and cry
Curse him/her out, Fight that skank, then go completly crazy, so crazy they call the cops and i get arrested
Filter Results By: Search For: ... Are u a crazy girlfriend/boyfriend?
Your boyfriend's phone shows that he has a missed call from a girl you don't know. Rush over and stay close the entire night. go and take care of him/her
Jessica 2.