Cyclistes; Épreuves; Watt the fuck ? So when Fortuneo-Samsic’s Andre Greipel unleashes 1,900 watts in a … En 1999, la salle de presse applaudit. Il établit le record de Semnoz, radar n° 6, avec 444 watts et 31 min 17 s pour grimper 11 km de Quintal (738 m) au crêt de Châtillon (1 655 m), avec une pente moyenne de 8,34 %. Cat 1 riders are usually over 70 and beyond.’Greg LeMond registered 92.5ml/kg/min, going some way to explaining how the American legend racked up three Tour de France titles.Even more impressive is Norwegian cyclist Oskar Svendsen, who registered the highest-ever VO2 max across any sport in 2012 at 97.5ml/kg/min.If we consider our cat 3 rider with a VO2 max of 60 as ‘Mr Average’, the top pros (at around 80) have an advantage of 33% in oxygen processing terms.But having a high VO2 max value alone is not enough to be a star rider.WattBike creator and sports scientist Eddie Fletcher says, ‘What’s more important is how long you can sustain a high percentage of your VO2 max.’ Which brings us on to threshold.A rider’s lactate threshold is the maximum steady-state riding intensity they can maintain without a significant build up of lactate.In other words, it’s the tipping point beyond which your body will rapidly fatigue to exhaustion.Professor Inigo San Millan compared the blood lactate figures of riders ranging from junior cyclists to amateurs to world-class.The data revealed that at a power output equal to 3 watts per kilo (W/kg), amateurs produced 37.5% more lactate, but nudge the power up a bit to 3.5W/kg and suddenly the figure jumped to 62.5% more.At 5.5W/kg (that’s kicking out 412W for a 75kg rider) the grimacing amateurs were producing 77% more lactate than the pros.Measuring physiological prowess in the lab is one thing, but when it comes to making comparisons out on the road, it’s all about power output.Froome’s data reveals an average power output of 414W for 41m28s, equating to 5.78W/kg, with Froome weighing 67kg.Team Sky’s head of athlete performance, Tim Kerrison, also revealed that Froome regularly exceeds a 30-minute power output of 419W (6.25W/kg) and for 60 minutes he would expect to ride at or above 366W (5.46W/kg).Also in the spotlight at the time were statistics from Dutch Newspaper AD published an article revealing power statistics for key stages of that year’s race. Stage 6 showed Dumoulin rode an average of 508.2W over a climb lasting 5m55s, equating to 7.0W/kg.Let’s give all these figures some context. One cool fact: A watt is a watt, whether on a bike or powering your home. So the proximity will allow reassessing performance of the record attempt during the attempt itself. The hour record for bicycles is the record for the longest distance cycled in one hour on a bicycle. Dans ce Tour, les plus hautes puissances moyennes de pédalage enregistrées sur des périodes de 15, 30 et 60 s étaient respectivement de 1028, 801 et 657 W. Ouch ! D’où l’idée d’examiner les records de puissance moyenne sur des durées courtes, moyennes et longues dans diverses situations de course.Dans ce Tour, les plus hautes puissances moyennes de pédalage enregistrées sur des périodes de 15, 30 et 60 s étaient respectivement de 1028, 801 et 657 W. Ouch ! Les champs obligatoires sont marqués d'une étoile Et, comme vous le confirmera notre chroniqueuse nutritionniste Catherine Naulleau, 3600 kJ, c’est à peu près la quantité d’énergie qu’on trouve dans un mélange de substrats énergétiques, soit des graisses, glucides et acides aminés.Si vous possédez un appareil affichant la puissance de pédalage et si vous demandez à un entraîneur compétent de vous concocter un plan d’entraînement, il commencera par vous faire faire un test d’évaluation de la puissance aérobie maximale (PAM).